RPG Server Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Kiiyuka, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Custom map. Kingdoms, cities and villages. Guilds. Arenas. Restricted resources. Npcs. Quests. Classes. Levelling. Markets and trading. Renting. New travelling system. Custom bosses and mobs. MyM-made modpack.

    Interested? Well, read on.

    Custom map
    Beautiful terrain, realistic trees and rivers. No idea if anyone from the staff has the ability to actually create a proper map, but this can even be done as a community challenge/competition. We have many talented players, why not use their knowledge of worldpaint or whatever?
    Instead of having the whole map completely done and finished at the launch, it would be cool idea to have main content in there, while everything else could be built and added while the players play. This way, you could announce once in a while that new area and quests had been added. If you think about it, most of mmo games do it that way. While players enjoy the basic content, the devs and so on, work on the new expansions.

    Kingdoms, cities and villages & Renting
    Instead of players claiming whatever and wherever they want, they would be restricted to live in the kingdoms, cities or villages. Each player would be able to rent a claim for a week. Each week, they would have to pay for it, if not... well, they the claim would be reverted back to how it looked previously.... or it could be put out on auction so other players could gamble and hope for good loot inside the chests. Also, different claim sizes – slums would have the smallest size, but be the cheapest and easily accessable, working class claims would be bigger and so on. Claims or ready built houses would be more expensive in kingdoms than in smaller cities and villages.

    I was thinking about main 3 kingdoms, each being very different. One would be the starting place with a lot of market stalls and claims. The other two would be tech or magic specific. Heavy steampunk and elvish city? Possibilites are endless here.

    Guilds & Arenas
    Players would be able to create their own guilds and have a specific area to build in. Guilds will be able to declare wars against each other and fight on arenas in order to win more land or great loot.

    PVE Arenas
    (Thank you ChaseB2 and Novitality for the suggestion <3)
    Basically, you have to fight through few stages of mobs, each wave with increased difficulty till you end to the big bad boss.
    (A plugin that would allow this by Garbagemule)

    Restricted Resources
    Making massive holes in overworld? Ha! Nope. Farmworld? Well, you wish. Instead, there will be proper Mines, Farms and Forests scattered around the map where you can get your resources. They would be clearly marked and resetted once in a while.

    For example, a Mine would consist of few chunk sized(or smaller) units of random cobble, stone, andesites and ores. There will be also a form of mine for sand and sandstone. Forests would have different wood types for the players to cut down.

    (There could also be instanced mines where entrance to the mine is in the overworld, while the rest is... well, somewhere. Once player leaves the instance, it gets reseted. There would be „charters” that you can gain over time, meaning that you can only enter the mine x amount of time. This would be to stop players from popping in and out to get the ores. Thanks PureDisease for the idea!)

    NPCs – Quests and selling/buying goods.
    NPCs would also be scattered around the map giving brave players quests of various difficulties. Kill mobs or a boss, find x and y, find npc, collect certain amount of things. No book quests. NPCs will also help players level up their classes.

    There would also be trading npcs, willing to buy or sell food, armor, weapons, materials, ores and so on and so forth. Also "travelling" npcs could be added - their trade would change ever so slightly once in a while. Once they might be interested in only buying eggs, leather and wool, while other time, they are in dying need for wood types... and they are willing to pay well.

    Classes & Levelling
    What I was thinking was to have few primary classes. Warriors, miners, farmers, crafter and probably few more. Each class would somehow be special. Warriors would be able to wear better armor and use better weapons, but they might be crap at farming. Likewise, miners would get a chance of random ore, but for crafting job, they would need a buddy. Each class would have x amount of levels, each allowing them for better gear/chances of double items/so on.

    As you see, I didnt mention anything about modded classes... well. Once a player would have, lets say, 2 classes at x level, they would be able to start one of the mods, either magic or tech. Whichever root people pick, they will still have to level up that particular mod to access better things and to proceed onto next mods.

    Markets and selling player-to-player
    Less of magic never-to-be-seen market, more market stalls and interactive places where players can actually meet and set up their places. (Good ol' sign/chest selling)

    No wings at all, or they would be extremely high tier item. Horses, boats, donkies, teleports in the main kingdoms, cities. Would be cool if there was a way to organize something like porter from ffxiv, where you talk to npc and pay them certain price to get to certain location and you get little animation of horse running through land.
    Players would be able to buy their horses from stables and boats from docks.

    Custom Bosses and Mobs
    This could be something that is designed by admins/players in plugins or a ready mod.

    Aaaand the biggest problem. No idea about the modpack. I imagine the pack shouldnt be too heavy or bulky. The more mods, the more perms would have to be set for it. I was thinking of something that adds in new mobs, weapons and obviously some tech and magic mods. Conquest mod would also be really cool for building and so on, but I guess thats not a „must”.

    I was thinking of:
    Custom NPCS
    Grimoire of Gaia
    Ars Magica 2
    Astral Sorcery
    Runes of Wizardy
    Immersive Engineering
    Silent's gem(Meh?)
    Gemulation (Meh?)
    Tinker's Construct
    Iron chests
    Spice of Life
    Hunger Overhaul
    Carpenter's blocks
    Mystical Agriculture

    I was looking at random mmorpg games and what they sell. Pretty clothes/fashion, mounts and flyers with higher speed than those that can be obtained in game, pets and of course, gambling boxes. Sooo...
    Clothes and cosmetic things in minecraft dont really make sense, but mounts, pets and gambling boxes... Could that be possible to get? Horses with higher speed than the ones you can buy at the stables, pets that can be class-specific(fighting pet, torch-holding pet, like a vacuum chest-pet?, storage pet, alllll the pets! )

    Suggestions from other players not on forums:
    - Player-made /warp points, that cost a lot of [currency]; could be 50k MyMs or 5k Tokens, but they'd be persistent in the world until a map wipe. So people could build malls or stores instead of relying solely on the market plugin. Or build newbie motels. Or whatever. (Thanks Gabraii)

    Suggestions, ideas and improvements are veeery welcome!
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2018
  2. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    This sounds like something you or other players would have to do on your own and then offer it to MYM. Would take to much of their time to partake, since they are busy running the server and creating there own pack MYMskies.
    SGamerXxX likes this.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This is a good idea, after we get finished with MyM skies it's something I'd consider throwing a team together to see what we could come up with.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I think a lot of this would require the use of custom-made mods, since there don't really exist any plugins with proper mod support for RPG-style features, and you might have difficulty finding devs willing to create new mods for 1.7.10.
    SGamerXxX likes this.
  5. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    I think this would be an amazing idea for a new server. It'd certainly be something far different than anything before. It'd take some hard work but if it can be done I feel it'd be a very diverse and unique twist on modded minecraft. Personally, I'd very much like to see this become a reality, although it may take some time to get all the pieces together to make it work. I very much look forward to seeing a server like this in the future or at the very least progress towards the creation of one. Best of luck getting it going.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  6. Novitality

    Novitality Well-Known Member

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    I'd love to join a server like this, looks like great fun to invest time in! I've always loved a system like this, pre built houses you can buy, quests and levels? Constantly having something solid and random to do really keeps the interest in playing for me.

    When it comes to building I'm not one with a perfect eye of detail though, but I'm willing to help anyway I can either way.

    Also, when it comes to mods, I think Decocraft and carpenter's blocks would make nice additions to extend the possibilities of structures. IC2 & buildcraft are a must have too though. They're like the core of minecraft mods. Runic dungeons might be a good idea as well for exploration and quest expansions.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  7. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    I think if one person could create server like that from scratch, they would be the one owning it, instead of giving it away...

    Im really glad you like the idea. I fully understand this is not something that will take day or two, but I think the time could pay off as there are not a lot of servers that are RPG or they involve so much pvp that getting out of spawn area is almost impossible. The one server I looked at had, cough 1011 players online yesterday and 903 today. Kinda crazy, mm?

    I dont know all the plugins and mods that are out there nowadays, but if this was possible four or five years ago, why wouldnt it be possible now? MyM also has few devs that could probably help with the process of it. I think this might be pain worth going through.

    Thaank you.

    Check out [ mod, that thing is a killer when it comes to building and decorating. There are blocks that are birds and so on. Its beautiful and Decocraft might not be needed then. Carpenter's block is definitely a good idea! Chisel also... While Im not exactly a fan of IC2 and BC, I guess you are right about them being a core mods... but I think the ligher the pack, the more people will be able to join and there will be less problems with plugins and perms. But I guess thats something to be decided much later.
  8. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    The primary tool used for RPG-style skills on servers is MCMMO, which doesn't and can't support quite a few mods due to the limitations of Spigot.

    Your idea of having buildings reset periodically would be pretty simple post-1.10 using the builtin structures functionality, although I'm not sure anything exists for that in 1.7.10.

    Marketplace plugins do exist, although I have a feeling they tend to get quite buggy with any NBT dependent items such as those from Tinkers' Construct.

    As you mentioned, custom bosses would likely require a custom mod, as outside mods like AM2 there aren't really many custom bosses in modded MC.

    If the conquest mod you're talking about is Conquest Reforged, by the way, that would probably not be a feasible addition to a server pack since it apparently depends on Optifine, which tends to break other mods' rendering.
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I know there is a RPG style server in existence. If I'm not mistaken I think they even released there server as a modpack to be enjoyed as a single player experience. The issue I had with the server was it was very much an on rails experience, while well thought out it suffers from stagnation. What was described here seems to be a much more vibrant experience with touches of the old civilizations mod we had here.

    As for custom bosses I'll leave that up to our current ace behind the scenes part time developer @Jitrid who is currently developing some special mods for mymskies. If we can still afford him after he completes his current amazing undertakings maybe just maybe...
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  10. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Would that happen to be the Tradewinds pack? My first thought on reading was that this sounded like a mix of that and Civilizations.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    There's a big vanilla server that uses command blocks for quests etc. I can't think of the name off the top of my head.
  12. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Well, I dont exactly want to advertise the other server.... but I would guess its Wynncraft?
    On another note, would you be able to tell me how big a map would be used for a project like this? I have a bit of time, I might play a bit with worldpainter. xD
    lryanle and WinterBornOne like this.
  13. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    That's the one! Map size comes down to the overall footprint of the project. While too small and guilds and kingdoms would trip over each other, too big the elements of player interaction disappear, and it becomes more resource intense for by all accounts an extremely experimental pack. Before we get there we'd have to explore is this idea feasible.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  14. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I think a large map might be less of an issue for player interaction than it would first seem, it allows those who want to avoid conflict to do so semi-reliably and the lack of fast travel and exploration will mean that people will tend to want to set up their stores near to population centres, and likely have their production similarly close by.
    WinterBornOne likes this.
  15. Pein_Rikudo

    Pein_Rikudo Well-Known Member

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    There's actually a modpack called Blightfall, but in a small custom world and custom mobs and bosses. Believe it's on the Technic launcher. I played it awhile ago
  16. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    Blightfall definitely wouldn't work as a large server pack, it could support at most ~5 small groups of about 5 players.
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We tried blightfall with the staff around its release, and it just doesn't lend itself well to a multiplayer environment. It would work with a team of players, but after that it just falls apart.
  18. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    I looked at Blightfall too, but it doesn't look like something that would suit a server like the one I imagine. Out of ready modpacks, maybe Sprout would work, but its laggy and yeah, I know lots of people who had problems with it... Another one that could potentially work would be Advanced Wizardly, as it has both magic and tech mods... But they are both massive packs that would probably crash with plugins and what-not
  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Sprout had stability issues, and there were the odd progressive difficulty issues as well. There was also an issue that the only feasible way to run it was in scavenger (hard mode) to make sure that it was playable for everyone. So at that point we threw in the towel and continued to applaud Regrowth.
  20. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    It might work as an event similar to Screwed, throw a few teams in there with limited lives and watch them try to clean the taint up, although that would take significantly longer than 15 minutes.

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