The future of MyM is vague

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Nov 1, 2017.

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  1. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 AM
    Ok i get that. To be honest though getting the perk packs with pick axes and resources was why i spent the money... that and supporting the server.

    Ok i get that. To be honest though getting the perk packs with pick axes and resources was why i spent the money... that and supporting the server.
    I get it now. and wow does that suck.
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    2:47 PM
    Yeah, I can't really imagine that Notch wanted his game to turn into another one of Microsoft's Pay for everything games. Microsoft be like, "Ok, you buy our game to play it. Now we want you to buy even more stuff just so you can have something cool, like a skin."
  3. Decnav

    Decnav Proud member of the VRMasterRace Patron Tier 2

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    5:47 PM
    I suspect you are correct, but once you sell something it is no longer yours and you have no say in it.

    This crap is a far cry from the minecraft of old. There was a time when notch said he would release the sourcecode Minecraft
  4. tractoid

    tractoid Ex-Staff

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    1:47 PM
    So, an idea I just had while reading EULA up above, comes from another server I have played on before. And it comes as an item you can buy, that, when used, either gives everyone on the server a random item (from a set pool of course), doubles exp gained for X minutes, increases ore drops/mob drops, etc for X minutes. Of course you can choose what the item does when you buy it.
  5. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    2:47 PM
    However, the seller, in this case Notch, could potentially request that it doesn't become some pay-for-it-all game that Microsoft does with like, literally every one of their games. But unfortunately, that would've had to be done when the sale of Minecraft hadn't quite completed yet... >.<

    Essentially, what is happening, is Microsoft wants us to all quit the Java version, and join in the "party" with their Realms and their even stupider Marketplace.
  6. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    5:47 AM
    Pay for texture packs you'd normally and still can use for free. Isn't that right BDCraft?
  7. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 AM
    Ok ive been thinking... god help the world

    i read this stuff

    Additionally, the Commercial usage guidelines state that you may sell cosmetic items, except for “capes”, if the item sold does not give a user an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server. Due to this, you are not allowed to sell the following for hard currency:
    • The ability to:
      • use a portable crafting table, chest, ender chest, compass, etc.
      • set the time of day or weather, for yourself or others, other than in places where the intended server's gameplay does not occur, such as the lobby of a minigame server.
      • clear your inventory.
      • respawn.
      • create teleportation points, no matter who can use them.
      • teleport to a saved location (commonly, the /home command).
      • teleport to your last location (commonly, the /back command).
      • see other players’ inventory, other than in creative mode.
      • see a list of players that are nearby, other than in creative mode.
      • see the crafting recipe for an item, or the ability to craft an item automatically.
      • remove the enchantment from an item.
      • automatically sell blocks that you mine.
      • automatically compress resources to their block form.
      • fly in places where the intended server's gameplay occurs.
      • edit several blocks at the same time, regardless of where on the server you can do it.
      • keep your inventory or specific items when you die.
    • A non-cosmetic item or perk:
      • that is dropped in an area accessible by everyone, whether other players are notified of the drop or not.
      • as a prize after fighting a boss in an area accessible by everyone, whether other players are notified of the event or not.
    • Bedrock blocks or other non-cosmetic items.
    • Schematics, regardless of the game mode.
    • Higher bandwidth, or other improved connections to the server.
    • Access to contests based on stats (i.e. most blocks mined etc.), if the prize is not cosmetic.
    • Decreased cooldown for non-cosmetic commands.
    • Items or perks that affect gameplay or give the player an unfair advantage, even if they are also available through soft currency purchase, or just by playing the game for a certain time.
    Ok my point is simply this...

    unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server.

    I didnt pay for a tier 4 subscription to get one over someone else, i did it because its a little easier to have a pickaxe to mine with.

    I don't see myself in direct competition with anyone else so if there is no competition where is the issue?

    The nether and farm world respawn. As far as stealing from others it is protected against via the claim protection system.

    If I am not competiting and dont give a **** about pvp then i have no advantage over anyone else

    the whole unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server does not apply to me as all i want to do is have a bit of a challenge to get resources (mining is fun and to build stuff)

    So for my style of playing selling me kits does not give me an unfair gameplay advantage over anyone else on the server because i am not competing against them.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 9, 2017
  8. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    Question, we can charge for access to servers, correct? Then how about having separate servers on modpacks? Like 1 normal, and 1 donator. Say you donate 50$ to get access to donator servers and on those servers you get access to /fly, /god ect, Would that fall within the rules? You can choose to not donate and play on the "open" server without perks, or donate and get whitelisted on the "perks enabled" servers where everyone has the same. Could also have the incentive of more "secure" servers as your less likely to greif or break rules if you have donated since you dont want to risk a ban and having wasted your $$$.
    tractoid, Rohen and Dionysus777 like this.
  9. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 AM
    I got grieved recently... they took weeks of work.

    Having a subscribers server may help remove idiots.
    Lachim_Heigrim likes this.
  10. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    The security I see more as a incentive, the main thing is the perks. We cannot charge to give some players anything not cosmetic that the others can not get, thus in itself, donator ranks will become virtually worthless. However, by the same rules we CAN charge for ACCESS to servers, I imagine its the same for nodes. So if we make everyone on the donator node have the same perks, maybe even 2 tiers of donator nodes depending on how much work they want to put into it then it should be ok. So when you enter say, PO2 you get the choice of entering the "Public Node" or the "Donator Node" instead of node 1 and 2. Public node is a regular node with no special benefits, same as a non-donator play now. Even if a donator should choose to play there they still get nothing extra. However, the "Donator Node" gives access to the donator perks for all who join, but only they who donate a set amount gets white-listed. This way we maintain the benefit of being a donator, have incentive to actually donate, and still follow the EULA (if I have understood it correctly that is).
    Fireforce, coolgi3000 and Dionysus777 like this.
  11. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 AM
    That totally sums up my way of thinking... assuming i understood your post properly. Don't charge for perks on all servers/nodes. Pay for access to servers with perks.

    Free Access = No Perks for anyone
    Donor Access = Same Perks for everyone
  12. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    Correct :)
    Dionysus777 likes this.
  13. Dionysus777

    Dionysus777 Well-Known Member

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    10:47 AM
    One thing i would really like to see as a subscriber benefit is instead of destroying a claim when you havent logged in for 2 weeks is it becomes unclaimed.

    That way its fair game instead of just being destroyed. We lost our base that way, id prefer someone else takes it than it just gets erased...

    Anyways just a thought
    [doublepost=1510140294,1510139525][/doublepost]Just thinking about it though, the last thing I want to see happen to Minecraft is gold farming. Hopefully this is the reason they are putting these rules in place and not because Mojang are treating us as a gold farm
  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:47 PM
    Also, those servers might as well have item bans lifted, as the people on those servers spent their money on tiers or patron ranks and won't do things that might lead to a ban, and there are way less donors than all players, so these servers are by default way less resource-heavy.
  15. lryanle

    lryanle Well-Known Member

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    4:47 PM
    Where did you get this from? Because quite a few points here are invalid?

    Also to what you guys are talking about? We can barely afford what we have so far, having two of each is impossible. Though the team has something like this with early access to patrons on new servers.
    Slipplaysmc likes this.
  16. Pairak

    Pairak Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    Im not talking about doubling what we currently got, but rather make it so instead of having node 1 and 2 we have public node and donator node. Most packs on the server have 2+ nodes already.
  17. Xx_Canadian_xX

    Xx_Canadian_xX Well-Known Member

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    5:47 PM
    Aside from everyone bickering over the same thing for the last 14 pages, has the server owners come up with the polls for people to vote on? I seen something a few days ago about them releasing these polls within a couple days of that time.
  18. Psanyi

    Psanyi Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM

    Its unnecessary to make a huge list, there is only one rule, the server can only sell cosmetic items, because they dont give you an unfair advantage. They don't care about what gives you an unfair advantage, they just put that there to inform you about the reason behind this. The server can only sell cosmetics and that's it.
    Minecrafts checking crew will not also not care about why you bought that tier, they don't judge you, they judge the server. And having a tier 4 with those perks is not allowed.

    I wrote Mojang some questions about PVE and modded minecraft, they said i should read the guidelines again, and if it doesn't contain it they probably not allow it, for further questions seek legal cuncil....
  19. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    10:47 PM
    For anyone that wants to read through the whole thread:

    This is barelly anything besides a panic thread and 90% of the points made have been proven wrong. Reading more than needed to know what the current subject of panicking is is pointless.
    Slipplaysmc, lryanle and The42ndDruid like this.
  20. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    10:47 PM
    That's a pretty arrogant thing to say. I see your point, I really do, but saying it to peoples faces -> bad form. Even so, there's bound to be a gem or two of truth out there somewhere.
    Last edited: Nov 8, 2017
    lryanle likes this.
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