The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    1:54 PM
    People still play ark?
  2. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

    Likes Received:
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    7:54 PM
    No. There was a suggestion thread, but I don't think it ever really took off.
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    8:54 PM
    MYM had one, but it didnt took off that good and wasnt that popular
    1. There wasnt alot hype
    2. Most of the people on MyM dont have ARK
    3. And the game was buggy, unstable and badly optimised
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    10:54 AM
    All I can think of are the scummy ways of earning a bit of extra cash, like pushing the vote link through links.
    TTV_W3lshman likes this.
  5. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    12:54 PM
    After reading just a bit of the messages I fount, it seems that most people don't understand what the EULA actually states. So I'm here to bring it to you guys in a easy fashion.

    • Server admission must be fair for everyone in every sense
    • sell soft-currencies (can't have any real world value, must be earned through gameplay, and cannot be cashed out/transferred to other servers), cosmetics (can't affect gameplay), server-wide enhancements, or server-wide boosts
    • Have your targeted audience's content
    • Donations can't be used to give favor over
    • You are not allowed to restrict gameplay features in an attempt to make money.
    • You are allowed to provide in-game advertising or sponsorship opportunities
    • Can't pretend to be a spokes person of minecraft, must provide full transaction history
    • You cannot charge for any part of a server. Only the access. Once on a server, all players must have the same gameplay privileges
    • You can charge players for early access, but you cannot restrict gameplay elements to specific users.
    • You can sell “kits” if they don't contain gameplay features.
    • Hybrid/dual currency systems are not allowed.
    • Boosters, item generators, and all other features that affect gameplay are not allowed.
    • Ranks are allowed so long as any perks gained are cosmetic. Coloured names, prefixes, special hats etc. are fine.
    • You can charge for server-commands as long as their effects are purely cosmetic. Commands that affect gameplay, such as a command to fly, cannot be sold for hard currency.
    • Users may keep the perks they’ve paid for on the condition that the same perks are available to other players on the server (directly or purchasable using soft currency). It’s up to the server host to decide how to compensate users for previous transactions.

      Please note the difference between HARDcurrency and SOFTcurrency.

    With hosting servers we want to enable the community to make money by creating, hosting and maintaining servers for Minecraft, so you may do this subject to these Guidelines. You may have seen the Blog post on server monetization Let's talk server monetisation! and the follow up Q&A Let's talk server monetisation - the follow-up Q+A. This section of these Guidelines clarifies them. By "server," we mean a single connecting address or IP number.

    Therefore, if you comply with and follow the Brand and Asset Usage Guidelines and Naming Guidelines above YOU MAY:

    • charge for access to your server, including a server which hosts your Mods, BUT only if:
      • you make a single charge per person that is the same for everyone;
      • you give everyone you charge, access to all the Mods that you choose to have on your server (except only in respect of genuine admin tools / admin Mods which should be reserved to administrators);
      • you only give access to your server to users who have a genuine paid for version of Minecraft;
      • you own or control the server and continue to do so for the whole time that you charge for access to it - so, if you sell the actual servers or server space with Mods pre-installed on them, you must ensure that the person buying the server is aware that she must follow these rules. Essentially you can’t get round the rules above by setting up servers with Mods on and then selling those set-ups; and
      • overall your access charges should be targeted to cover your operational costs of running the server.
    • ask for donations (as opposed to direct charges) IF you do not offer the individual donor something in exchange that only he or she can use. You may offer server wide rewards if donation goals are achieved though.
    • sell cosmetic items, except for “Capes”, IF the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server - i.e there can be no “pay to win”.
    • sell positive effects or enhancements (other than “Capes”) IF everyone on the server is positively affected in exactly the same way.
    • provide in-game advertising opportunities, sponsorships, or product placement for 3rd parties IF they don’t degrade or interfere with gameplay or give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server.
    • use in-game currencies IF (i) they are “soft currencies” i.e. a currency earned or expended only through gameplay that has no real world value and that cannot be cashed out, used or transferred across free or paid servers, or converted into “credits”; and (ii) you don’t give the impression that it comes from or is associated with Mojang.
    In all of these cases above YOU MUST also ensure that:

    • all servers, items and advertising are suitable for the target audience (i.e no gambling, pornography etc.) and don’t damage the Brand.
    • you don’t pretend to be us or claim to have any association with us (for example, when selling product placement opportunities);
    • you are explicit about who to contact about the server, who the operator is, and that it is NOT Mojang, NOT associated with Mojang and NOT supported by Mojang;
    • Mojang has no liability for anything on the server or that happens on it, including any advertising, purchases or donations;
    • you provide any user who gives you money an online payment /purchase history;
    • you are transparent on informing users with regard to all the content and pricing applicable to your server before a person joins, signs up or logs in;
    • you do not host or distribute malware, spyware, or engage in illegal activity through your server;
    • you comply with all other laws and requirements; and
    • you comply with any other additional requirements applicable under these Guidelines.

    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
  6. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    12:54 PM
    We need to stop looking for loopholes and start looking for ways that follow the spirit of the EULA. While loopholes exist, the fact that they can be closed at any time is worrisome. Also, even if it is a technical loophole, that does nothing to stop them from blacklisting MyM. and this is microsoft people. Do you really think they won't lawyer up to prove a point if somebody fights them? I don't know how much the network brings in but I can promise you it is not nearly enough to fight a legal battle.

    I for one Love MyM and will be donating each and every month to continue playing here. Really, is $10 a month to much? It is a pack of smokes or two espressos a month. It is Fast food one day a month. Really people just think how much time and enjoyment you have had here at the network and realise that $10 is not that much.
  7. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    12:54 PM
    The problem about this is also the playerbase. The more a server tries pushing their players to pay, the more hesitant the become to play on that server.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    7:54 PM
    yeah, that's exactly why it is ugly. Because you won't know until you invested a good amount of time..
  9. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:54 PM
    AFAIK only pays if the clicker falls for the ad.
  10. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    2:54 AM
    How much are all the servers costing MyM as of now? Because we could switch hosts or if worst comes to worst close down all but 3-4 modpacks.
  11. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    12:54 PM
    Last edited: Nov 5, 2017
  12. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

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    7:54 AM
    Problem with that is being not every player wants to play / can run certain modpacks and its different for every player. Some players prefer to play certain MYM packs then others, shutting down servers would just cause a loss of players and for those servers to have huge amounts of strain. I may be wrong though.
  13. Lovnk

    Lovnk Well-Known Member

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    7:54 PM
    I think the server should have a Tipee.
    I would be so sad if the server die.
    Totally agree I will do some too.
    lryanle and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  14. Lauralou444

    Lauralou444 Well-Known Member

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    5:54 AM
    Cant find the private post i already started - but wanted to add that I went onto the Mojang site to have a look at their options.
    All this BS started when they introduced Realms. MYM and similar servers do not overlap with Realms - not sure if Mojang realises this. By their own admission:

    Does Realms support modding?

    The Java Edition version has support for a growing number of minigames and custom maps made by the community, while Realms on mobile, console and Windows 10 has support for Add-Ons and marketplace maps, textures and skins. However, full modding support is not yet available. Sorry!

    From <Realms FAQ | Minecraft>

    This may be an avenue that can be explored.
    Fight the good fight
    lryanle likes this.
  15. EldritchGuard

    EldritchGuard Active Member

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    1:54 PM
    first off, why the heck is /back a donor only perk? that kills the server 99% of all servers allow /back. second is there a reason why isn't this website using enjin
  16. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    12:54 PM
    Enjin is a really inefficient way to make server websites, but is a last resort for networks who don't want to pay for their website. Xenforo is much better, but comes at a price

    /back is a donor only perk because it is quite a favorable utility that MyM could use to help keep the server alive.
    Slipplaysmc and Rohen like this.
  17. Thebutterkid

    Thebutterkid Active Member

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    1:54 PM
    Yeet, ok ya'll. Just gonna say I found a pretty good loophole that will hopefully get us out of the hole. I've submitted it and hopefully we can get away with it.
  18. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    12:54 PM
    "We don't want to find a loophole, we want to find a solution" - Booker
  19. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    11:54 AM
  20. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    10:54 AM
    I spent the weekend playing on another server. Some observations on that experience as well as my input on what I understand having been through this before.
    The other server has 'vote parties'. An incentive based upon x number of people voting in a window, and then the whole server getting a bonus if the required number of votes comes in.
    They have a bot game that randomly throws out two variations of a challenge that everyone can participate in. One is a simple reflex where you have to type a word you see. The other is you have to unscramble a word before a time limit expires. In either case you win soft currency if you beat the other players online.
    Perks that cost money are things like paying to retrieve your inventory after x hours of play. by which time you shouldn't have any trouble having soft currency, unless you're not trying.
    Now on to my observations on hard currency...
    You can't pay for an advantage as pointed out, but you can pay if you feel your time is worth more than mine. You can therefore offer a perk for cash provided that someone else can buy that with achievements or soft currency. It sort of reminds me of what Mym does with the portals. I cough up a bedrock portal and you get the bedrock portal perk. I don't see why you couldn't then charge for that same feature, because it's available in game. Or maybe I misunderstood that part?
    I understood the difference between things like creative flight and angel wings being that one is obtainable in game, and one is not. So your flight package can't include /fly, but could include angel wings provided that I can buy that package with some in game challenge (maybe getting a nether star or something else consistent with flight)?
    Other servers seem to do a lot of this with online time. So perhaps a prophet rank would unlock the platinum package. And then, as was pointed out, after you've spent that much time on the server you'd be more inclined to donate on your own initiative.
    You could also have that donators transaction history thing be public, so there's a competitive spirit to donating.
    sorted of course by total amount contributed.
    Anyway, I know a lot of that isn't necessarily vetted. I'm willing to admit that just because other servers do it doesn't mean it's okay by Microsoft, but it seemed like a place to start.
  21. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    6:54 PM
    I vaguely remember a survey on what brought people to MyM and what keeps them here. The results of that could be quite useful in informing what kind of monetization could be used. Unless I imagined it, in which case it could be a handy survey to produce.

    This, for example, is the type of thing that turned me off a lot of other servers, where items were gated behind buying ranks. It could certainly be done in a way that doesn't negatively impact gameplay, but might still scare some potential new players off.
    lryanle likes this.
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