RPG Server Suggestion

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Kiiyuka, Jan 6, 2018.

  1. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    A lot of people seem to be looking at this topic but dont seem to comment or add ideas, which is a shame. So, lets not let this thing die, shall we? xD

    While the modpack is still unknown and probably will stay that way for a long while, I was looking at interesting map and city generators that are floating on the internet. While it would be hard to replicate something block from block from generated map/city, it can give a nice structural guideline.
    The first is a Fantasy Map Generator . This one is particulary interesting because once you zoom in, you can see every detail - trees, rivers, mountains, roads, cities.

    Then second one is RollforFantasy's map creator which is also cool... not as pretty tho, and it lacks pretty much everything.

    And theeeen there is city generator.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I was talking about this with @Jitrid earlier today. The levelup mod which the code is now open source can quite possibly be tweaked to fit the theme in a MCMMO sort of way. Keep the topic alive while we prep mymskies for an alpha rollout
  3. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Oo, that's really good news. I hope it will work out nicely and wont be too much trouble for Jitrid. I will try to keep this topic alive, good luck with your modpack!
  4. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    School got in the way last week :bookworm: I do love all the suggestions you guys put in! :cat:
  5. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    Ooh free sneak peek. lol
  6. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    I just started playing Sprout and wanted to mention this mod, it is licensed under the GPL although the code isn't particularly malleable. Depending on how similar the desired theme is, it might be more feasible to work from scratch than modify the existing code.
  7. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    It has been implemented in Forever Stranded: Lost Souls as a way of progression that makes sense and adds more natural elements of progression to the pack. Instead of a player going out and immediately being able to mine diamonds or <insert important ore> the player needs to first learn how to do it. Through earning traditional experience the player can then spend that experience to improve their mining abilities. This works in a similar method in all aspects of the pack, combat perks enable the player to pull off more spectacular maneuvers or survive overwhelming odds. This adds another lay of progression and immersion to the world.

    In a perfect world this can enable players to specialize in a trade to assist their village, town, castle etc. Allowing builders to build, more combat oriented players to hold off rival players and dangerous NPCs.
    The_Icy_One likes this.
  8. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Wheeee, the topic is alive once more.
    I was watching Forever Stranded: Lost Souls and the level mod looked quite fun(Apart from not being able to use chest till like level 3 building, god, that one is brutal). But then with this mod, you can essentially learn all the skills, which might not be the best for the economy, not exactly sure. So it would be that mod, instead of actual classes/professions like miner, farmer, warrior and so on?
  9. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    im a little late but i love the idea of this mod pack i'm a huge fan of mmos and this seems like it has the opportunity to be something grand. what about cross-classing like a class for non combat/combat like farmer/warrior that way if your pooped out slaying those chaos dragons you can just level up your daisy taming.
  10. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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  11. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    At this point, we might even be better looking at 1.12 versions, since 1.10 is getting a little outdated.

    Things like this keep making me feel very old.
  12. LordFungi

    LordFungi Patron Tier 1

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    I noticed since then Thaumcraft has reached 1.8.9. I wonder what we could do in that version of the game that we couldn't in 1.7.10, or things we wouldn't be able to do in the new version. Honestly, it looks like Azanor is focusing on college right now so the development of thaumcraft6 (or Thaumcraft II as its sometimes called) is left to idle time and might take a long long while. Although this forum isn't the place to discuss this topic..

    Don't really have much to say on the matter of this forum post, i just wanted to allude to the fact we've discussed a similar topic before.
  13. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    IMO 1.8.9 would actually be worse for this than 1.7.10, 1.8.9 is both generally unsupported and lacking in mods, even compared to 1.7.10.
  14. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    1.8.9 is a dumpster fire.
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  15. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Yeah, you would be able to have two main classes and once they are max level, you can go into tech or magic root, but exp from warrior doesn't exactly level up the farmer, I guess that would be to stop people from leveling up all the classes through their warrior and mob farm or something.

    I'm guessing you mean the post with a modlist... Thats a lot of mods all of which would require a lot of space so it wouldnt lag the server... and that also means thousand more quests and so on. I was thinking about something more light, so even people with worse specs could join us.

    And I guess I cant say this for all people, but arent you all bored of the standard modlist that are in pretty much every single modpack? xD
  16. RomaDaddy

    RomaDaddy Well-Known Member

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    When I was an admin, we had this concept in the works. We even had started work on the npcs and starter village area, but the team needed for such a large project was too much. I for one would love to see the idea revived and put in motion ^_^
  17. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    (I cant look at your avatar with a straight face... Oh my...)
    I didn't know there was similar concept to it before. It does require a lot of work thats a fact and sometimes it seems just completely overhelming, but I think that's how it is always. If you wanna do something unique and amazing, you have to put in the work... It doesn't just fall from the sky.
    I know that if they give me the chance, I would love to help this idea turn into reality.
  18. WinterBornOne

    WinterBornOne Well-Known Member

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    i played divine journey recently and ran into a new type of npc i hadn't seen before im not sure but i think there might be some stuff in divine journey to look thru mod wise
  19. Kiiyuka

    Kiiyuka Well-Known Member

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    Gonna check that out. NPCs could come from Custom NPCs mod buuut I am checking the Divine Journey NPCs now

    Must not fangirl over those cute whales. The NPCs are from DivineRPG. Looks like a nice mod with tooon of weapons... and a bunch of extremely ugly mobs.
    Last edited: Jan 14, 2018
  20. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    From some of the mod packs we've launched it looks like a small tighter team works much more efficiently. This was brought up after the retirement of Hypovolemia while many hands make light work, too many voices can pull a pack in different directions.

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