Info The future of MyM - Shop Concept

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2017.


Loot Boxes (see related Section)

Poll closed Dec 11, 2017.
  1. 1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades (can't get active upgrades).

    6 vote(s)
  2. 2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.

    92 vote(s)
  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:51 PM
    Please see Info - The future of MyM - Third Stage (Vote Period) | MineYourMind Community for reference.

    Shop Concept - Feedback

    Based on the suggestions submitted we designed the following concept for the shop. Please be
    enlightened that especially the numbers and prices have not been calculated/balanced, yet. Nevertheless, please share your opinions on them, so we can account your opinion when ironing out the final balance.

    Please share your opinion, ideas and provide feedback :)

    Starter Packs
    Community Goals

    Server Upgrades
    Starter Kits
    Loot Boxes

    Starter Packs
    One time purchase, can only be bought once.
    Need better names. Ideas?

    Basic T1 - 10€
    • 2 Server Upgrades
    • 1 Loot Box
    • 3 Month Patron T1
    • 1 Booster
    Basic T2 - 20€
    • 5 Server Upgrades
    • 2 Loot Boxes
    • 3 Month Patron T2
    • 2 Booster
    Enhanced T3 - 50€
    • 20 Server Upgrades
    • 5 Loot Boxes
    • 3 Month Patron T3
    • 5 Booster
    Sponsor T4 - 100€
    • 50 Server upgrades
    • 10 Loot Boxes
    • 3 Month Patron T4
    • 10 Booster

    Monthly Subscription (5€, 10€, 25€, 50€)

    Patron - Tier 1 (4.99€)
    • - Server Upgrades at the value of 5€
    • - 500 Bonus Claim Blocks
    • - Gray Patron title
    • - Change titles
    • - Set blocks as hat (/hat)
    • - Prioritized Support Channel
    • - Reserved Slot
    • - Discord Party Channel
    • - Greeting/Farewell
    • - Virtual Time Control
    • - Daily Network Token Booster: 20%
    • - Chat Colors
    Patron - Tier 2 (9.99€)
    • - Server Upgrades at the value of 10€
    • - 1000 Bonus Claim Blocks
    • - Orange Patron title
    • - Set cosmetic helmet/block (doesn't replace equipped helmet)
    • - Highlighted on the Forum
    • - Inactivity Reset Time: 1 month
    • - Early Access: 24 hours
    • - Daily Network Token Booster: 40%
    • - More Islands (Extra Huge Island) (Cosmetic)
    • - Claim download (World Downloader plugin)
    • - Walk particle effects
    Patron - Tier 3 (24.99€)
    • - Server Upgrades at the value of 25€
    • - 2500 Bonus Claim Blocks
    • - Orange Patron title and yellow name
    • - Set cosmetic armor
    • - Inactivity Reset Time: 2 months
    • - Early Access: 48 hours
    • - Daily Network Token Booster: 80%
    • - No AFK-Kick
    • - Custom Nick
    Patron - Tier 4 (49.99€)
    • - Server Upgrades at the value of 50€
    • - 5000 Bonus Claim Blocks
    • - Orange Patron title and yellow name
    • - Inactivity Reset Time: 4 months
    • - Daily Network Token Booster: 120%
    • - Sponsored Server (mym hosted modpack of choice, control over whitelist, unban of protection bypass items on request)

    Community Goals (Bonus)
    Active once a specific amount of sales has been achieved.
    • Booster
    • New Server
    • Random Kit
    • Loot Box
    Server Goals (Shutdown)
    If a server does not yield n amount of money it is shutdown or reset but each server has a minimum lifetime of 2 months. Maybe we can count the amount of new players into this.

    Server Upgrades

    Monthly or bi-weekly terms, one time purchase
    • + 1 Daily Kit - 10€/2SU
    • +1000 Bonusclaimblocks - 5€/1SU (could be sold on player basis, since bigger claims/regions are allowed)
    • +1 Homepoint - 10€/2SU
    • Teleport Cooldown Bypass - 5€/1SU
    • Teleport Warmup Bypass - 10€/2SU
    • Keep Exp - 20€/4SU
    • Mobile Enderchest/Workbench - 10€/2SU
    • Feed Command - 10€/2SU
    • Heal - 20€/4SU
    • Change Mobspawner - 10€/2SU
    • Back Command - 50€/10SU
    • Back on Death - 50€/10SU
    • Fly - 50€/10SU
    • Compass Teleport - 50€/10SU
    • God Mode - 100€/20SU
    • Deny Spawn of specific Mobs - 20€/4SU
    • No Creeper Damage - 20€/4SU

    Current “Credit”-Kits as one-time purchase. Available at spawn for everyone for one day. (2-50€)
    If needed additional high value gameplay breaking kits.

    Loot Boxes
    Containing a random server upgrade, kit, booster, claim blocks.. Twice the value compared to buying them directly.

    Possible scenarios (which one or additional one do you like the most?):
    1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades.
    2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.
    • Vote Token Boost (Network wide)
    • Any additional ideas?
    Last edited: Dec 4, 2017
  2. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

    Likes Received:
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    12:51 PM
    My thoughts-

    1. On Server Upgrades, what is the monthly or bi-monthly terms? Is that how long that upgrade lasts? And then you say one-time purchase?
    2. How does the current paid ranks factor into this? Would it migrate over to a Patron rank?
    3. I would suggest Server minimum lifetime be slightly longer. 2 months honestly is not a huge amount of time.
    4. Community goals is an awesome idea!

    Ill give another read through but looks good!
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:51 PM
    Duration for them to be active. E.g. buying /fly and activating it enables fly for everyone on that server for one month.
    These are just the starter packs which combine multiple products from the shop for a better price/value and can only be bought once.
    They are fully separated. The old ones would disappear from the shop, nothing else changes.
    This is only in the instance of there not being enough income to cover the costs.
  4. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:51 AM
    This looks great!
  5. Minnow91

    Minnow91 Retired Staff

    Likes Received:
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    4:51 PM
    While all of this has merit I have to wonder how these "SU's" work can they only be bought with real world cash or can they be earned another way this is very unclear to me. I have not followed all these topics as close as I should off but I understand a small part of it started out with No ingame perks for cash that normal players cant get in other words grind up for or words to that effect.

    On a small note and while I have the respect for the running of the network and understand cash is needed to keep things working this new way of thinking just feels very cash grabbing when looking at all those options and price tags again I dont mean this in a bad way just trying to see all angles of the issue.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:51 PM
    A virtual currency is a no no. Therefor we need to sell those on the shop page directly but in order to make the patron ranks appealing they get server upgrades for the value of the rank. Since these work with a fixed monthly contribution and are one part of many we hope that these are "ok". After all it surrenders the reasoning mojang gave on selling currency. If not we will change that to loot boxes, like hypixel, mineplex...
    Do not ask me why mojang is ok with gambling when they reason that virtual currencies are no good because it can cause people to loose the sense of real currency worth. I don't like it and think that a virtual currency is way more human friendly than gambling.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  7. CrimsonSZ

    CrimsonSZ Bored of being bored because being bored is boring

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    12:51 AM
    I think we should avoid the concept of loot boxes. I've seen enough of those in other games. Plus, you never know when governments will ban gambling in video games so it's best we play it safe. Damn Jangcrosoft.
    Datsaltysnek likes this.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:51 PM
    I'm totally with you. Unfortunately it is by far the number one income for minecraft servers that comply and we are likely forced to go that way if we want to stand any chance of surviving under the terms set forth by mojang.
    Mijikai likes this.
  9. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    10:51 AM

    Here are some suggestions, I realized right before I sent this that all the numbers were not final and were intended to just get the idea across but I had already put so much work into it :(
    Slind likes this.
  10. Blade7765

    Blade7765 Well-Known Member

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    9:51 AM
    so, sorta off topic but what will happen to the ranks that people currently have? I searched the other two threads but couldn't find anything, I might have missed it though since there was 16 pages.
    JessTheGreat likes this.
  11. Angelneko

    Angelneko Well-Known Member

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    What about current donator sets is that going to reset with this?
  12. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    One : Deny of specific mobs - possible each player can disable this (temporarily) if say they want a to use a mob farm?

    Two : So if someone pays for god mode and we all get I pity those poor monsters lol.

    Starter Pack Name suggestions

    Bronze, Silver, Gold, Platinium
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  13. Timmypwn

    Timmypwn Well-Known Member

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    5:51 PM
    [watch out personal opinion incoming] blame mojang. i am happy plans have been made, now lets hope this works, at least as much as the previous system. Ofcourse i see your point, i am still abit salty of the generalisation that mojang seems to make.
  14. Jaiegen

    Jaiegen Patron Tier 2

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    12:51 PM
    Lets just say for me, the more I think about it...Im not crazy about paying for the whole server to have God mode. or Fly mode.
    elemage likes this.
  15. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Unchanged, just removed from sale.
    JessTheGreat and Mijikai like this.
  16. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I am not really sure what the point of the starter packs is, the whole idea looks a bit to complicated to me.

    Do I get that right that someone pays 100 euro and unlocks serverwide godmode for a month? Sounds way to expensive to me. That should be more of a community goal.

    Other than that the suggestion looks solid.
  17. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    No worries, we take them into account when balancing. Every piece of imbalance that has been picked out eases the process :)

    Psychology. When you are new you only know pieces of the the entire workings of the servers. It is tedious to look through the shop, trying to understand every part and looking stuff up that you don't understand. By offering cheap (in terms of price/value) all in one packages this trouble can be somewhat lifted. Furthermore it is likely to reduce the barrier of spending/investing money.

    Please feel free to suggest a concept you think is better suited. Since god mode isn't liked by a good amount of players, I thought we should make it expensive enough to be extremely rare.
    BookerTheGeek and Mijikai like this.
  18. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    11:51 AM
    I like it. It has a good chance of working. I look forward to when this will become an option.
  19. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    9:51 AM
    So, I don't personally have the time to read it all, but judging by law (Based in United States) They (Microsoft) cannot force you to revoke previously paid for ranks in favor of the new system. So, us current tier donors are able to keep our perks and kits, correct?

    (Edit) Read the forum posts, and from what I understand the donor perks are unchanged, aside from their removal from the shop. This is good, I suppose. Maybe I should try and upgrade my tier before they're removed... heh... Btw, any eta on when this will take effect?
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    5:51 PM
    some time this month, probably before Christmas.
  21. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    11:51 AM
    Can I assume this does not apply to sponsored servers?

    Immediate use, or can I stockpile them for later usage? And for 1 day, is that a literal 24 hours then?

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