Feedback Chunk Loaders

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Tntdestroyd, Jan 21, 2018.

  1. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    12:05 PM
    Apologize for such a direct approach to what I'm stressing in this post, but theres just no other way I could put it. The chunk loader options and availability on this server are a serious burden for players. The whole ticket thing is horrible. It's either, do I use the vote credits i got to hopefully protect my base, even just a little bit more that I can from what I get, or buy chunk loader tickets... Let's face it, ftb has to many possibilities you can and sometimes Have to use in order to actually perform something in the mods you guys are providing in that pack. We get so little usage and ability with them, its almost game breaking for me, which I'm very certain others as well. I like this server a lot, but theres others providing free chunk loaders up to 9 n 3x3 for free. I came from one, its like, I really like it here but the whole not getting anything like that, regardles of if we are very active on the server, which in my opinion is important as well, obviously lol. But here, thers NOthing that shows that its appreciated that anyone shows up everyday, keeping the server active and alive. Thats a different thing but it relates to the fact that, we barely get something for what we do have options to, its limiting the gaming experience on your server having such huge stipulations on chunk loaders for people, when they can barely afford it as is. Give people a certain number of chunk loaders they can have while there on, nobody needs to have stuff running when there offline, thats just overkill. Keep competitive, I love your server, but this is going to eventually just maake me go back. I hope you see where I'm coming from on this, but it needs to be changed. Give people that show up something, shows you appreciate that they do in a way. Thanks for checking out this suggestion.

    -Tntdestroyd or Kyle
    Rohen likes this.
  2. dooley1101

    dooley1101 Well-Known Member

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    this is my personal view.

    I played on many Servers and hardly any of them give the option of using chunkloader at all ( no way for free ). the problem is if you give everyone chunk loaders for free to unlimited use, it will put a extra strain on the server. I play and vote everyday, on day I buy claim blocks the next day loader tickets it works just fine. (small tip use multiple loaders and load only does chunks u really need most of the time u load empty or less productive chunks ) I my view they show great appreciation with providing us with a wide range of different servers all of them more or less lag and hassle free. If you give players somethings for free they won't vote. Chunkloader tickets and claimblocks is a pretty good way to make sure players are voting. Please keep in mind they provide a Free Service.

  3. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    Let me show you them then, theres more than you think. ftb really requires chunk loaders to do several aspects of the game, limiting ppl as much as the current system is doing, ruins the game experience. for example, using mekanism fusion reactors, the brine production for it is best done in a desert biome, but of course, dont live in a desert, you can see where the delima will end up being, Thats only one example, theres so many more, limit the amount ppl can create, even if in a 1x1 area 3 would be fine for overworld, but making ppl use the little amount of given credit for voting, doesnt relieve the huge demand the chunk loaders require to take. so its pretty much, do i want power for my base, or should i expand it just 500 blocks so that ppl dont rob me then just never come back to the server again. Besides this only gives this server a better competitive edge to offer it, believe me, you just havent looked if you dont think there out there. Servers great but is way to centered over pay to win, but you never will get those type of ppl willing to pay up if they wont stay in the beginning cuz u give them barely anything. While otehrs will actuaally do so. <3 You guys honestly have really nothing to lose by doing so other than making ur current base really happy you did this for them, which brings more ppl.
  4. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Basically, you will end up with more tokens that you will need, and quite quickly like. Tbh, i just use 3-4 days of vote into one claim and rest is chunkloading.

    Also, it used to be the case. Every player could have 9 chunk loaded and just need to vote for claimblocks. And the vote was lower if i recall correctly. Vote brings ppl and are a necessity to make the server survive, so even if it's tedious or annoying, it has to be some incentive to make you vote.
  5. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    Well 1 day voting i use it on market and claimblocks, several things offered, I'm glad though for you it works out where 1 day voting doesnt run out on you while your still playing, but thats not the case for me and the ppl that are also using them for tickets etc. which even theres still runs out. It sucks really, Theres nothing shown as incentive or provided to draw or make the ppl want to stay, what would you think, this guy gives u this n this, they grow to love that server so of course they begin buyin ranks n voting etc. or go with the ones that give u nothing, u have to vote which doesnt make it through the day for the voting, and in the end, the ppl that realize well... i dont see anything desireable unless i pay money, which nobody will riht in the beginning. Theres better ways to get votes than to limit the game on people by restricting necesseties. In my opinion, that doesn't win over the potential ppl that would end up paying good money in donations etc. for having such a good experience and fun time. Thats just me though, but still it needs to be adjusted then or at least a couple provided to everyone for overworl. nobody will risk losing stuff in the dimensions that get erased all the time
  6. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Well, that's the thing you need to be focus on thing you need early on. You can't get everything.

    You can load 25 chunks by playing non stop and still have more ticket in the end. It's same for claimblocks, you will get them but i am not saying that you will get everything in one day, but more in one week.

    Also i don't understand what you sayings with dimensions and Mekanism reactor. I don't see the point with chunk loading. You don't need to have 50 chunks loaded at all time, but maybe i missed something. Most of people can handle their base pretty well here, and some people really know modded minecraft, so i am not sure to see the issue except the one that you won't get everything you want right off the bat
  7. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    1 Vote Token = 10,000 Chunkloader Tickets. Ignoring time the server is restarting and counting a full 24 hour day, that is 1440 minutes per day. Assuming an average of 50 Vote Tokens, you can get 500,000 Chunkloader Tickets per day. HALF A MILLION! Divide that by 1440 and you can support a Chunkloading cost of 347. If you are unable to play the game with that, you are doing something wrong.

    And this assumes you take the easy route and just use the links provided through /vote. I have 14 sites I use, so I get an average of 130 Vote Tokens each day. Claim Blocks are a one time purchase per server. This is why I have between 80,000 and 100,000 Claimblocks on Regrowth, Ferret Business, and Infinity Evolved (both Expert Node 1, and the now closed Node 5). I routinely sit on several thousand spare Vote Tokens and keep a Chunkloader Ticket balance of 5-8 Million. Only costs me a couple minutes each day.

    You keep saying that the network needs to GIVE you something? How about the nearly 30 free servers it gives you access to for no cost or effort of your part? How about the Staff support, all volunteers by the way, that work daily to keep the servers running smoothly and without griefers or toxic players?

    If you are having such trouble figuring out how to successfully play the modpacks so many of your fellow MYM Community members have, then ask us, your fellow players, for help. There are many of us that would be willing to help teach you how to make the system work for you.
  8. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    FYI most servers do not allow chunkloaders, quarries and a like or they lock it behind a paywall. We need a way to limit the use and this concept has been proven to work very well.
    Before we implemented it, there were no chunkloaders at all on some of the servers and it didn't prevent anyone from playing/using all the mods.
    It is possible to fully play a modpack without any chunkloaders.
    CodeDenzy likes this.
  9. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    Just an FYI, I am currently playing Agrarian Skies the original and that server doesn't have any chunk loaders. This does not stop my progression. Ask @MrTwistyy whom I base with. It is more than doable. :)
    Monkey_Banana1 and ProperChilli like this.
  10. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    I can confirm that this does not stop us progressing in Agrarian Skies, or any other modpacks for that matter. In fact on the servers i play on here i have 1 server that i use chunloaders on, and thats Infinity Expert. It does not halt my progression or anything, sure it slows it down a little bit, but thats what makes it fun, grinding and earning the stuff and not letting chunk loaders do it for you. Like Aidoneus said, its more than doable.

    Thats just my 2 cents.

    Me and @Aidoneus also base with @wyndman on AG.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  11. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    I personally dont ever use chunkloaders, (Not the MYM Iron block kind)
    I find no need for them.
    My base isnt compact, its spread out all over the place.
    Quarries are auto chunkloaded most of the time and are really the only ones I use.
    I have beaten many packs without chunkloaders. (Or gotten far in the pack)
    Including but not limited to: Age of engineering, Ferret business (Sp, but still didnt use chunkloaders) Agrarian skies 1, 2, and AG+
    Direwolf20 (1.7.10 and 1.10 versions) Sky factory 3 and project Ozone 2
    Im currently decently far in infinity evolved
    The only things chunkloaders would have done for me on all these servers would have been to make my crops grow. which, lets face it, If I wanted a lot of wheat when I came on in the morning I would just make a bigger farm. and never run out.

    Its possible to go without chunkloaders. Why use a chunkloader to get 10000 iron while you are offline when you only use 1000 of it.
    You can easily get that iron while you are online and finishing another project.

    That being said. I understand chunkloaders have their uses. BUT...
    I just dont think they are neseccary at all. if you "NEED" them you are doing something wrong.
    As stated before you get lots of tokens. you dont need Giant claims, (1-4 days of votes are plenty)
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 21, 2018
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  12. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    I think that no chunkloaders should be necessary and packs should not require you to use them.
    With Age of Engineering, obtaining sufficient amount of chrome ended up being extremely boring, because all I did was waiting for void ore miner to obtain enough of ruby ore. This could have been remedied by an offline chunkloader, but I think it would be better to remove that waiting part entirely or at least make it much shorter. That is a problem of the pack and not a problem of the server.
    I think that it could be interesting to have a fast forward button for things like this. With the fast forward button, you could make everything in one chunk go 9 times faster at the cost of unloading other chunks around you.
  13. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    I don't think he ever mention offline chunkloading, but just the fact that you don't get enough ticket to get chunkload ticket And claimblocks AND MyM
    Tntdestroyd likes this.
  14. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    hmm, I have talked to so many players who told me that they have more chunkloader tickets than they ever need/that they only need to vote two days a week for the upkeep of one week.
    I guess it all comes down to how you use them.
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  15. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Yeah i agree. At the very begining, you struggle a bit with claimblocks and ticket but you quickly have all you want. I was just pointing out what i understood from his post.
  16. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    To be quite frank, I don't commonly use chunkloaders. But when I do? They're insanely cheap to run. I had a one chunk base, containing 98% of everything I needed on AOE. I had many things running usually, I was constantly busy, etc. I had an online chunk loader there specifically for the purpose of keeping the ME system online so I could access it remotely. Say, on my moon base. Other than that, I was usually right there with my machinery, and if your base is bigger than a 3x3 chunk range, (the chunk you're standing in, and at a slightly throttled rate in the surrounding chunks. Pretty sure that's a minecraft/forge chunkloading mechanic.) then that is your own fault. I personally follow what I call, "the core 9" base building procedure. I make sure the main stuff sticks inside a 3x3 chunk boundary, and mainly decorative stuff is beyond that point. It's highly manageable, easy to do, and best of all? Most of your stuff is self-loaded.

    TLDR; You really only need chunkloaders if you want something running while you're away from your base. Or, if your base is absurdly large to the point where your stuff begins unloading when you are near the edge of your base.
    Broklyn_Datroll likes this.
  17. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Other than AoE to keep things running I don't normally need to employ chunk loaders either, I do use them on regrowth to ensure my grass spreads at maximum speed though.
  18. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    One thing about the MyM chunkloader plugin that is kind of unfortunate is that it charges you for loading chunks even when you yourself are already loading them by standing there.. sooo if you know you're gonna be in the chunk for a while you can save tickets by disabling it, only enable it when you leave the chunk and actually need it.

    For the record, I am the type of person who BURNS through tickets when playing packs like IE-E or AoE because I often do like to just throw down a 5x5 gold loader to grind resource/processsing/etc and even then I still find it very hard to actually run out of tickets to keep it going when I can be bothered to vote consistently and on cooldown because of how efficiently I design my bases to minimise the upkeep cost (which is based not just on the size of area but also by how many machines/mobs you currently have in that area).

    @Slind just a thought but any chance you could add a 2x2 mode at some point (the centre for which dynamically targeted on the corner of the chunk that the loader is placed closest to), would be super nice not having to set up multiple 1x1's or use an excessive 3x3 when you only need 2-4 chunks that would fit in a 2x2 ;)
  19. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    ugh, that would be too difficult to explain to the player and extremely fault prone (when setting it up and looking in the wrong direction). It would most likely cause too much confusion.
  20. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    The direction the player is facing shouldn't matter if it is literally just based on the x/z coords within the chunk, so just press F11 and whichever red line or chunk grind corner the loader is placed closest too is the corner that becomes the centre of the 2x2.

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