Info The future of MyM - Shop Concept

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2017.


Loot Boxes (see related Section)

Poll closed Dec 11, 2017.
  1. 1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades (can't get active upgrades).

    6 vote(s)
  2. 2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.

    92 vote(s)
  1. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:18 PM
    single use for 24 hours
    there is monthly money flowing. I'm not too sure about the pricing of that rank, yet. We have to keep it affordable. But if we include all costs, taxes, accounting... we loose money at 50€ a month.
  2. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    2:18 PM
    That is going to be an issue. While 50€ a month is steep, it is something I can see myself paying, I do not think I could rationalize paying more than that.

    Otherwise everything looks pretty good, and look forward to seeing how this pans out.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  3. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    Hi guys!
    I'm hoping to get everyone's creativity working by posting these suggestions on names, kits, and boosters. I'm coming from the perspective of my personal playing experience, along with player complaints and suggestions that I have noticed while on staff. I'm not really looking at how feasible/doable these suggestions are and was not approaching it from a developers point of view. I just wanted to throw some ideas out there that seemed interesting/fun that we could discuss/improve upon that would allow MYM to continue to be as fun as it already is. Although I don't necessarily agree with all of these suggestions, here's what I came up with:

    Champion, Legend, Deity, Omni
    Peasant, Hero, God, Legend
    Farmer, Merchant, Lord, Royal
    Basic, Rare, Epic, Legendary
    Commoner, VIP, MVP, Elite
    Basic, Intermediate, Enhanced, Sponsor
    Donator, Contributor, Supporter, Investor

    Minecraft Themed:

    Iron, Red Stone, Gold, Diamond
    Guardian, Wither, Ender, Chaotic

    MYM Themed:

    Lost Soul, King, Demigod, Immortal

    Is there a possibility of buying a kit (or something similar) to prevent a server from closing?

    Here are some of my kit ideas, though I don't totally agree with some of them. I did not bother thinking of clever names. I'm hoping you guys can chime in since some of these need a little work. If you have any questions or need clarifications, just let me know! :)

    • <insert dimension> reset kit - allows a reset of specified dimension before scheduled reset (probably will exclude nether). Examples include tropicraft, dreamworld, end, etc. Due to this being server wide, when this kit is activated, it could trigger some sort of voting mechanism that pops up for current online players who can then vote for dimensions that apply to that server/modpack. Otherwise it can be used by the player to choose which dimension they want reset, the power!
    • Pets kit - many servers have certain mobs disabled. This kit would give an egg for each mob that you can't obtain on the server and/or its head for decoration purposes. Example: hamsters on B-Team
    • Recipe kit - create a custom recipe for items that normally are not craftable, if the server allows. Example: players could request a custom recipe for squid ink sacs or ocelot eggs. This can pull from a pool of premade recipes that have already been tested for functionality on the server. We could also do tiers of this kit, which would allow advanced/hard to get items, such as dragon hearts, to be craftable and unlocked in the better tiered kits.
    • Enable dimension kit - enable a dimension that is normally disabled, for example aroma or rFtools dimensions
    • Food kit - provides X amount of every food item
    • Disable/Enable Fire spread kit - keep fire spread disabled in claims (to prevent griefing) but allow fire spread to be enabled/disabled outside of claims and in other dimensions. Can be done on a voting bases as well.
    • Disable certain chat functions such as global and make them obtainable/unlockable through kits
    • Summon Demon Horde kit - as many players have difficulty doing this properly, not to mention what a pain it is, we could offer a kit that summons a demon horde for all players currently online to fight and benefit from.
    • Chat calculator kit - enable the plug in to allow an in game calculator for players who have 1 screen and like to play in full screen.
    • Group Chunkloading kit - allow party members and/or friends to help each other keep chunks loaded by allowing players to share chunkloaders
    • Veinminer kit - disable veinminer on servers that have it and allow players to unlock it with a kit
    • Fast leaf decay kit - disable fast leaf decay on servers that have it and allow players to unlock it with a kit
    • Sleeping kit (can also be made into a booster) - allow players to sleep through the night
    • Claiming kit - disable claiming in all other dimensions (except the overworld) and allow players to unlock the ability to claim in other dimensions such as the nether.
    • Energy/Flux network kit - this kit provides the server with a public energy source. Can be tiered to hold more energy and transfer energy faster.
    • Builder Kit - includes stacks of common building blocks, if applicable, carpenter blocks, premade chisel and bits patterns and blocks
    • Builder assistance kit (cosmetic) - have a staff member flatten a certain area of land or remove water from a certain area
    • Market listings kit - increase the limit of listings per player
    • World border kit - increase and/or remove the world border of a dimension
    • Morph kit - buy a morph (purely cosmetic)
    • Gambling kit - players can get a free random item daily.
    • Server restart kit - purchase a kit that can be used to request a restart before or after a scheduled restart.
    Many of the other shops I visited had seasonal loot boxes for a limited time offer, such as winter loot boxes. They also had a monthly loot box which offers more than the normal loot box and the loot changes each month. We may want to consider doing something similar. I'm currently working on some ideas, if this is something we would like to do.

    Here are some of my booster ideas. Just a heads up, I have come up with possibly prices of ones I would like to see happen. However, I did not post any prices since I'm not 100% sure what is doable. Also, when I say "possibly tiered" what I mean is, the booster could come in tiers such as T1, T2, T3 with increasingly better benefits along with an increase in price. All in all, I think many of the patron benefits can be temporarily given as a boost which would allow players to experience the benefits before purchasing a patron rank. This can help players decide if they really want to purchase a rank or kit.

    • Server booster - Add time to the server to prolong the time of when the server could reset/shut down
    • XP Booster (possibly tiered) - increases XP gained and/or dropped by mobs by X amount of time
    • Invincibility booster (can also be made into a kit) - allows players to have a short duration of invincibility after teleporting or dying.
    • Any buff given by beacons, potions, and the like (possibly tiered) - gives temporary benefits for X amount of time - satiation, regen, speed, haste, resistance, jump, strength, magnetism (increases range at which players can pick up items), range (increase the overall range at which players can place/break blocks), night vision, water breathing
    • Rain Booster (creates rain for X amount of time), Storm Booster (creates a thunder storm for X amount of time), Clear Skies Booster (stops rain/storms and/or ensures sunny weather for X amount of time). These can cancel each other out, which can cause some competition among players. From a business perspective, this isn't a bad thing though :p
    • Day/night booster - toggle day or night, especially handy for vampires!
    • Market cut reduction booster (possibly tiered) - reduces the tax amount taken out of a player's earning by X amount
    • Market cut removal booster (can also be made into a kit) - removes the tax cut taken out of a player's earnings
    • Chunkloading booster (possibly tiered) - give current player base X amount of chunkloading tickets and/or allow free chunkloading for X amount of time.
    • Increased plant growth booster (possibly tiered) - increase the growth of trees, farms, plants, ender lilies, etc for X amount of time.
    • Increase tick rate booster (possibly tiered) - increase the server's tick rate by X amount for X amount of time. In other words, things smelt faster, energy transfers faster, etc.
    • Increase mob spawn rate and/or increase the mob cap for X amount of time
    • Decrease mob spawn rate
    • Chat booster - temporarily gain the ability to use colored, bold, italicized, and other special effects in chat. This should be priced to where it is not beneficial in the long run (while buying a starter pack/patron is more financially beneficial) but allows players to have a little fun and experience colored chat. Who knows, it may be the experience they need to finally buy that patron rank.
    • Any of the patron rank perks such as compass teleport - temporarily gain these perks
    • Aura/Walking effects - if I understand this correctly, this is like the ender aura, smoke, spell, sparks,etc. If this is the case, then we can make it into a booster to temporarily gain these effects. The player can choose to turn on/off these effects.
    • No AFK kick booster (can be made into a kit and possibly tiered) - prevents players from being kicked for X amount of time
    • Wither booster - Prevent wither damage/effects for X amount of time
    • Botania booster - increase mana generation and/or decrease flower decay rate by X amount for X amount of time
    • Mob drops booster - Increase mob drop rate, example: Ghasts drop 1-4 tears per kill
    • Durability booster - Reduce the loss of durability of items for X amount of time
    • Keep inventory booster (can also be made into a kit and be tiered for increased time) - keep inventory upon death for X amount of time
    • Thaumcraft Taint booster - decrease the spread of taint by X amount for X amount of time
    • Decrease the prices of NPCs in game such as villager trades.

    Other suggestions:

    Key + booster combo idea
    I think it would be interesting and fun to have unlockable rooms/warps at spawn that can be unlocked by purchasing keys. These rooms/warps would be mod specific or themed, so for now, think machinery or a Thaumcraft research room. The purpose of these rooms would be to provide assistance with the mods (sort of like the credit kits currently do), but server wide. So there could be a Thaumcraft research room, for example, that can be unlocked with a Thaumcraft key, however, this room cannot be used without using a spawn booster, which allows players to use not break the items/machines in the unlocked rooms at spawn. Ideally, a server could have many or all rooms unlocked and whenever a spawn booster is used, players could go in and use machines they don't already have, research Thaumcraft, use mana from the Botania room, use energy in an energy room to fill up their capacitor banks, etc. Of course, this would all be voluntary, so for those players who like the struggle and don't want the assistance, they simply just ignore these rooms and are never even bothered by them. The main purpose of these rooms would be to make it easier to progress into a mod, but basically just to make life easier.

    We could get really creative with this and do tiers, so for example, we could have T1, T2, T3 machine and energy rooms (and other mods of course, these are just easiest to use as examples to explain). The T1 machines would be basic whereas the T3 machine room would be advanced. The idea is, players could use machines they do not yet have, basically like purchasing a credits kit. T1 energy would be basic, slow transferring energy and so the more players, the less energy that can be transferred (as well as less quickly). The T3 energy room could essentially be a creative room and if unlocked could provide unlimited power to the server for X amount of time.

    Furthermore, we could do Infinity Keys, where players have unlimited access to unlocked rooms and we could even include normally disabled/banned items (if possible) to further the incentive to unlock these rooms.

    • Eldritch portal, boss, etc
    • Thaumcraft research room
    • Basic/intermediate/advanced Energy/flux network
    • Dimension portals room
    • Witchery, witchery summoning room, shrines, etc
    • Mob spawner (wither boss, wither skeleton, blaze, bats, etc)
    • General farm, tree farm with access to all types of trees and plants
    • Forestry with all bred trees, bees, and butterflies
    • Basic/intermediate/advanced Machine room
    • Lava room
    • NPC room with ingame NPCs that sometimes go instinct and/or become hard to find, such as villagers.
    • Advanced genetics

    Server Bank
    Is it possible to have a server bank so that players can donate to the cause? For example, players on the server want /god but not one player has enough to buy /god. Would it be possible for players to donate say, 1€ each towards the cause that goes into a bank and allows all players on that server to contribute? When donating, an option could pop up that allows them to choose what their 1€ goes towards, for example, they could choose something that has not already been unlocked by the server like /fly, they then donate what they can, which goes towards a collective pot until there is enough to unlock it. There could even be a "goals bar" that shows how much until they can unlock /god or /fly or something other perk.

    Well, that's all I have for now! Unfortunately, my list of ideas that I was working on for the past day was on my phone, which is now permanently dead. RIP iPhone 5. So as the ideas come back, I'll go ahead and update this thread (probably under an edited section). For now, this is what I have, let me know what you guys think!
  4. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    7:18 PM
    Is that per server you run? As in, it costs about 50€ per minecraft server you host? Will it be publicly viewable how many sales each server has made considering the 'Community Goals (Bonus)' and 'Server Goals (Shutdown)'. Just wondering because I got patron hoping to help pay for the servers, but I have no idea if I'm even making a drop in the bucket.
  5. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    12:18 PM
    I also have this concern, which is why I suggested a "server bank" with a "goals bar" which can all be used to determine how a server is doing financially. It definitely would help
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:18 PM
    Yes this would be part of the shutdown concept so that players can invest a little to keep it running.
  7. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    Loot Boxes are just going to be a no go unless you want to deal with Gambling laws they are looking into over in Europe. Specifically with loot boxes
    deepcage likes this.
  8. 19e8

    19e8 Well-Known Member

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    will i have to pay more to keep all the things i have on the rank that i payed for a wile ago or will i keep all the things i have (IE all my T5 perks and kits)
  9. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    Also, taking a look at what your competitors do as far as their shops may give you a better idea as to what you can do with the shop instead of scrambling for a semblance of a donor system comparable to the prior one
  10. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:18 PM
    Apparently at this point in time it is still a grey area when the reward is virtual.
    Info - The future of MyM - Shop Concept | MineYourMind Community
    The competition does what we did before/atm with additional sale of chunkloaders, end game kits, loot boxes (gambling).... We always were very friendly with the shop compared to competition.
    Rohen and Timmypwn like this.
  11. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    For the backpack/enderchest you could also make it upgradeable.
    6 tiers each a small price. Each tier would unlock 1 row that people may utilize for storage. Maybe if someone wants to get all 6 unlocked they can buy all at a slightly reduced price.

    Secondly with the backpack/enderchest system I want to know if a party chest is viable to be implemented. It might require a new custom plugin for it to work. The concept would be a virtual chest that people who are in your team/party may take out from. Similar to an ME system but with limited storage. If it is not a viable option to implement then at least I tried asking.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    Datsaltysnek likes this.
  12. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    8:18 PM
    Might as well get the most annoying stuff out out of the way first. I don't care if "loot boxes aren't technically gambling... yet." - You really shouldn't be doing them, no matter what. People should know exactly what they're buying, loot boxes are a stupid mechanic and a scummy way of getting peoples money. There should be no RNG involved in your purchase options. Just increase the premium currency amount per bundle or something like that, but seriously, fuck loot boxes.

    Also, don't do the silly "4.99" costs for patron tier(s), just make it an even 5. You're fooling no one. There's literally no reason to encourage nor use marketing ploys like that.

    Ideas regarding Starter Pack/Tier names: (renamed starter packs -> bundles)

    T1 - Standard Bundle / Standard Patron
    T2 - Deluxe Bundle / Deluxe Patron
    T3 - Gold Bundle / Gold Patron
    T4 - Platinum Bundle / Platinum Patron

    As for Community Goals, I really wouldn't want it to revolve around purchases. Or rather, I wouldn't want to advertise it as such. I would much rather have it be Community Events, where you add special stuff once in a while, like making one-use kits appear at spawn, that anyone can use once to get certain items, or even random items, BUT random item kits/Loot boxes should ONLY be used for free-for-everyone events, and should never be attached to any kind of purchase. Other kit rewards could be items that focus on particular aspects of the game, be it specific mods or mechanics, to encourage players, new or old (obviously they'll be a greater boon for newer players, but those are usually the ones you want to attract, I can only hope that senior players aren't too annoyed that new players get a small boost) to try out the mod/mechanic. It should never be anything you couldn't get by just player for a few hours.

    Having events like this once in a while (should last at least a few days, pref during a weekend) will encourage new players to try out the modpack(s) and MYM servers in general, that hopefully choose to stick around.
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
    Rohen likes this.
  13. Shalay

    Shalay Well-Known Member

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    my question is what happens to the kits and ranks we currently have? are they going to change or just new stuff added ? also server lifetime of 2 months if you cant receive the goal that will kill most of the less popular servers like crash landing
  14. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    As for retaining previously purchased tiers, kits/ranks, Slind posted this:

    Info - The future of MyM - Shop Concept | MineYourMind Community

    The way I read it is that everything you have currently, you'll retain after the new system is implemented, all though the option to buy said tiers will be removed. I'm glad if this is the case, I've made quite the investment, would be pretty annoyed if they were to just wipe the slate clean.
  15. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    Hey Rekalty. people know what they are buying with loot boxes, RNG involved, they are buying a chance at getting stuff. they know that before they press the BUY button. that is what entices people to buy them, the luck of the draw. the thrill of maybe getting something EPIC u cant get normally get anywhere else. Example: playing blackjack, its a gamble, but you know what your getting into before you take a seat, then when you hit a blackjack hand. BAM adrenaline. lol

    remember everyone knows what they buy, they have to confirm purchases .

  16. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    So could upgrade to tier-5 right now, and keep all the perks? Or is it already too late? ;)

    Or did I misunderstand?
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2017
  17. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    8:18 PM
    You literally just described loot boxes as gambling by using gambling as an example of loot boxes... I'm sorry, but it sounds like you have an unhealthy addiction to gambling, I think EA is hiring, you might want to look into that. You don't know what you're getting, you know what you have a CHANCE of getting, there's a big difference. AAA companies are being called out for this scamming and addictive scheme, I don't see any good reason why MYM should use it, unless you want to restrict the entire server to 18+, seeing the direction all the rage about loot boxes and gambling is taking. MYM should be above dodgy and exploitative things like this.

    Like I wrote in the earlier thread, I'm all for using "loot boxes" as rewards in free community events, but they should never be something you can buy through real money, nor though a premium currency that's bought with real money. I'm fairly certain Mojang/Microsoft wouldn't want to get involved in all the debate about paid loot boxes/gambling for content, but given how that other servers might be doing this already, and if MYM does it as well, I'm certain they'll have to do so eventually. We might as well do the right thing to begin with.
    dragon87tamer likes this.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    8:18 PM
    Keep it friendly, guys !!!

    I have major doubts that servers like hypixel, mineplex, gommehd could keep the lights on without loot boxes.
    Ronodil and dragon87tamer like this.
  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    According to the EULA, since you already bought the tiers/ perks we do not have to remove them from you on existing servers, so unless something drastic changes you get to keep them.
  20. Spowart

    Spowart Well-Known Member

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    7:18 PM
    You say existing servers, so will current ranks/perks still be available on new servers. Or will the new system be put in place on said servers?

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