Update Reminder (Ferret & AoE specifically)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Stevenski_, Dec 9, 2017.

  1. Stevenski_

    Stevenski_ Well-Known Member

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    12:13 PM
    The Ferret Business & Age of Engineering servers are in need of updates. I'm posing this here because it usually takes several decade for a mod/admin to notice this kind of thing on their own.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Oh we notice, we don't always rush to apply the updates, we like to let them shake out any bugs before we apply them just in case there are several hot fixes in a row that crop up. Ferret just want live with Beta .25 a couple days ago so we should be on it soon.
    SergiKuro and Datsaltysnek like this.
  3. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    Nice to know the IT guys at my work aren't the only ones who work like that.
    Customer to IT Desk guy: "Hey did you know there's Windows 10 already? I got it at home and its soooooo much faster than the OS here at work".
    IT Desk guy: "We like to wait until everybody else has worked all the bugs out before we upgrade. Besides, there is at least 1 more year of time left before Windows XP runs out of support and security updates, so we're good for a bit longer".
    ViesSPR likes this.
  4. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We're not that bad, ferret is just an example of why we wait a few days as .2.2 needed a few hot fixes before it was ready, AoE actually went though the same issues, things break with new updates released to the wild. Better to take the server down once then four times.
    Datsaltysnek likes this.
  5. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Deepcage that's like the 1st rule of It and I waited like 2 years before giveing up on my windows 7 ultimate and I Till regret updating to win10 caus its not as good as win7 ultimate
    Now for modpack updates let the others work out the kinks caus that means it might be more stabel and so on :)
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    I've found that windows 10 is much better than Windows 7, and at least for my computer, it runs better than 7 ever did. Now, do keep in mind computers that came with windows 7 were more designed to run that OS, and should be expected to run slightly less efficient when you upgrade it.
  7. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Windows 10 is incredibly slow on HDD's. I prefer Win 7 in these cases.
    Fireforce likes this.
  8. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    6:13 PM
    I custom build my pc so it is not born whit windows 7 I brought it for the new rig 3 years back and now when I have win 10 even tho it runs on a Kingston hyperx fury ssd it has a upstart time on 5 min but the bios load time says 11 sec but the 5 mins just to see the desktop and play to much

    I have meney of the same parts for my now dead server but it ran Linux mint

    I normally apply the same concept for modpack as for Ms Windows wait some months and they fix it hopefully but win 10 not good for my pc and the ssd is a year old
  9. Datsaltysnek

    Datsaltysnek lover of NCIS

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    well maybe the 5min start up was because of cashes and programs wanting to start up from the start
  10. Stevenski_

    Stevenski_ Well-Known Member

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    Well it is good to see that this post has gone way off-topic, but all in all, we have made some progress. AoE has been updated, but ferret has been ignored, which has been the trend for the past few months. A new update (for ferret) has come out recently, which my help revive interest in the server (ferret rarely updates, btw). After a month, it would make sense that the bugs would be worked out, so if the effort could be put in, please update the ferret server.

    Also the update is wanted to introduce fresh content into the server
  11. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    The update to ferret has a lot of bugs and issues. It also uses BQ2 which will probably require a server questing reset probably
  12. EnergyEffect

    EnergyEffect New Member

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    7:13 PM
    What do you think of updating the Ferret server now that the version 0.2.6 came out and is no longer in Beta?
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1:13 PM
    I love it! It's on the list now too.

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