Not Possible Suggestion: Allow repeat answers like Yes and No in chatfilter

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by deepcage, Dec 4, 2017.


Can we please be allowed to use repeat answers like Yes and No in public chat? (Ingame)

  1. Agreed, we need this!

  2. Why do we need this? (Post a comment)

  3. Disagree, we never needed this

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  1. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Local Time:
    7:19 AM
    Hi all,

    Something simple, yet stupid has been bugging me for a while now. There is this "Do not repeat the same or similar message(s)" thingy when you try to say something you allready said earlier. This also means if someone asks a question and you need to give the same answer twice (like no or yes) wont be allowed. Which is stupid and rather annoying.

    "Hey do you have any oak wood?"
    "Do you have any spruce wood then?
    "Please do not post the same or similar message more than once."

    Can you figure out a way to allow short repeat words or sentences? Added a poll for simple general interest overview.
  2. Uthael_Killeanea

    Uthael_Killeanea Well-Known Member

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    7:19 AM
    I can cycle a few messages and spam them indefinitely.

    I can't repeat the same message in /g if i missed and posted it in local.

    Me: "Hello, Global! :)" (dammit)
    Me: "/g Hello, Global! :)"
    Server: "Please do not post the same or similar message more than once." (DAMMIT!)
  3. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    5:19 PM
    Isn't the general idea of this to stop people spamming text? And isn't this also not enabled in whisper?
  4. Uthael_Killeanea

    Uthael_Killeanea Well-Known Member

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    7:19 AM
    Yes, but typing in wrong chat or typing the same valid answer twice gets filtered. There is no intention of spam. This needs some slight rebalancing.

    A few minutes ago, I had something like this:
    "What is the best way to gain draconium dust from ore? Sag Mill?"
    "Fortune it."
    "What if you just put it in a smeltery?"
    "Fortune it." (denied)
    "Please do not post the same (or similar ..."
  5. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

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    7:19 PM
    The chat filter is to stop continued spamming of words on our global and server chats if we were to enable the words 'Yes' & 'No' sorry to say but people can and most likely will use it to spam which would just cause players playing on our servers disturbance.

    Possibly this idea is something our higher staff members would have to discuss and see if a outcome can be made or if it is going no further.

    Have a great day / night!

    - Monkey :)
  6. Uthael_Killeanea

    Uthael_Killeanea Well-Known Member

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    7:19 AM
    How about allowing 2 instances of the same message? And if you do that, you can't send ANY messages in the following 10 seconds.
  7. LordEreh

    LordEreh Well-Known Member

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    7:19 AM
    @deepcage Where is "Potato" poll?

    Kind sir, thats a great idea - 2 same messages THEN "Please do not post the same or similar message more than twice."

    I'm also frustrated when i explain something to someone and i wrote yes, then explain something new and cant repeat "yes" one more time but i need to use - yep, yup, correct etc.
  8. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    4:19 PM
    This definitely annoys me more than the doubling up on simple answers - I'd guess that the script that checks for double messages runs before the script that pushes to global? Or perhaps the script that checks for double messages is nested. Could be wrong.

    Love it
  9. Mijikai

    Mijikai Well-Known Member

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    6:19 AM
    This system surely does stop spam in a way, it's quite easy to spam using different words also, if you look at it in that context though.
    Allowing system answers yes/no is quite lenient considering the demand of the words used as a single.
  10. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    11:19 PM
    I like this idea as I too have found it frustrating at times. Here's my input on possibilities of how we could go about this:

    1) The spam filter should allow words like yes, no, thanks, lol, etc. to be repeated. If someone wanted to spam they would probably choose other words to spam, not to mention if a troll just really wanted to spam a word like "yes" then they would find a way.

    2) As @Uthael_Killeanea mentioned, allow words and/or sentences to be used twice with a timer following. This would allow a player to reply twice if the first time was mistakenly posted wrong, for example, posting in casual instead of global or posting in party chat instead of casual (I do this all the time lol!). This is hardly spam and has more benefits than cons.

    3) Allow words like yes, no, lol, etc to be repeated by the same player IF followed by another player's response.
    For example (allow this):
    Tipsied: Deepcage, are you there?
    Deepcage: yes
    Tipsied: do you still need help?
    Deepcage: yes
    Tipsied: With the power plant?
    Deepcage: yes
    Tipsied: in this area?
    Deepcage: yes

    However, do NOT allow this example:
    Tipsied: Deepcage, are you there?
    Deepcage: yes
    Deepcage: yes
    Deepcage: yes

    Although this last one could open up more possibilities for exploiting, I still believe the pros outweigh the cons.
  11. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    7:19 AM
    Also probably another suggestion to put a timer/timeout on repeat messages. say you cant repeat the same sentence or word within 5 secs of another. Or any other low enough time to allow someone else to post a question in between. And i agree with tipsied that multiple repeat words without input from others should be disallowed.

    Then again you could also put an auto-kick on spammed messages. Say 3 or more repeat sentences earns you a 10 minute ban from the server. Each time you do it, the ban gets exponentially longer until it results in a permaban.
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  12. Jessssuhh

    Jessssuhh Patron Tier 3

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    4:19 PM
    Maybe make it 5, 3 seems a little close for comfort :nailbiting:
  13. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    5:19 PM
    Also if you go with the ban idea, it would better to have a warning as well as the ban.

    Player: yes
    Player: yes
    Player: yes

    Server: If you repeat the word "yes" once more within 10 seconds you will be temporarily banned from the server
    Player: yes

    Server: Player has been kicked/banned.
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    2:19 AM
    It kicks you now if you are spamming by sending too many lines as it is, a ban would be excessive and cause undo headaches when a player does something wrong like griefing, we'd now have to check and double check those fifteen bans they had for spamming.
  15. Uthael_Killeanea

    Uthael_Killeanea Well-Known Member

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    7:19 AM
    No bans. Just kicks and warnings. Too many warnings = moderator notified for a potential mute (duration as he/she sees fit).

    Sometimes a poor client connection or server lag might be the cause for "spam".

    Edit: now that I'm more awake, I see that this post is somewhat redundant. But I can't find a way to delete it.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    SGamerXxX likes this.
  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    2:19 AM
    I have run into this before but never really worried about it, I like to mix up my repeat answers anyway (like no nope nah naw na and nada) but I do see the need for it.
  17. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    7:19 AM
    Bumping topic since it seems like this is being forgotten. Would love staff reactions on this.

    Dang i forgot im staff now, but yea, other staff is what i meant :)
    HelloKittyPhone, Kissqt and Mijikai like this.
  18. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    11:19 PM
    Or instead of just replying with the same one word, you can vary it by adding words or using slightly different words.

    Tipsied: Deepcage, are you there?
    Deepcage: yes
    Tipsied: do you still need help?
    Deepcage: yeah
    Tipsied: With the power plant?
    Deepcage: yes that
    Tipsied: in this area?
    Deepcage: ya
  19. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    7:19 AM
    Sometimes you'll get "too similar to last message".
  20. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    2:19 AM
    I took a look over this, and as Kaze said, it is kinda unnecessary. You could always not reply with the exact same message. This is something that isn't really worth the trouble of adding (since I have been staff I have never seen anyone get kicked for saying the same thing over and over, or warned not to.)

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