Info The future of MyM - Shop Concept

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by Slind, Dec 4, 2017.


Loot Boxes (see related Section)

Poll closed Dec 11, 2017.
  1. 1. Activates the upgrade instantly and excludes already active upgrades (can't get active upgrades).

    6 vote(s)
  2. 2. The upgrade is added to the players stock and can be activated manually.

    92 vote(s)
  1. Rohen

    Rohen The beemaster

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    1:28 PM
    It's not only money. In fact, Slind implied that Tekkit Legends won't be shot down due to the amount of new players that come to the server in this thread: Please Consider Removing Blue Power Mod From Tekkit Legends. | MineYourMind Community

    Edit: Triplepost vs doublepost, which one will win?

    Edit2: Substituted thread link with direct post link.

    The "offtopic arguing" was Kisqqt insulting me and arguing that having more foundries with no mines would generate more metal. Ended with me calling him out for his ignorance in an insulting manner and an admin deleting most of those posts. Some legitimate posts about whaling in F2P systems were also deleted in the process.
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2018
  2. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    11:28 PM
    No your post summed up the basic idea nicely, thanks
  3. patrickematik

    patrickematik Well-Known Member

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    1:28 PM
    It just seems to me that MyM is turning away from an open community to a "pay-only-thing" which is (at least indirectly) happening with those server closes.

    From my feeling, the community became smaller in the last years, and I am afraid that those changes will increase the speed of the stagnation because, I personally wouldn't buy any of the new perks (except the one which you get your own modpack), because they just don't offer enough value for their price point (not MyMs fault). Also (this is probably a personal thing) I just don't like recurring costs in games (PSN Live etc...) and I find it way more appealing to pay once and then keep my stuff. I do understand that it is hard to maintenain constant costs on a basis of non constant income, but still I think you shouldn't only use new players to choose if a server goes down or not.
    Rohen likes this.
  4. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    New player is potential income but i will let you explain to the server owner that they should not getting paid because MyM didn't get enough money but you still want to play
  5. Willfon

    Willfon Well-Known Member

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    1:28 PM
    Setting up a single standalone server is easy peasy. Most modpacks work fine as a server out of the box.

    However, the complexity rises when you want to run a server in the MYM context. You have to implement all the perks. Someone has bought them and you have to give them what they paid for. You have to add the server plugins that make MYM servers the wonderful, well-performed servers they are. (And that is a whole can of worms with what version of ... to choose, which version of ... that works with that version of ...) You have to ban a number of items, because there are some items that break the gameplay or recipes that needs to be added because the modpack devs didn't test it properly (nudge nudge FTB Horizons 3) and that is also the big keyword: testing. Just testing what needs to be tweaked and what needs to be fixed takes a lot of time and effort.

    Or to say it in another way: I host a few servers myself and I play on several other servers (Patron servers) and there is a reason I keep coming back to the MYM servers:

    Because they are worth it.

    But all magic comes at a price.
    Fireforce likes this.
  6. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    I have cleaned up this thread of a lot of off-topic posts and arguing. If you want to post on a different topic, even if it is inspired by this thread please make a new thread in the appropriate area of the forums.
    If you wish to argue with other members of the community, then dont.
    If people continue to do either of these things this thread will be closed and/or bans/mutes/warnings will be handed out.

    Happy gaming everybody.
  7. Webnix

    Webnix Member

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    7:28 AM
    You say that current ranks will be unchanged does that mean there rank perks remain unaffected? and as for me I would like to get a patron just to keep the server going. but i also don't want to lose my old rank perks like fly and god. Is that doable?
  8. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    Tier perks are lifetime so you will keep all your tier perks depending on your tier (I believe)
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    8:28 AM
    Tier will follow you the rest of your days, barring any other changes by Microsoft and Mojang. As of today they can no longer be purchased.
    lryanle likes this.

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