The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    Mojang cant take away previous purchases. When you purchase something, then you possess what you buy. (Unless Mojang demands refunds, but would this even be legal? [US])

    You also have to remember the reason for Markus selling Mojang to Microsoft. He prepared the game for incoming offers, thus he had to request the team to write and enforce a EULA. (You can't just auction a company without preparing it for auction, this process would take months, in this case 2 months.)

    And on another rant, is this what Markus wanted? Communities being killed because of the company he sold it to? I don't know anymore, I feel the pain Markus does, and I hope he gets well.

  2. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Unfortunately, mojang has been mistreating the minecraft community since realms and the monetization of texture packs and skin packs, two things Markus must have had a say in
  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    This seem like a push to the inferior version of minecraft. Scatter the players no longer generating money for MicroJang in hopes that some will come to the "official windows version" and have to pay for everything.
    Lawmonark likes this.
  4. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    10:57 PM
    How do any of these commands give a player an "unfair" advantage?
    From my understanding, MYM does not have many pvp servers. When it did have PvP servers... none of these commands were allowed.
    So what if someone can fly or god... who are they fighting? what are they "winning" at? I could see them being an issue on a factions server but even some of the "big" name servers sell flight, in a vanilla game.

    I do not agree with this notice. How can some of the "big" named vanilla servers not be taken down?

    This seems like someone cried to there mommy that the game was too hard and to buy them something to make it easier for them.
    Should Mojang go after internet providers? Because a better connection gives an "unfair advantage" in their game? Ever try to play on a PvP server where you ms is 100+ the other player? Now that may be considered an "unfair" advantage.

    Put it in this perspective. Anyone with a better pc and hardware than you can have an advantage over you, but is that "unfair"? Nope, because they paid for it.
    Decnav likes this.
  5. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    /God enables you to be invincible, meaning you never have to craft armor to fight mobs. /fly enables you to build easier, /feed essentially gives you free food, /back has the potential to mean you never lose your items on death, ect. They're all very obviously advantages, and it is also obviously not comparable to something like individual internet connection, something that Mojang and individual servers have zero control over
    Xx_Canadian_xX likes this.
  6. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    None of these things actually affect you or your ability to play and have fun. They provide a convenience to the player that paid for it.

    Mojang does have control over the connection, they could force every client to a 500 ping so the people on dial up are at an even pace with the overly advantaged LPB's

    Fairness is in the eye of the beholder. The guy driving the bugatti veyron thinks its perfectly fair as you sit in your econobox
    Lawmonark likes this.
  7. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    Whats the point of the link? Im honestly not understanding what it has to do with my response.
  8. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Mojang could make everyone lag, yes, but that doesn't help anyone. They also have no control of how well people can connect to a server unrelated to mojang. Additionally, yes, donations don't usually impede the ability to play the game and enjoy it, it's just that there's no arguing that things like /god are not an advantage. I'm personally not a fan of p2w (namely in other games), however, it is very obviously a necessity for servers to exist which everyone gets to play on for free, so it should absolutely not be restricted

    In summary, my point was just that the commands that guy listed clearly are advantages, and mojang does not have the ability to fix everyone's lag. Comparing ping which varies randomly for everyone to donations which yield advanages is a terrible comparison
  9. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Maby I dont understand the "advantage". Its PVE, and there is no ability to win or beat you.

    Sorry, I'm an older person, and dont really understand how its an advantage.

    If its some sort of race, then any who joins after the server opens is at a disatvantage
  10. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    PvE stands for player verses environment, or sometimes player versus economy. The objective is to best suit yourself against the environment or become monitarily very rich, something that donation perks do destinctly give you an advantage in. It is purely idiotic to say that something like /god is not an advantage, it very clearly is; look up the meaning of the word "advantage". Someone who joins earlier than someone else typically does have an advantage, but that's a time advantage, something that is inate in everything and is inevitable. Additionally, from a starting position where everyone has the same perks, commands and items, nobody is at an advantage. The introduction of items or perks for certain players does give them an advantage.
    Also, I don't know what makes you think you're older than me, and even if you are, that establishes nothing and does not support your argument
  11. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    Ummm I wouldn't take what he said personally...He wasn't arguing against you.
  12. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    As far as I can tell from Mojangs QandAs their definition of “unfair advantage” is pretty much anything non cosmetic that you have because of paying that is not obtainable otherwise.
    Some of their specific examples are /fly, workbench commands, and mobile enderchest commands.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  13. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    I was using the term "argument" as one would use the word "opinion", I didn't literally mean we're arguing. It's more of a discussion
  14. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    Honestly, If Mojang understood the meaning of MODDED they would understand that /god doesn't mean anything. With god, theres no point to play the game, it would be easier to go into creative mode and play there. God is for the tedious tasks that help save time, not to give an advantage. If this was vanilla forsay, then this would be an advantage, but when you can craft draconic armor, it isn't. With the rest of the commands, it follows the same deal. Modded gives us all of these, but purchasing them just makes it quicker. I really wish Mojang would try to understand, but I guess this is how the world is.

    And honestly, I'm here to do whatever is needed. I've been with this community near day one, and I won't stop. If they need some community developers, I'm all in. I'll learn whatever language needed, or use my previous knowledge to help.

    Whatever the case may be, I'm all in. Let's just hope that we can keep MyM alive. We all love the community, and now it's time to take action.
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  15. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    From what I read, is if you sell something in your server store, it also has to be available ingame without paying and can't have obvious advantages, they also don't want soft currency in game at all.

    So all the slash commands would have to be given to everyone or not given to anyone, and from the sounds of it they don't ever want people that are not server Admins/Owners to have any type of owner perks.

    All other items can already be made ingame so there is no advantage other than you made yours faster than he did because he got his from the server store.
  16. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    Is it possible to have such perks moved to patreon? That way we are obliged to give players who donate the same perks and mojang can do nothing about it. Or is there something I have yet to understand prohibiting such a move?
  17. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    2:57 PM
    That's actually a really good idea, and I've never even considered that. However, chances are that if that did work, other servers would be doing it too, which they aren't. The new Eula doesn't necessarily restrict donating, it restricts advantages in general, so even if it was through patreon, players would still be getting the perks and thus violating the Eula. Perhaps something similar could be done though, idk
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    4:57 PM
    Hello everyone. Been a while.

    After reading through all the wonderful armchair lawyers, (much love you all) you all need to realise something.
    1) MyM costs money to run.
    2) Very few people (To my knowledge, might be a lot of people but I doubt it) donate just to donate to MyM.
    3) Almost everything on the shop page breaks the EULA for minecraft. Except maybe the personal time feature. Basically if it is not Cosmetic, it is not allowed.
    3a) If it is not against the minecraft EULA, it is against most modders EULA for you to host their mod on there server.

    Also... On the Blacklisting...
    1) This stops versions of minecraft published AFTER the server is added to be unable to connect to the server.
    2) Forge has expressed their 100% compliance with this Blacklist.
    3) This will in no way affect any version of Minecraft out before the blacklist is added. i.e. every server we have today. If MyM was added today to the blacklist, we would have issues hosting 1.12.x and beyond

    In regards to the actual EULA...
    - Nothing in game for Hard currency: Means that nothing; items, perks, permissions, blocks, enchantments, anything. The only exception is cosmetics.
    - No In game currency for real world cash: While I am sure there are ways around this, they are few and far between and most likely very convoluted.

    So, I will continue to Donate at the top Patron Level, even if the perks disappear. I love playing here, and have made friends that transcend the network. And truth be told, $20 a month ain't that bad for the amount of time people play here for a good running server.
  19. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    EDIT: read the comment above...
  20. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    It's about redistribution or reuse of textures etc. Else selling MC dirt for money would be illegal.
    Markus actually left on impulse after not succeeding in EULA enforcement.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
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