Info The future of MyM - Shop Concept

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2017.


Loot Boxes (see related Section)

Poll closed Dec 11, 2017.
  1. 1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades (can't get active upgrades).

    6 vote(s)
  2. 2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.

    92 vote(s)
  1. VortexWinds

    VortexWinds Well-Known Member

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    8:28 AM
    This comment is also ignoring the fact that loot boxes have proven as gambling, and why i went to the trouble to mention it is because the are looking into legislation in europe to legally make loot boxes gambling in which you'll have to redo all of the shop over again in a couple years or so. If you move forward with the loot boxes idea.

    Also loot boxes as a whole in my opinion are a bad idea in minecraft because in game value is very relative. That being said spending 5 dollars on a loot box and getting something out of it bit not something you want or need is exactly the same as losing money while gambling. You know you have a chance of winning that thing you want, but inevitably you may and probably wont get that item you want. Also introducing this to the community as a whole makes the mym network into poor role model for your younger audiences by essentially introducing them into a mild form of gambling addiction related to gameplay. Of which is why i do not support loot boxes in any way shape or form.

    As a side note. Blowing off comments like these with we have done it before or its a grey area is a cheap and distasteful way to bypass and stall finding an actual solution. When i said look at your competition i meant it, research it and make a spread sheet of what they do and try to find their best avenue for aquiring money, because in one way or another they will more than likely be next on the chopping block for the exact same problem. Therefore by spending the time and effort to protect your investment and the community investment by generating a valid and bountiful solution others will follow in your path.

    As the owners of a network such as this one. It is a much of a game as it is a business if you want it to thrive as a whole.
    Jess_Alberta51 and Rekalty like this.
  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Please share your ideas. I'm in no way a fan of loot boxes, its one of the main reasons why we never had any. (its been suggested a lot)
    At this time it is about survival and if we can't come up with a concept that works well enough to pay for the servers that's it. From what I heard these loot boxes are responsible for around 60-80% of the income on mini game servers. When the EU declares these illegal there will be a major shake up, from major minecraft servers over companies like valve (counter strike, dota, team fortress) to companies like supercell.

    If you have any idea on things that yield enough to keep the lights on, please share. We received +100 ideas from the community on the first stage. The possibilities are extremely limited, thanks to mojang.

    Btw. we looked at hundreds of servers. Feel free to do the same to see how big the hand of mojang on these matters is ;)
    EvilScotsman likes this.
  3. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    If loot boxes are to become a thing then the best thing that one may do is to create tiers for them. Give various tiers certain select rewards that may or may not be sold to a shop in spawn for currency in that server to then be able to purchase other items one may want once currency gets accumulated. This way it is still somewhat random but somewhat well controlled on what a player gets.

    The in game shop does not have to be in spawn but can be a command that people may use. Also a sell in hand command.

    Another idea is to introduce multiple currencies like copper, silver, gold, platinum, instead of credits so that way you can find a unique way to limit various currencies to have higher drop in a certain loot crates. With that you can limit certain shop items to be obtained with different currency.

    Just some random ideas I’ve been having which I don’t know if they good.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The new system will be in place on all new servers,we don't really get a choice on that thanks to our friends at Mojang. Will we also roll out the new system to older servers, we will to continue to generate revenue. The hamsters need to still eat, and we still need to buy new floppy disks.

    If you wanted to buy a tier, this might be the best time before the Mojang thumb comes down. Your commands will be with you, the kits I'd have to go over the EULA again, but my understanding was if you had it we aren't required to remove it.
  5. F8L_AK47

    F8L_AK47 New Member

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    I can only assume this means poof to being grandfathered into what i originally paid for... or...?
  6. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    I'm getting two different messages from two admins. Slind makes it sound like we get to keep whichever tiers and the bonuses that come with them, the way you phrase it, makes it sound like we'll only keep it for current servers, but not for upcoming ones.

    So which one is it going to be, will we keep what we've paid for already, or will we lose it on upcoming servers?
    Rohen likes this.
  7. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    if we get a sponsored server what commands in terms of server administration do we get access to and do we get to use any public pack from any launcher including self made packs. also can we choose the theme of the server such as pvp/pve. also who choses what items are disabled and the plugins used. i am asking as i would love to create a modded pvp server that has the factions plugin for claims and all of the destructive items enabled.
  8. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    ok no need to multipost fam..
  9. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    Just curious will Divine Journey be added to MYM, at the same time as this (shop concept) will be added? (Assuming MYM doesn't have to shut down of course...)
  10. FactionsEnd

    FactionsEnd Well-Known Member

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    So do we pay to play on the servers now or rent servers how does it work I’m confused
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    More than likely as we have a few things in the pipe that are being done in preparation for the launch.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    You play on the servers, but if you want to champion or patron a particular offering that we don't have, or maybe you want your own little sub community you can of course donate towards one.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    • - Sponsored Server (mym hosted modpack of choice, control over whitelist, unban of protection bypass items on request)

    That's what we are going by at the moment, now a custom mod pack adding plugins that is something @Slind would have to answer for you since my understanding is we were letting the consumer choose a modpack, not necessarily add plugins since these add another dimension to compatibility and administration, but I'll let the boss field that question.
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    You're keeping them on existing servers, they may take our kits... but they will never take our /fly command! What we do know is you will no longer be able to purchase commands as you can today, or credits. How does that look going forward, does tier five maintain tier five? That comes down to how you interpret the policies laid out by Mojang since they sort of talk out of both sides of their mouths on this one. While they say if they guy/gal bought tier 5 they are tier 5 and you don't need to revoke the permissions. The grey area exists in the idea of environment, is the person who logs in tier 5 and it does not matter where they login, or were they granted those permissions based on the servers at the time. I lean towards the first, but I can see how it will be argued the other way as well. Again I'll step aside and let @Founder answer that, at the end of the day the buck stops with them.
    elemage likes this.
  15. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    sorry my internet was acting up last night and it must of posted twice
  16. Mossb3rg

    Mossb3rg Well-Known Member

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    Honestly i see no reason any player needs godmode, fly, or any other perk that offers an advantage over others. Most modpacks have items in them that can be earned through game progression that offer these benefits. I really like the idea of getting points for buying donator packs and that you can choose exactly what perks you want. Not sure if mojang considers things like extra sethomes to really be unfair advantages. If they do i would maybe suggest something like instead of extra homes you can set a /warp that all players can use. I know my time on the network is a bit off and on but i do like the network and have faith it can persevere.
  17. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    MYM is not a PVP based platform, nor a competitive one. There is no "advantage" to gain over anyone. So someone with /god can kill an ender dragon easier than you can. So what? You don't lose out to anything because of someone else's perks.
    elemage likes this.
  18. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    In the manged server way, this is not feasible. A new pack or customization are way too expensive on staff resources.
    This would only work if the server is self managed, but then why use a MyM server and not nitrado, creeper host, nodecraft... Yes our hardware is usually way better suited for minecraft but that also comes at a price.
    wyndman likes this.
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Since we did not sell these on a current server or minecraft version basis, I think this is clear. Frankly in the past (years ago) we stated that they are for the corresponding minecraft version and older versions. This was removed since we never used it and it caused confusion.
    elemage and wyndman like this.
  20. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Unfortunately that is not how mojang sees it.
  21. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    Sorry, that post was in reply to Mossb3rg's statement that people shouldn't have access to those commands, not about mojangs policy.

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