Quick question about server hardware

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lato_Diafol, Jan 3, 2018.

  1. Lato_Diafol

    Lato_Diafol Well-Known Member

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    4:58 PM
    Hi guys,

    So I'm thinking of setting up/hosting a 2 man server for me and 1 friend to play some of the interesting packs not on this network anymore like Bee Happy and Hypovolemia. I was wondering what the specs of the hosting system should be. (I have some computing hardware lying around I could build a machine from) or whether cloud hosting is better/cheaper.

  2. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    If u really want a home standing server u have to port forward it so your freind can acces it

    Sinces it's going to be a Mc server 8 gigs of ram shuuud be plenty
    Some storage an okey main bord and an okey CPU

    My old server in til the mb got fried

    It had duel CPU motherbord expensive as hell
    64 gigs of DDR 3 1600 MHz pc-12800
    1 tb of storage
    It had 2 i3 chips
    That's all I rember
  3. AlphaRue

    AlphaRue Egotistic Extremely Important Member

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    a $40 xeon is much better than most of the i series processors for a server
  4. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    It was what I had on had due to upgrading 2 rigs I had 2 spare i3 but a 40$ xeon times 5.5 is rater a lot for me so I went whit what i had but yes its better
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    For two people your hardware requirements aren't all that high, but it does require a decent level of your router and basic networking to ensure that the server is reachable. If that is lacking, most hosting companies will run a small server for around five dollars, or in some cases free if it means getting your business.
    Fireforce likes this.
  6. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Regarding the CPU you want to have one with a good single thread performance and at least 2 cores. PassMark CPU Benchmarks - Single Thread Performance

    6GB of memory should be sufficient so you can dedicated 4GB to minecraft.

    An SSD can be helpful but you probably won't notice the difference much with a single server and low amount of save data. (e.g. we have hqm (questbooks) on ram disk, because with the way it was written even the ssd raid is too slow.)
  7. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    slind did you try raided MVME ssd's for hqm data? linus techtips did a crazy build with 4 samsung m.2 mvme ssds in raid 0.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    It's still way slower than ddr4 ram. That's like a day and night difference.
  9. Lato_Diafol

    Lato_Diafol Well-Known Member

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    Thanks for the advice guys I think ill wait a little bit till I do my planned pc upgrade. Whichll free up 16gb of DDR3 for me. That said I hear the new Microsoft update bricks AMD Athlon Processors which is what I'd be using. An old Athlon 3k.
  10. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    I recommend you make it out of New parts 2 evil programs use the older Intel and some adm chips to by a side channel read passwords and other normaly hidden info

    The 2 programs are meltdown and specter

    Scott manly has made a yt video if u want to know what they do

    On my current rig I have an older CPU from 2015 or 16 but it's affected by a patch Intel made to shut out the 2 programs whit the result of slowing down my pc.

    My normal load time was 15 seconds
    Now more then 5 mins to start up and such before I can use it
  11. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    Meltdown and Spectre are not actually programs, they're just the codenames of the CPU vulnerabilities, there aren't actually any programs in circulation that exploit those vulnerabilities yet just speculation and hyperbole of what might be possible, fortunately this is a case of the exploit being found and patched before any naughty people actually had the chance to exploit it lol.

    The load times you mention do seem rather odd however, as all the benchmark tests that tech news sites have done so far have only shown around a 5~10% drop in performance as a result of the patch for the vast majority of normal consumer usage cases, personally I haven't even noticed a difference since the patch on my 7700k (o/c 5ghz). It's mainly just things like server databases or programs that deal with a lot of IO calls that are seeing significant performance drops, so I have no idea how your system would go all the way from 15s to 5m load time!

    Getting back to the actual topic of the thread, if you don't want to mess with port forwarding etc and running the server on your own hardware then cloud hosting is definitely a good option that you could look into, especially if as you say you only need the server for a couple people, I ran some servers for me and some friends a few years ago and had very positive experiences with both of the hosting providers that I tried (creeperhost and nitrous-networks), admittedly CH has gone up in price quite a bit since I last used it, but the current prices on N-N look very reasonable, and probably best of all is that N-N actually offers really good support not just for the server hardware but for the modpacks you are running too, even including things like helping you diagnose crashes or removing corrupted chunks for you, which if you don't have much experience as a minecraft admin could actually save you a lot of headaches by not having to figure out how to fix it yourself ;)
    Fireforce likes this.
  12. Lato_Diafol

    Lato_Diafol Well-Known Member

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    I am very well aware of both the meltdown and spectre bugs. Meltdown doesnt affect me as I use AMD hardware. Spectre does, but at the same time it affects all modern cpu/gpus including the new AMD Ryzen chips. It will be 12 to 24 months before we see spectre proof chips hit the market.

    Port forwarding and the like is no real issue. I work in the wonderful world of IT.
    Besides Spectre is a hard bug to leverage and not worth using against any home target. After all if you are that skilled you could make more attacking a high profile buisiness. Either way the bugs do not worry me.

    Yeah ive been looking into that. There were some pretty good deals. My main thought on running it at home is I can change what i want to host at the drop of a hat. (TS server or ARK SE server springs to mind). Are there services that allow that sort of flexibility?
    Fireforce likes this.
  13. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    I'm not sure if you can simply switch it from MC to ARK etc if you specifically order a minecraft "game server", NN do offer game servers for other games like ARK but whether you could switch an existing mincraft plan to an ARK plan on the fly I'm not sure, now if you ordered an actual "dedicated" server plan (upwards of 3x more expensive admittedly) then yes you could easily choose what to run on it no problem, though I don't know for definite if the minecraft specific support options that come with a minecraft specific server plan would also be available with a full server plan or not.

    Perhaps you could reach out to their sales team, tell them what level of flexibility you would ideally like to have and see if there is anything they can offer you outside of their standard game server plans that would give you a bit more flexibility without having to go for a full dedicated server plan.

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