Looking for Co-op friend (skyfactory)

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Aeridi, Feb 6, 2018.

  1. Aeridi

    Aeridi New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:29 PM
    Why hello there.

    I'm looking for a new friend to chill on Discord and play some Minecraft with. My favorite way to play Minecraft just happens to be modded skyblock. If you'd like to join me on a co-op adventure and start a new skyfactory 3 (or maybe project ozone, I'm not picky) island with me, then let's do it.

    I'm 23 years old and attending my first year of college. Most of my classes are online, so my schedule is free besides 2 evening classes I attend on Mondays and Wednesdays (eastern US time). Nothing I build is aesthetically pleasing in the least and I'm not particularly experienced with some of the advanced parts of end game mods, but I have fun with it all the same.

    If you're interested, reply here and I'll check later or friend me on discord: Cato#9128
    Timmypwn likes this.
  2. MechanicalDrago

    MechanicalDrago New Member

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    9:29 PM
    check ur discord bro
  3. Herbsti91

    Herbsti91 Patron Tier 1

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    Local Time:
    2:29 AM
    I don' t kbnow much about skyfactory 3, if this is ok for you?
  4. iStarlightz

    iStarlightz Prince Cuddles

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    9:29 PM
    It's not skyfactory but you think about Age of Engineering ? I only got to late age 3 just about to get into age 4. (Basically got the annoying parts done) and its a sky base if that helps. ;) Sent you friend request on discord @Xo3

    I basically barely got started. Am am maybe 3-7% done with the pack. If you like a challenge you might like this.
  5. CheesyTheArtist

    CheesyTheArtist just a casual furry

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    Local Time:
    2:29 AM
    i will be

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