Done The trap made in MrMonty

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by ThatPurpleDino, Dec 27, 2017.

  1. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    7:16 PM
    The player MrMonty on his territory made a trap for other players who are teleported using a transmitter of matter to his base. The name of his teleport Fapcave. Immediately after the teleport, any player dies and loses all his belongings. I could not collect my things, because the territory private by MrMonty. More details on the video:
  2. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    5:16 PM
    Could you please write the death message here? It may be possible that his receiver is just not powered.
  3. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    7:16 PM
    Works at it the receiver of a matter and next to it there is still what that device which at once kills the player teleporting to it. In addition, a hole has been dug near where the player falls if he tries to escape.
    Now once again I flew there and died. The fact that I died there can be checked on my grave next to the receiver of matter.

    Attached Files:

  4. Piepower483

    Piepower483 Active Member

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    4:16 PM
    I think it may be a diamond killer from progressive automation
  5. PhantomRTW

    PhantomRTW Retired Staff

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    12:16 PM
    1. The chat says that the receiver ran out of power. When that happens, you die.
    2. It's not a "trap" if it's in the middle of someone's base and you have to chose a destination to get there.
    3. Why are you in someone else's base, using their things?
  6. hihello0773

    hihello0773 Well-Known Member

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    12:16 PM
    Hey ThatPurpleDino,

    @GreyWolf11 and I looked through the player's base and we weren't able to find any trace of a player trap. Also, since the thing that killed you within that base was not technically classified as a "player trap" we can not refund your items, as such they will fall under our No-Refunds-Policy found here
    Specifically from
    To clarify: We DO NOT refund items, especially for reasons like these:
    • Deaths
    • Accidental key presses: "Whoops, pressed 'Q' over lava/void"
    • PvP kills
    • ClearLag (It gives sufficient warnings)
    • Mod errors (BetterStorage, ME stuffing (ME Drive in a backpack), etc)
    • Grief/Thief (Protect your stuff!)"
      Happy Gaming
      (Edited by GreyWolf11)
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  7. ThatPurpleDino

    ThatPurpleDino Well-Known Member

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    7:16 PM
    I'm not asking for a return of things)) I did not notice that the chat is written about the lack of energy in the receiver, and I understand that in this case my mistake. Thanks for the info.

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