Decided Against Crackpack - The only undamaged eldritch portal is in Spawn

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Jessssuhh, Nov 24, 2017.

  1. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    On New Crackpack, I've spent the last ten hours of play time flying over the map, in an attempt to find an undamaged eldritch portal so that I may progress in Thaumcraft 4. The only one I've found happens to be on the very corner of the admin claim around spawn. Since this prevents the entire server from progressing in Thaumcraft 4, here are my suggesstions

    1) Turn the 10 by 10 area around the obelisk into a subclaim, within which people can interact (but not destroy) the portal
    2) Creatively build a full obelisk outside of the spawn claim, if that can be done
    3) Somehow integrate the outerlands into the multiverse nether portal?

    I have also found, what looks to be, a creatively spawned in eldritch portal block. That simply leads to the void for myself and the two other players I know to have tried it. So I doubt using that method again would work.

    Please consider these suggestions! Thank you
  2. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    Still flying around, still haven't found any other obelisks lol
  3. WikidSick

    WikidSick Well-Known Member

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    Have you tried to find one in the farmworld?
  4. ThePhoenix116

    ThePhoenix116 Well-Known Member

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  5. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    @wikid eldritch portals don't play well with other dimensions, so are disabled in all bar overworld

    @pheonix Perhaps the one I found that leads to the void was one of these crafted ones? I had no idea they existed.

    Either way, not sure that really works either as I've been in that single block a few times (on staff advice) and only ever landed in the void. Further, I cannot see any structures which I could build to with 16 chunk render distance.
    [doublepost=1511589406,1511568414][/doublepost]Built one of these with the crafting recipe, thought I might see if I could find a dungeon from the outside as that link suggested. The dungeons are covered in bedrock on the outside, so I am not able to break into them.
  6. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Crackpack have Blood Magic - I'll tell you a story of the little boy, who get inside dungeon protected by bedrock in dark and alien Eldrith Dimension. Boy manage break into by using vile demons Blood Magic, he used TELEPOSER to move bedrock from his way.

    But SERIOUSLY!!!!!!!! No one knows that if you have Blood Magic in modpack you can move pretty much everything around? Thaumcraft aura nodes? Easy, peasy. Draconium Energy Core? Come on, with eyes closed.

    Here even a tutorial 101, how to use:
  7. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    That is a workable solution, but I don't think one should have to get to tier 4 Blood Magic to even get access to a core part of Thaumcraft. It's a high level workaround for a high level workaround.

    Although, I'm kind of biased, because I really really hate Blood Magic.
  8. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    Core part of Thaumcraft?!? In what part Eldrith Dimension is core? It's end-game part of Thaumcraft - you go to Eldrith Dimension for Primordial Perals only (and for headcrabs cuz they spawn fast so you can make mob grnder/exp farm with them and for balanced shards) to make end game items/machines for Thaumcraft.

    Btw. getting to Tier 4 altar is not so hard, only time consuming.
    Deal with it, cus i dont know any more solutions (I dont think so wand with Equal Trade focus can remove bedrock and there is always that eldrith starry block that hurts you)
  9. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    Core part of Thaumcraft as in Thaumcraft core mod, not one of the many addons. Another solution would be to not have the last living eldritch obelisk covered by admin claim?
  10. ThePhoenix116

    ThePhoenix116 Well-Known Member

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    You can cross the bedrock glitching you with ender pearls
  11. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    Seems you are overlooking the fact that if the claim was a little smaller, a player would have already made use of, or demolished the Obelisk. This is just part of the price we pay to be in SMP instead of SSP.
  12. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    It seems you overlook the fact that in my original post I said "Turn the 10 by 10 area around the obelisk into a subclaim, within which people can interact (but not destroy) the portal"

    Honestly, the Multiplex system is used specifically because people destroy Portals. So having a community access is not foreign to this hub or modpack. Is modifying a 10 by 10 area for that same purpose so unorthodox?
    Thanks for actually being helpful lmao
    ThePhoenix116 likes this.
  13. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    We can not create a protected public use Eldritch Portal on every Server running a Modpack with Thaumcraft. This means we will not do it for Crackpack. I overlooked nothing.
  14. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    And I overlooked nothing.

    Based on what I know, it seems to me that the eldritch portal recipe is exclusive to crackpack. So there is already an exclusive solution. Also.. I don't see why you couldn't make one on every thaumcraft server, unless it had its own quest specific method like the ender cake.
  15. AntonioLayto

    AntonioLayto Well-Known Member

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    And that recipe was my idea :p
    ThePhoenix116 and Jessssuhh like this.
  16. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    I'm very disappointed in this outcome
  17. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    A bit late, but for anyone searching for a way to get to the dungeons, you should also be able to use the Mekanism cardboard box.
  18. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    No, you can't. I didn't think that would work, as the dungeon is surrounded by two layers of "immovable" blocks, but I tested it anyway and I was right. It just places the box on top of the bedrock/void block.

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