The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    The things that would be removed are the reasons I gave money in the first place. I have no desire to just give my money away to be nice.
    Xx_Canadian_xX likes this.
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    The reason 7 year old kids can play with 10 years plus toys in their homes is the fact that the age "requierement" is only a recommendation and does not actually have any power outside of Australia.

    Also, a private server is a server that cannot be accessed by anyone except a small group that owns it and is not commercial.
  3. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I understnad that its a recommendation, but I still believe that example holds.

    The server could be private to our community, There is no specific size a server would have to be to be considered Private.
    As long as its not publicly available.

    Push comes to shove, perks are only sold for the older versions. a new system is built for later versions of MC that don't have the same perks.
  4. GoddessXXX

    GoddessXXX Well-Known Member

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    So normally servers are not here to make money... but there is a need for money to run the servers like you said...

    Is there someplace where MYM has put the amount of money it costs to run these servers?

  5. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    No, but with 21 servers running on the network, you can assume a few hundred dollars a month to co-locate and host your hardware
  6. ZboubTheWise

    ZboubTheWise Well-Known Member

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    Not adding much, but +1 to everyone saying that this EULA stuff doesn't fit the reality of Modded very well... could be nice if they could consider/understand this.

    What about selling features/ranks that are purely related to us being on a server and not SSP? such as chunkloading, homes, claim blocks, TPA, AFK kick removal, whatever I can't think of ?
    One could always argue they are "advantages" aswell, but that would just be an extremist's interpretation. Gotta get real at some point.
    I'm not a donor atm, but if I were to donate, that's the kind of feats I'd consider attractive (they are free at the moment), I don't flipping care about a diamond armor or the ability to ruin my own experience of the game in a single command like /god or /fly, and I'm sure I'm not alone here.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    by far not enough
    Slipplaysmc and BookerTheGeek like this.
  8. JessTheGreat

    JessTheGreat Well-Known Member

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    Put your suggestions in the suggestions tag at the beginning of this post if you haven't already. :)
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  9. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    The main issue I've come across through this is exactly how the MYM network will resolve the ability to get perks that donators have paid for along with resolving the fact that those perks aren't in compliance because they are viewed by at least Mojang as a Pay to win feature. On that note one way to get around that is to make those same perks available to all members but require some work for it for example sponsored ads with surveys and a requirement to do so many for the perk to remain free to members along with allowing members to donate instead of doing the ad/survey work. Besides this potential solution I personally would not be able to come up with another solution without seeing the MYM business model and where they actually acquire most of their money to pay for the upkeep of the servers. In other words, being able to see what actually helps keep the servers paid for and running because the solution I offered may not help at all because it may provide no fiscal benefit. If said information does not want to be shared over the forums, the feedback solution I submitted for scheduled community meetings over discord would be a more optimal place for it

    Hope this helps
    JessTheGreat likes this.
  10. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    Almost, but what it is saying is that the charge you charge for access has to be the same for everyone, but you can charge them as often as you like as long as it is the same cost and frequency for everybody.
    Cosmetics by definition do not affect gameplay. You choose to spend the time doing that, it did not inherently give you a different gameplay experience.

    Not really, as by the amount of modded minecraft networks that no longer exist.

    Not something we can count on.

    That might pass muster

    Please inform me of how I can get the kit without paying anything?


    Your simple solutions are not so simple, although many are specific to Vanilla servers. Most of your arguments are that mods add it so it is ok. That is not the issue, the issue is that if I have that perk and you do not, on first login our experience is going to be different as I will have an advantage that you are lacking. Although I do admire the effort you have put into the post.

    We all need to be looking into ways to survive and continue to grow while following all the guidelines laid out in the EULA.
    While any and all ideas are welcome, we should not be looking for ways to bypass them or break them or armchair lawyer our way around them. But how to survive while following the rules.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  11. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    I'm wonder if

    1. I should be stocking up on credits now before they take them away
    2. Don't stock up cause the server might be closing
  12. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    A lot of what you said seemed out of context,
    Im saying a lot of the stuff you listed (I realize it was copy pasted) is not something the MYM network breaks.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  13. ScarletHamster12

    ScarletHamster12 Tainted Wolf Patron Tier 3 Booster

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    Its Raining Bs from mojang headquarters look out its a hammer. ;)
  14. Slipplaysmc

    Slipplaysmc Slippers

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    1. If the server removes credits, they will probably remove what credits can be used for too.
    2. I don't think the server will be outright shutting down, that's pretty hopeless of you to say.

    As an alternative, maybe you could contribute some useful suggestions instead of being pessimistic and whining about credits disappearing. I think credits should be much less of a concern than the future of mym as a whole

    As slind said, "few hundred dollars a month" is unrealistic. If this network was vanilla and things like the website weren't so extensive, maybe that would be the case. As it has been mentioned prior in this thread, modpack servers require much more ram and fairly high quality hosting to run optimally, unlike their vanilla counterparts. There are other expenses too.
    Additionally, while I don't think that this was included when it was said mym is barely breaking even, in an ideal world, the owner of a network can also turn some kind of profit, both to compensate for all of the work they do, and for future server investments. It's very difficult to advertise and expand a network when you don't make much, if any profit.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  15. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    So, the way people get around the "Soft currency" cant be sold rule but only earned in game.

    They sell keys. These keys unlock boxes "ingame" that give currency. So you are "earning" the money in game and not selling. People are buying keys.

  16. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    So without charging everyone equally for access, who is going to donate the amount needed to keep the lights on here? I will not be buying cosmetics, or early access to a server. Maby others would see some value in being first, but I dont.

    The way I see it, MYM either has to just ignore it, or comply and wither away. Everything else will be some sort of loophole or workaround and you have stated you do not want to do that.
  17. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    Key's can be considered a form of currency since you can obtain something with them. Also the rules also state that everyone has to have those keys available to them free of charge for it not to be considered an advantage over other players in Mojang's world.

    While we can all argue amongst ourselves what's considered an advantage and what's not, the truth is Mojang is just too broad with the term "advantage"
  18. ZboubTheWise

    ZboubTheWise Well-Known Member

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    Ye. What's the goal of the EULA anyways ? Build a corporate identity ?
    They seem to care about not being associated with p2w, not being associated with what happens on servers, and preserving the game "purity" (through this worry of not altering the gameplay).

    For the first one, work can be done here, even tho as said, they need to refine their concept of "advantage", and also adapt it to Modded (since Modded needs (10x if you believe OP) more money than Vanilla to run, it only makes sense to have a need for a more aggressive money grab than Vanilla :p).
    For the second one, well, either the user is aware, or he isn't. So what, a few reminders here and there that MyM is not Mojang ?
    The third one makes no sense at all in Modded. Modded means modified; aka people who don't want to play the game the way it was intended...

    Anyways, while working on solutions to survive with their rules, it might still be worth a shot to try to argue with them. Because it's very unclear how they make sense here.
  19. FlamesRunner

    FlamesRunner Well-Known Member

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    I think you're using Hetzner, so this information will be based off of their pricing.
    Given that decent server there costs ~$50 with 32GB RAM, 8TB of storage, etc, with this many servers, the cost per month would be looking into the $500-$700 range, no?
  20. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    Well aside from server costs, you also got to keep in mind they have to pay taxes and accountants ect...while I'm sure the owners here are good guys, they still got to have a reason aside from the community to keep the ship going, at least making a little money for a pizza and beer from time to time as they're not running a community pro bono, but on the other hand I don't think they wanted to become rich from this network neither.

    End of the day servers, developement, accountants, taxes all put pressure on the network as a whole, if there is no solution, there will no longer be a network even if it was a not for profit network.
    Last edited: Nov 4, 2017
    BookerTheGeek, Rohen and Slind like this.
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