Done Unplayable lag

Discussion in 'Tekkit Legends' started by Lachim_Heigrim, Oct 25, 2017.

  1. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    5:36 AM
    Hi folks,

    Tekkit is lagging in a way it turns minecraft into turn-based strategy.

    You are either suffering a really horrible packet loss in your infra or the server JVM is before clinical death just refusing to let go.

    1) Breaking blocks lags. I get repeatable disconnects. Had to wait 10-15 seconds for server to "drop" mined blocks. Interestingly I go to MyM lobby instead of getting "Time out" screen in client. Seeing that behavior for the first time ever.

    2) Opening chest takes ages, have to repeat the action serveral times. Crafting is impossible. Have to re-craft several times.

    Interestingly this has been going on since about Saturday (I was not on yesterday).
    Would be good if you gave some love to the ol'Tekkit.

    Additionally Nether is and has been harvested clean for ages. I know there's auto reset but it's been a while. Spawning seems mildly broken, I have not seen ghast for 4 days (spend about 2 hours in nether in total). Nether warts and ghast tears are no go and blocking progress.

    Would appreciate someone looking at it a bit more. I thought I'm going to play Tekkit as it's old pack and it will disappear. But there's notable activity on the server, 4 people now and on weekend there were 8-12 people when I was on. So hopefully your effort will not go to waste.

    Last edited: Oct 25, 2017
    Rexorix_ likes this.
  2. __Takumi__

    __Takumi__ Trans-dimensional cardboard box

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    4:36 AM
    Try living in BTeam for a while, thats got some nice drops and instability.
  3. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:36 PM
    If B-Team has problems when it's based in 1.6.4, then the B-Team modpack is to blame, not the server xD
    and then again, 1.6.4 wasn't the BEST version to be doing modpacks in... that version had lots of kinks and bugs.

    However, I would suggest trying to find alternate methods of obtaining ghast tears and nether wart, as they tend to have other methods of obtaining them aside from vanilla (however, ghast tears tend to be an interesting topic with this)
  4. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    5:36 AM
    Great comments sirs, but this is support thread for Tekkit. The lag got slightly better two days ago, but now we are back to 15 seconds between action (e.g. open chest) and the server response. Once again it's unplayable, timeout every 30-60 seconds. Is this network-wide issue (all server are lagging?) or is it just Tekkit?
    [doublepost=1509145658,1509144385][/doublepost]Gave up for the night. Unplayable. #sad_panda
    [doublepost=1509194733][/doublepost]Went through logs and noticed the following in client logs:
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: @ Post render
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: 1283: Stack overflow
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: ########## GL ERROR ##########
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: @ Post render
    [14:31:18] [Client thread/ERROR]: 1283: Stack overflow
    From what I'm finding it's rendering issue caused by Ender Pouch. I am able to reproduce it 100% with the following steps:
    1. Put Ender Pouch on hot bar
    2. Select Ender Pouch to be in hand
    3. Open my inventory using 'E'
    Result: My player inventory shows as empty (containing no items on player body/inv) and the above exception is logged repeatably. I'm not using Optifine but I am using Faithful-32. Tried removing F-32 and client defaulted back to Unity resource pack (using MyM launcher). Error occurred with Unity as well.

    While client-side rendering errors do not explain various kinds of server-side lags I did want to mention it as I see myself and other frequently disconnecting and this can be contributing factor.
    [doublepost=1509194872][/doublepost]Tried full client restart with Unity to make sure all F-32 textures were unloaded and I am able to reproduce the rendering issue.
  5. __Takumi__

    __Takumi__ Trans-dimensional cardboard box

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    4:36 AM
    The server side lag is usually attributed to either in some place a crash loop has occurred or where some broken NBT data is stuck loading somewhere in the world. Those two are usually the most common problems. If you present it in a ticket, there usually will be a response within a day to explain and to let you know the problem has been solved or that an investigation has begun.
  6. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    5:36 AM
    Thanks __Takumi__. I wanted open public thread for this time instead of private ticket as other people were experiencing all kinds of problems and it has been going on like this for weeks.
  7. __Takumi__

    __Takumi__ Trans-dimensional cardboard box

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    4:36 AM
    No worries, the Ticket System wont be going away any time soon and it is there to be used.
  8. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:36 PM
    Yeah, idk what was up with the ender pouch, but it seemed like 1.7.10 had some strange rendering mechanics that the ender pouch did not like. No worries, the same rendering issue w/ the pouch occurs to youtubers as well. It was clearly visible in one of SSundee's older skyfactory episodes, as a matter of fact. And they played on a server, and no issues arose. So, the pouch isn't to blame, but I admit.... it's a very frsutrating bug. One that, surprisingly, got fixed in 1.10.2... wow! 1.10 actually fixing something for once!
  9. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    The lag was much better throughout the evening. Thanks to the admin(s) and @Rexorix_ for letting them know.

    There were 7-8 people on and performance remained solid. Allowed me to play around with logi pipes, big bat and robots. Appreciate your support MyM team.
  10. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:36 PM
    uhm... please do not use logistics pipes? those tend to cause lag... because they have mechanics that servers tend to hate... such as overflow dumping onto the ground(or was this a buildcraft pipe feature only? I swear the logistics pipes do this too.)... yeah... so, avoid logistics pipes where possible. please. you'll do everyone on that server a favor.

    as for the other things, idk about em', and they should be fine. I think. Anyway, logistics pipes? while they tend to be fine in small amounts, poorly made setups or too many pipes can cause some tps AND fps drops. Again, I'd avoid their use where possible.
  11. Lachim_Heigrim

    Lachim_Heigrim Well-Known Member

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    5:36 AM
    Poorly made setups create lag from everything. Tekkit server reports BluePower-based lag roughly every hour from what I saw in the last few weeks. There's ComputerCraft in the pack and I'm pretty sure there are very few players who understand what a blocking API call is. Yet they are trying to create dynamic signs/monitors, password-protected doors or control their reactor/battery. So in this environment I feel my little logi setup is pretty safe.

    The logi pipes can create pull-based (i.e. request-driven) routing systems as opposed to almost any other pipe system. With that design they will never drop items: items only enter system when there is space for them. Open that test world and give them a try! ;)
    Rohen likes this.
  12. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    5:36 AM
    How do you know that without being an admin..?
    Also, those will only cause lag if the person who created the setup didn't know about the existance of a block called "unrouted pipe".
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:36 PM
    Rohen, you can know ALOT of things with some experience.
  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    5:36 AM
    So you were the only person playing and you only had logistic pipes in your base?
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:36 PM
    no, but I do frankly remember when I was moderator on another server, most crashes or corrupted chunks had to do with logistics. I'm certain many of those issues were fixed, but still, I have a tendency to avoid them at all costs.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    5:36 AM

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