The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Hello MyMler,

    unfortunately this isn't about a cool new feature, modpack or an issue. We have been contacted by mojangs intellectual property enforcement department with the request of adjusting our shop to meet the latest brand and commercial guidelines.

    This request could mean the end of MyM unless we pull MyMs entire brain power together and work on solutions.

    • We are barely breaking even at this time
    • Modded minecraft requires around 10 times the amount of server power, vanilla (bukkit/spigot) servers do
    • Around 90% of the perks on the shop do not comply with the guidelines set forth by mojang
    • Cosmetics are of low value in modded minecraft (there is no showing off in the lobby, most players are technic affin and do not care about cosmetics much)

    What will we do?

    Private Suggestions
    In order to keep creativity at a maximum, we are collecting ideas in a private forum. This means submitted ideas are only visible to the person who submitted them and Admins. This prevents the creative mind from being boxed into the space existing ideas.

    Quality and Compliance Check
    The admin team will assist with the seeding of ideas by providing feedback around formulation and compliance.

    Vote Period
    Once some time passed we are going to make this forum public, with the ability for everyone to vote, to crystalize the best ones.

    Consultation with Mojang
    Ideas where we are uncertain if they are within the guidelines are being sent to mojang for review.

    We will start implementation, starting with the most simple and yield promising ones.

    In order to help you with ideas, below are a few recommended documents. Please keep in mind that there might be some play ground since T1 minigame servers do not fully comply.

    Submit Idea

    Mojang Terms: Mojang Account (Section: SERVERS AND HOSTING)

    Mojang Blog Article: Mojang | Minecraft Commercial Use

    (More Mojang Blog Post): Let's talk server monetisation! Let's talk server monetisation - the follow-up Q+A

    Initial E-Mail Hi,

    We have noticed that you operate a server for Minecraft called MineYourMind. We work for Mojang, the creators of Minecraft, helping to protect Mojang’s intellectual property rights and the Minecraft community.

    This email is intended to provide you with information and clarification of certain concerns that exist over your server. It is not intended to be a formal letter before action or threat of legal action - we merely wish to let you know that there are certain things that need to be addressed in the hope that you will take the appropriate steps. Of course, if you don’t take these steps then we may be asked to take the matter further - but the intention is that this email should be sufficient.

    As we are sure you are aware, Minecraft has a very significant and loyal fan base and community. Mojang is very keen to ensure that its community is treated fairly and that it and newcomers to Minecraft are not taken unfair advantage of. Mojang has therefore established the following Brand Guidelines and Commercial Use Guidelines in relation to the use of its intellectual property rights. Mojang Account ("Brand Guidelines") Mojang Account (“Commercial Guidelines”)

    These Brand Guidelines and Commercial Guidelines have been established to allow third parties like yourself to use Mojang's intellectual property rights in certain circumstances and subject to certain conditions. They are, in fact very generous, in what they consider being acceptable - which is all part of Mojang’s commitment to letting its community do cool stuff. In particular, we recognize the important part that servers, such as yourselves, play in the Minecraft community.

    Additionally, the help article at Mojang |

    Minecraft Commercial Use
    contains some examples for server owners.

    We are therefore seeking to ensure that your server complies with the applicable Brand Guidelines and Commercial Guidelines and does not misuse Mojang's Intellectual Property – and, if it does, you have an opportunity to correct it.

    We have identified the following issues with your server:

    1. Soft currency is available for purchase.
    2. Some items in the store give an unfair advantage over other players.
    3. Some rank perks give an unfair advantage over other players.

    These activities are specifically prohibited by the Mojang Brand Guidelines and Commercial Guidelines. Therefore, please make the following changes:

    1. Please remove the ability to purchase soft currency.
    2. Make sure that all items are in line with the Commercial Guidelines linked to earlier.
    3. Make sure that all rank perks are in line with the Commercial Guidelines linked to earlier.

    Please make sure that you provide any user who gives you money an online payment/purchase history. We would also like to remind you always to be explicit about who to contact about the server, who the operator is, and that it is NOT Mojang, NOT associated with Mojang and NOT supported by Mojang.

    We are sure you appreciate the reasons for this, and we would be grateful if you would confirm your receipt of this email and your confirmation that you will take the requested action.

    If we do not hear from you within seven days of this email, we will have to write to you more formally, and that may lead to more formal measures.
    Best regards,

    Brandon Andersson
    Intellectual Property Enforcement Agent
    Mojang AB

    Submit Idea
    Existing/bought perks
    Our understanding is that we are asked to stop selling non compliant perks. So far there has been no information/request about removing already sold perks. I can of remember having heard something similar in the past.

    While there is a good amount of possible loopholes, we have not been threatened any legal action yet. Based on public information, non complying results in being added to a blacklist. This means that one can't connect to the server with the official version of minecraft/forge.

    Submit Idea
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  2. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    Bummer, well whatever happens I know MYM can survive this! :D
    Question: does the mention of “soft currency” in the email refer to myms or credits or something else like vote tokens?
    myms would make the most sense I suppose.
    lryanle likes this.
  3. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    Gotta keep up the good work! Keep MYM alive. Fight for this! Suggestion submitted!
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    11:00 PM
    credits. But T1 minigame servers are selling keys for loot chests, so there seems to be some play ground. Especially since these also have the gambling factor.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  5. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    Can we see these Commercial Guidelines.

  6. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    Resources button at the bottom of his post
    Slipplaysmc, Slind and Xx_Canadian_xX like this.
  7. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Sorry posted here and not in the correct place, edited and removed
  8. saabnoxe

    saabnoxe Well-Known Member

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    This is the saddest thing I've read in a very long time but I can't shake the feeling the letter was written by a troll/scammer or greedy self serving person. I love the MyM network and don't think they've done anything that would go against what Mojang stand for. It will be fun to see how we solve this.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  9. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    This is some of the worst news I’ve heard in awhile, it’s a saddening time, but I believe in the MyM community, I have experienced their strength and resilience, so it’s time for us to all put on our thinking caps and do our part to save the greatest Modded MC network around.
    Let’s do this!
  10. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I am going to look through their commercial guidelines later today and see if I can come up with some ideas.
    saabnoxe likes this.
  11. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    hm, this honestly scared the * out of me. ive always wondered about the kits from the start, but i honestly thought they would not mind because the differences are so minor. also some people just don't have the time to do all the grindy stuff, because of reasons, but mostly work. ofcourse work earns money, of which only a small amount can help you get past the grindy parts that you just don't have time for(even if you don't mind). having some support in the way of a thankyou from the server hosts, that you help survive, just seems right. its the rules, but rules are made for the masses, ignoring the good, and punishing the bad. i've seen servers selling chunkanchors for 5$ in the past(years back). even then i thought, well its sortof fair, but there is such a major difference in the things alowed on this network. nothing is behind a Pay-wall(besides generally getting free-resources) and god mode(yes that one) but even god mode can be achieved in some packs by crafting their end-tier armour. ofcourse you have packs that, due their pack intention allow perk users, that actually make the server possible at all(without them no server at all), to have some kind of, early on, small advantage. (/feed on hunger based packs, early /fly on skyblocks) over players without those specific perks. But in the end its all PvE, not PvP, so no real "advantage over others" can be spoken of in my opinion. ofcourse some peope that don't like playing minecraft would disagree on the 'advantage' position.

    I don't know if this rant really belongs in this thread, as i also know it is just a situation that needs resolving, not arguing.
    i've thought about this for along time, and i defended my opinion to people on many other servers/networks as well.
    feel free to move this somewhere else,
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  12. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    Hmm... What happens to my bought stuff aka ranks etc?
    What items in the store give an unfair advantage?
    The rank kits or the kit you buy with credits?
  13. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    According to the eula, it's essentially anything other than cosmetics if it's not earnable through some other means of not having to donate. Also, quote directly from Mojang:
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  14. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    This has been happening to many servers for quite a while now, so unfortunately the chances of it being a troll are slim to none. They also probably provided some sort of legal identification
    My understanding of the EULA is that previously purchased perks are not effected. That's what happened with all the large servers that got struck, previous donors maintained their perks.

    My only question: Seeing that MYM is a modpack network, do their restrictions only apply to vanilla objects / what can be made with them? My presumption is no.

    This news is very detremental as others have said, and over my time playing mc I've seen at least 10+ servers get shut down by this, or moreover fall apart due to the regulations reducing donations drastically. Despite that though, I'm very hopeful: The mym community is strongly bonded, and I don't doubt that people will be inclined to donate to help the server function. Over the next month or so, the server may be reliant on random acts of charity while changes are being made to fit the restrictions, but I'll discuss that more when I submit my suggestions
  15. bigbluu722

    bigbluu722 Well-Known Member

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    Mojang/Mogangsters technically own anything made with or in relations to their game(according to their general EULA), which basically includes all mods, plugins, server software, etc.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Small hint:
    There are a lot of ideas around loopholes/working around the system. The decision regarding compliance is done by the Mojang intellectual property enforcement department. If they don't like it, they don't accept it. It doesn't matter if it is against the terms or not ;)
    Based on public information the next step mojang does if a server does not comply is adding it to a black list, which tells the clients to show the server as offline/blocked.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  17. Medica_Farrentra

    Medica_Farrentra Well-Known Member

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    Include invis Armour for perks and such! Players want that!
    Timmypwn likes this.
  18. Blazelucky

    Blazelucky Active Member

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    sounds to me like someone got pissed off at mym and went to mojang because you guys are a big server everytime i looked up where to play mindcraft you guys came up so they for sure saw what was going on. but as soon as someone complains well now they have to do something. i would just like to know the plan for the members who did pay? rule breaks are rule breaks.
  19. Uthael_Killeanea

    Uthael_Killeanea Well-Known Member

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    I submitted my idea. A bit ambitious, depends on players themselves, but completely legal in every way.
    Looking forward to seeing those ideas announced. Hope each gets its own topic, some might even get improved by others.
  20. Rexarc

    Rexarc The Alchemist

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    Personally, i'm sad to see mym be in such trouble.. this has been a place of great memories and.. lets just say spectacular shenanigans. i'm willing to do anything within my power to help this awesome community survive.
    Lovnk likes this.
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