RPG Group

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by Broklyn_Datroll, Nov 23, 2017.


What is your RPG of choice? (Top 3 if you must!)

  1. D&D 3.5e

  2. Shadowrun

    0 vote(s)
  3. Star Wars (West End Games' D6)

  4. Rifts (Palladium)

  5. Pathfinder

  6. D&D 5e

  7. Heroes Unlimited/Champions

    0 vote(s)
  8. Cyberpunk 2020

  9. Other (mention it in your reply if I forgot your Fav!)

Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    For the past few weeks, a small number of MYM Staffers have been enjoying a little down time together by playing in a D&D3.5e campaign. I've enjoyed introducing a few of my fellow MYM Staff members to one of my life long passions, the hobby of RPGs while running the game for them. Real life demands have caused us to miss a couple of our bi-weekly game, and spurred me to think of other ways to feed my gaming addiction.

    This leads to an important fact tht anyone with whom I will be interacting needs to be cognizant of. I am a gaming addict! I have spent years not only playing and running assorted role-playing games, but have also designed 3 rpgs using 2 unique systems of my own design. I have also taken my knowledge of software engineering and computer programming to create computer video games. I created a series of educational games used by my State's Special Education Department for several year, as well as a number of freeware/shareware games in the late 90's.

    With a few of my gaming credentials state above, I repeat my declaration that I am a gaming addict. Do not under-estimate the importance of this fact. I consider joining a RPG Group to be entering into a Social Contract with your fellow gamers, and while RPG's are games, and I do play them for fun, I take the hobby very seriously. Slap-stick antics and purposefully sidetracking a game are major pet peeves of mine. Even worse is joining, then flaking out on a group. I have completely wrote off people for this, as recently as last month in fact.

    I am aware of my addiction to gaming, and the extremes it takes me to and the differences between the way I interact with RPGs and how most other do. This is one reason I write an explanation, or warning if you prefer, such as this. Get me started on a gaming related topic and I can talk for hours. Conversely, due to my awareness of my condition, I am reluctant to be the initiator of gaming topics. I want to know the people I am gaming with are showing at least enough intereste to start the conversation. I am loath to place myself in any position where it might feel like I am pressuring others into gaming.

    With all the above said, if you are still reading this, thank you for your patience and for your interest.

    I am interested in starting a couple new games, with a weekly episodic structure. If youare not familiar with an Episodic game, it is a series of short adventures or 'one-shots' that are strung together losely. This is different from a Campaign style game where it is expected that ther is some larger over-arching story line intended to play out over an extended period of time. The beauty of an Episodic game is that it makes it easy for players to come and go each week. Think of television shows, where each week something happens, but it is all esolved by the end of the show. Thins then return to normal and are ready for next week's episode. This is the pattern used by shows like The Simpsons or Ghost in The Shell:Stand Alone Complex.

    What I need are players that can demonstrate a desire to be present during the game, willing to invest a couple hours (typically 4-6 minimum) and able to enjoy the experience while still being respectful of the role-playing experience and taking it seriously, while still having fun of course!

    Still with me? Increadable! So now e can get into some of the more technical details. Interest has already been expressed for a Shadowrun 5e game, and I have a multitude of ideas for not just SR, but StarWarsD6 and maybe something 'Super-Hero' related as well.

    My wall of exposition is drawing to a conclusion, and now I present the raw beating heart of my obsession to the community as a whole, in the hopes of it resonating with a few of you. All experience levels are welcome. Just know that if you think of yourself as a 'pro' then your elitist attitutde is likely to only piss me off and this is not the place for you.

    That said, who's up for some gaming?

    P.S. Any other GM's out there in possesion of the courage to face a challenge? I'd like to play somthing and not just run all the time, lol!
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  2. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    6:18 AM
    i'm still new to pen and paper rpg, but i did play a bit of the dark eye, pathfinder and d&d 3.5 before. futuristic variations such as star wars or cyberpunk sound interesting too though. Briefly said, i'm very interested and open for anything.
  3. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    1:18 AM
    This sounds great to me! But I don’t have much time nowadays for stuff like this, if you will still doing this in late December I will be up for it then!
  4. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    The Holidays are always rough on a gaming group's schedule. This is one of the reasons I want to have a game or two using an Episodic structure. That way the game goes on even if a character has to miss a game.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1:18 AM
    You forgot Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition :finger:
  6. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    10:18 PM
    Not so much forgot as left off in consideration of the younger gamers. I loved 2nd, right up until Skills&Powers killed it, that is. :(
  7. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    12:18 AM
    ok you have my attention lol i think this would be kind of cool that and its with local mym players as well so you allready get a sort of cennection right off the bat
  8. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    6:18 AM
    I have gm'd a few warhammer 40k dark herasy games oh the fun when they roll realllly bad and his team ends ud leaveing him behind ad the planet is declared for extermnatus

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