The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    Why don't we do the same crap minigame servers do, with "coins" that give the player advantages in the minigames but instead of kits in skywars or perks in bed wars, we have things like boosted xp from mining/killing of mobs (Hey,stuff in modded uses xp, why not?), cheaper chunkloaders, etc. By the way, I'm posting here rather than privately because I don't know a lot about these laws and if anything I say would never work, I want to be taught (told? what's the right word?) by far more knowledgeable people.
  2. TehPlayer44

    TehPlayer44 Well-Known Member

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  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    Sorry, wasn't meant as an attack, I truly do not see it your way. I was trying to understand your perspective. I am someone who just doesnt understand the concept of "twitch, and youtubers" There is no way I would spend hours of my time watching someone play the same game I could be playing or watch some dude do silly things. I chalk it up as not being the intended audience even tho I am a lifelong gamer. I had someone explain to me that to them it was like watching a professional sport instead of just playing outback. The old comment was to try and let you know we are probably not at the same age point and I was hoping for an explanation from your perspective.

    It seems as if you see it as a competition, where as I see it as a game that I just play at my pace.

    Again I do not see where whatever "perk" someone else has how it affects your enjoyment of the game. Since there is no race to be done, no way of beating you, or killing you. From my perspective even someone had creative and gave their self everything it would not affect me in any way, and I would have no issue with it
    Rohen likes this.
  4. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    Ok, so I'm speaking from an unbiased standpoint, but if you had god, would you ever use it? It mostly ruins the point of the game if you have no way of dying. It's mostly used for those who have trouble in doing a certain task.

    Markus left because he got extremely harassed and could not take the pressure everyone put on him, so he decided to sell Mojang. Since then, he has been suffering severe depression.

    Also, there is one HUGE loophole that almost every big network uses.

    If it is possible to get a perk in game (possibly with a gambling feature), then it is EULA complaint. This would be a simple fix for MyM, but if this were to happen, we would have to have a huge redesign.

    Those were my two cents, cheers!
  5. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    Okay just took a look at the top Minigame servers store, and they have soft currency ingame, but they don't sell it, what they do have is boosters to obtain it faster than other players. Is this an advantage... yes, but does it break the rules of EULA I guess not if they're doing it.

    I think there is a gray area in this whole matter it's not at cut and clear as some would like to assume.

    You can have in game currency in which you purchase item packages


    You can't sell the soft currency directly in your item shop.

    So solution appears to be have currency in game which all players can obtain ingame but have to have play hours/time that in return they can use for ingame stuff (commands/items/claims/chunkloading), but offer a booster that will boost the amount of soft currency in which they gain ingame. So Johnny the customer can by a 500% booster that boosts the amount of currency he gets ingame, and Billy the non-paying customer still gets that currency but it's not at an accelerated rate.

    This can easily be added to this monthly subscription that is already floating around.

    Here is an example of the biggest network using this same method

    [​IMG]Gyazo - 6fb76320bbec1a8299eab156b85ffd18.png
    lryanle likes this.
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    There are a few things that people are not fully understanding. Mojangs EULA prohibits any and all types of non cosmetic advantages. This means that even if MYM added an ingame system to gain permission to use /fly, they would still not be allowed to sell /fly for real world money. The only thing it would do is allow for past donors to keep the /fly they already payed for, but nobody in the future could buy it for real money.

    Also regarding loopholes, while you could technically loophole around most of this stuff, Mojang decides what they do and don’t like. If something is obviously just a loophole, then no matter how “technically” legal it is, Mojang can still punish us.

    That is not to say of course that MYM couldn’t possibly get away with some loopholes, but if we were to try and get caught, we would be blacklisted.

    As for the blacklist, I do not know much about it but from what I understand, along with other problems, MYM would no longer be able to stick with the times. We wouldn’t be able to host any servers for modpacks on newer versions of Minecraft (say 1.12 and on or something) while MYM could easily keep going possibly for years with this problem, the long term future would be very dark. Not to mention the other downsides of being on the blacklist which would undoubtedly also hurt MYMs’ income.

    I may be wrong about this correct me if I am please ;)
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
    Slipplaysmc and Slind like this.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Can you name a few?
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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  9. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    Advantage to what? What is the advantage? Less playtime?

    Sorry but this is not a PvP network. There are no "advantages".

    As to your "internet" comment. Mojang and servers can control it. They could limit the connections. If people really wanted "even" playing fields.

    "unfair advantage" means players can beat "you" at something because they paid. No one is getting beat on the server.
    Rohen and Decnav like this.
  10. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Advantage: a condition or circumstance that puts one in a favorable or superior position.

    Is /god a favorable or superior position? Yes, and the same goes for the other donor perks. Whoever started this argument about what an advantage is was being very unwise. Nobody is talking about an "unfair advantage" btw, it's just an "advantage", and it's very obvious that the donor perks give donors advantages. I've actually posted the definition here so you can reason with yourself and figure it out. This doesn't need to be discussed any further.

    Additionally, no, mojang cannot just give every server lag issues. As we have seen and were told firsthand, the most they can really do is blacklist a server they don't like, so you clearly don't know what you're talking about. Even if a server could lag particular people, connection speed is not that simple at all. It would be immensely difficult to create a system which lags enough so that the laggiest player is on the same page as everyone else, and it would destroy the server. It didn't make sense the first time you said it, and it still doesn't; it's just a bad comparison.

    If you respond again, don't expect another response from me. This shouldn't even be a discussion in the first place
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  11. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I may suggest that we invite someone to come and try out, say, Beyond or another one of our servers that offers ingame equivalents of what we offer on the store. If they were to play, then they would understand. or maybe we could record gameplay where we compare the perks to available iems in-game. for example, show them /fly. then, equip something like draconic armor, and show them that you have disabled your /fly. then just fly around. /fly is thus a viable thing we can sell because it can be obtainable from in-game methods. same with /god, just equip the armor, ensure /god is turned off then chill out by a wither. no effects are taken, you really do not die. I think, at least, that this would be a viable show that we have our donor perks available to all players in-game.
    Lawmonark and Decnav like this.
  12. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Most vanilla perks prior to the Eula gave players items that could be obtained by anyone, such as op apples and prot 4 diamond armor, but despite this, they were still violating the new Eula once it came out, and many of them were forced to comply. Just because anyone can eventually get it doesn't mean it's in accordance with the Eula
  13. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    But wasn't the issue about giving players "advantages over others"? it's giving them a headstart, or a boost, but in the end everyone can get those perks.
  14. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    Getting something before someone else without doing any of the required work is an advantage (with the exception of things that are irrelevant to the objective of the server). Regardless of whether or not you think it is an advantage, items are not eula compliant just because anyone else can get them, and it never worked like that. This concept has been applied to both pvp and pve servers equally in the past and up until now
    Last edited: Nov 2, 2017
  15. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    ...and yet there are still hundreds of pvp servers giving donors prot X armor and sharpness X knockback X etc. etc. etc. gear that literally cannot be obtained through vanilla means, and they've been around for ages. but yet, no EULA complaints? but we offer simple life improvement perks, and we get an EULA notice. seems legit.
  16. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    There actually aren't that many doing that anymore. How do you know they haven't gotten Eula complaints? They probably ignored them and/or got blacklisted. The number of servers currently doing that with large communities is drastically lower than what it used be; most of them died off or started offering cosmetics.
  17. _Pandoro

    _Pandoro Well-Known Member

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    So a coin booster is considered an advantage? But it looks like it's accepted by the Eula..
    Or at least it's in a "gray area" like someone mentioned before.
  18. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:04 PM
    Sadly boosters are no-go, as seen here
  19. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    If you're talking about what they have on some of the larger minigame servers, those coins can only be used to get vanity items (Vanity basically means cosmetic)
  20. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    It was written somewhere (ToS, I guess?) that Boosters that affect only the buyer are prohibited, but boosters that affect everyone are ok.
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