Do you like Draconic Evolution?

Discussion in 'Offtopic' started by mrminesheeps, Dec 17, 2017.


Do you like Draconic Evolution?

Poll closed Dec 21, 2017.
  1. Yes!

    13 vote(s)
  2. No. (Please post in comments your reason)

    6 vote(s)
  3. Solanum tuberosum

    9 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

    Likes Received:
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    6:10 PM
    It's no secret that I love draconic evo, and while I honestly don't care if it's not included in a pack, I still would like it to be. Anyhow, I'd like to see you're guys' opinions on it, curious as to what the ratio of Drac Evo "Fanboys" and "hate club members" there are (This is a joke based on an argument that was completely unnecessary and has ended, don't take those comments literally)

    Anyhow, vote on it, I'm actually curious.

    Edit: Poll updated so you can also select Pota... Err, Solanum Tuberosum if you so please.
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  2. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    3:10 AM
    Only thing is i would like to have in this modpack is to have to defeat a chaos guardian to get the draconic gear, and you have to do it with wyvern instead of cheating with rituals :p
  3. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    7:10 PM
    I think I am missing something. This is how you are suppose to do it. You are not suppose to be able to do it without the top tier armour. From what I remember at least
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  4. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:10 AM
    Did you fail to realize that "I'm sorry to opress the vurenable ethnic minority of Drac Evo fanboys" was sattire about how you called my posts hate speech, or do you think Drac Evo antyfans are some kind of hive mind?
  5. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Yes, but now people just do the dragon ritual over and over to get a full draconic set and then once it's done, go kill the chaos one.

    I remember when i started modded minecraft (infinity), my friend sent me against the chaos guardian with my wyvern armor, and he told me it was the only way to get the draconic armor (he obviously didn't help) so i went up with my wyvern armor and got rekt xD Later on, put some enchanting and after some work, i managed to kill it. It was quite cool, so i think it should be like that, not going against it with full capacitor and full draco gear.

    But that's my point of view
    Rohen likes this.
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    6:10 PM
    Why is Rohen making more pointless comments? I mean, how triggered do you gotta be to continue an argument with the same nonsense a day later? >.< Honestly, there are more people who like the mod than people who don't, and when it comes down to modpacks that are more kitchen sink, your best bet is including Draconic Evolution, as that'll draw more people into the pack.
    [doublepost=1513531937,1513531419][/doublepost]I mean, if you made a modpack yourself, you'd legitimately WANT new players, the more players the better, because that means your modpack was well liked by the community. To not include common mods in a kitchen sink pack is like trying to sell a beef burger that was actually made of goats. It won't usually go over well with that audience. Now, it's a different situation alltogether if the pack is themed. Themed packs have a style, unlike kitchen sinks. So, if you included Drac Evo in a tech or magic modpack, it might make more sense in the tech than the magic(although if done right it'll make just as much sense in the magic, but have fun explaining aay that one). A mod has to have a certain level of a certain theme in order to belong to that genre of pack. So, due to a kitchen sink pack's lack of a theme usually, Draconic Evo usually fits right in and is well accepted by the majority of users. Btw, I'd be careful about what you say. Using "Ethnic minority groups" could easily be taken by offense to others... Not me, cause' I've always been a wordwall of sorts, but you really need to watch who reads your comments. Hold on a moment, if I remember correctly, you're the one who called me a, "priviliged white boy", or something along those lines? Hmm, your nonsensical comments make 10x more sense now...
  7. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:10 AM
    No I didn't. And Trump>Hillary. Please quit your hive mind hypothesis. (I actually thought that you were a leftist since you kept calling opposing oppinions hate speech lol)

    Also: here are some of the flaws od Draconic Evolution in a list:
    - Doing repetitive stuff over and over for a huge amount of time to get stuff (grinding).
    - Overpowered weapons that one-hit basically all non-bosses and defeat most bosses very fast, the exception being Gaia Guardian.
    - Armor that basically gives you 5000 hitpoints + capacity of all capacitors in inventory.
    - Breaks balance of other mods.
    - Terrible textures and models
    - Spam in console.
    - Mod significiantly delays connection to server, putting the player in a limbo state where they are affected by the enviroment but cannot do anything for a bit of time.
    - Sometimes halts initialization if computer is connected to the internet for some reason.
    - Non-multiplayer friendly stuff (pickaxe that allows for destroying The End in a few minutes and wrecking the overworld and Nether to bedrock at a very high speed, time control, PvP made impossible by absurd hitpoints, the reactor meltdowns)
    - PvE made boring by godmode.
    - Very annoying and confusing on-armor-decharge sound effect.
    - Chests cause crashes.
    - Casued a cascade of power creep after 1.7.10.

    Also, the "don't use if you don't like" argument is invalid. Read this here for why (while this is not about Drac Evo, the situation is extremelly similar): Sins of a Solar Empire, or The Passive Generation Conundrum – Egoism & a Spark of Code

    Not comments but posts. Too much YT.
    It's your posta that are pointless, as you are mostly insulting me and making arguments that do not mąkę much sense.
    Your entire latest post is ad numerum and insults.
    Neither of us will ever change anything, we are just ruining each others day(s).
    Last edited: Dec 18, 2017
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    I like Piña coladas too.
    Fireforce likes this.
  9. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    1:10 PM
    But what if it was a goat burger made of beef?
  10. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Then it wouldn't be a Piña colada.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    Nor would it be a goat burger anymore.
  12. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    But it would still contain Higgs Bosons.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    I like ostrich too, for some reason it is no longer easy to get around here...
  14. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    Does it not just taste like chicken/tofu?
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    9:10 PM
    It tastes like a lean steak, sort of like a thin filet mignon.
  16. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    3:10 AM
  17. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    6:10 PM
    Ok, I've had a bad week, and I'm tired of arguing, because it's a fruitless waste of time. I asked for an end to it, but it never bore any fruit. Also, do realize you're arguing with a high school kid, who has a life outside of this game and doesn't have time to keep posting counter-statements to arguments I never wanted in the first place. I will say Death to Hillary, but hey, let's not get political here. Honestly, Rohen, if you want to drop this argument, I'd be glad to do the same. And no, I don't call opposing opinions hate speech, I've been just generally irritated this entire week. I have a life to tend to, and I'd rather not spend my free time arguing with another on their opinion on a mod. IT'S NOT A WOTHWHILE ARGUMENT BECAUSE OPINIONATED ARGUMENTS DO NOTHING BUT SPIN WHEELS. With that said, I'd like to bring this argument to an end, one reason being because I have other irl things to tend to. Now, if we could also reroute this topic to whether or not we like Drac Evo and not use it as an argument stage, I'd love that. I will also edit the original post to remove my own nonsensical anger comments from it, as they are not necessary and only incited further arguments now that I've read it over in a more calm fashion.
    Rohen likes this.
  18. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    3:10 AM
    Such an interesting post ...
  19. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    9:10 PM
    Obviously Wynd came in here to derail your thread. Obviously you didn't catch on to that. Let it go. This thread is toxic. Nothing anyone says here will alter the path of Drac. Evolution. Kill this post, and let it stay dead. Jesus.
  20. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    6:10 PM
    Who said I was, "Trying to alter the path of Drac. Evo"? Also, I DID catch onto that, and the main purpose of the post you quoted was to say I, too, want to end the pointless argument. Why, exactly, did you feel a need to post here and just egg on unneeded conversation? The whole purpose of this thread, in reality, was so I could see how many people liked and/or disliked Drac. Evo, and why they disliked it, which was also for my own purposes. I didn't make the thread to create unnecessary arguments, simply for opinions from others. Oh, and I feel like this was a necessary thing to mention... "Obviously you didn't catch on to that." Indeed I did, I know he was derailing an argument, and I was joining in on that derailment. Did you not notice the lack of posts/comments from me or Rohen afterwards? We mutually agreed on ending it. That is that, and for future reference to anyone who reads my paragraph responses, please, just do what the original post asks. Vote whether you like the mod, or don't, and give me your opinion on why. I like having pleasent conversations or mock arguments about it. But please, avoid serious arguments, even if I have a hard time doing that... Not to mention, I want to know other peoples' opinions on the mod so I can better understand why it causes such a divide.

    To end this, Phantom, I would expect better from an Ex-Staff member, especially one who was a Jr. Admin... That is all I have to say. Don't come back here and turn on your watering hose and put out the sparks of a potential learning experience for me, just because you dislike the style of the thread.

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