Done Base Raided as well

Discussion in 'Direwolf20' started by Dionysus777, Oct 26, 2017.

  1. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    12:28 AM
    All I can guess is someone has worked out and exploit for the claim protection system.

    Our bases was fully protected and they have come in and made it look like swiss chese.

    They also look like the knew exactly where our stuff was as the are nice long straight line to it.

    Really freaking annoying.

    so yeah. sucks.

  2. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    8:28 AM
    I will go ahead and tag the @Moderator team for you so they can come and take a look into this. Could you provide coordinates just in case to provide some additional information for them?
  3. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    12:28 AM
    for the me systems?
  4. Peace7904

    Peace7904 Well-Known Member

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    Of the grief site please.
  5. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    (-3238,-2531,8) - (-3238,-2528,9)

    They took all 10 drives (of course they would but)

    Also entry point they used was (-3241,-2492,37)

    Oh and Thank You Peace :)
    [doublepost=1508985591][/doublepost]Sorry about the use of bad language, just frustrated.

    We (myself, and darkfairy06) had 100s of thosands of items so loosing them is a bit gutting.
    Peace7904 likes this.
  6. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    If by the time I get home (atleast 2 hours) this wasn't taken care of by another staff member, I will take a look at this.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  7. EldritchGuard

    EldritchGuard Active Member

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    Straight line sounds like an arcane bore
  8. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    R.I.P. Arcane Bores
  9. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    2:28 PM
    Hello Lucrensions, thank you for your patience.

    I have found the culprits and issued a proper punishment.
    I could only recover a few items that you will find in your base, I am terribly sorry for this. Please refer to our No Refund Policy for more information.

    Have a good day and a wonderful time on our network!
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  10. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for trying Kaymax! I do really apreciate it.

    As it stands they decimated us.. we have 8 fully populated ME Systems.

    Now when we started we obviously had nothing at all so rebuilding is not a problem, but im not sure i want to anymore.

    If all our hard work can be taken from us even though we have done everything we are aware of to protect ourselves is there anypoint?

    And I really want to know who stole from us, im guessing you cant tell but im gonna ask who was it?

    [doublepost=1509050415][/doublepost]one other question, is it the fact the items are no longer in game (ie they live in the void now) or is it a case of them being in the world just in a hidden location (they still exist just couldnt find them)
  11. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    2:28 PM
    About your concern of "what is the point of rebuildint everything if it can be taken away from us even while protected", I spent some time and successfully indentified the means the griefers used to bypass protection and that will be regulated accordingly when close to protections.

    I am sorry but we do not discuss griefers.

    Could be both, I couldn't find them in the griefer's base, and trust me I always put every bit of me into researches for items, as I like to think "what if that player was me?", but sometimes it isn't so easy, and I myself feel sad when I cannot locate the missing items.
    Again, sorry I could not find them, especially with ME Disks is terribly hard, cause griefers of course tend to empty them in their systems.
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  12. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    Fair enough,

    I do appreciate your support, Im just feeling a little bummed.

    And the great thing is you worked out the attack vector they were using so it wont happen again.

    Well at least I still have my machaniry and the logic press templates in my enderchest... did that last time because we lost our base for not logging in within the 2 week period.

    Thanks Kaymax, I may not have gotten my stuff back but i'll just have to grab my pickaxe and rebuild :)

    Take care and best wishes

    Lucrensions :)
    Kaymax likes this.

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