Hey there everyone. Former EndorianHD here. Every month I've come here to take a look at the forums for quite a couple years now. I can't really motivate myself to play Minecraft anymore, that's why I will be leaving the forums as well. But before I leave, I gotta clear up some things that are important to me. So I've been quite the kiddy when I played at mym. I faked my age because it was just standing in my way. Have been quite mature back then already, had a deep voice, spoke English without a German accent and knew what I was doing. So peeps actually believed I'm not a kid. I've managed to stay with the team for quite a while until I lost interest in Minecraft and did cause quite some trouble for Slind and the, at this time, responsible managers and directors. I was just 14 when I got mod at MyM, later even Senior Mod. For me my age wasn't an issue, I knew that I'm not causing as much trouble as other kids that age and that I could use the loads of free time I had to return something to MyM if I'm not earning money myself. But nowadays I realize that even I caused some trouble and in the end, I regret my lies to all of you. So I later quit my staff-position and tried to reapply a few months after that and I did not get accepted. Ofc that pissed me off and I wanted to know the reasons: All of this is true. I was extremely stubborn and in the end just a child. I'm sorry. But till now I feel a little backstabbed that none of this critics reached me personally. Might be because of the first two columns, but still, I'm a little mad about that. So, I'll be leaving because my interest in games is now focused on other, more challenging games. However, I thank you for a great time here at MyM and the opportunity to have gained the experience of being a staff member here. Kind regards, Endorian / Falcon
A shame to see you go, Endorian. I personally never saw this(This, meaning the described ways you acted), but you will be missed. -mrminesheeps
It's a shame to see you leave, Endo. I know we don't talk as much, but we still have each other on Skype, we can still talk on there anytime you like. -HeroIsBoss354/AKMythicalBeast
Its a shame to see another player leave. I agree age isn't that important to an extent. I haven't seen you before, but I'm sure your unique in your own way. Farewell fellow player.
May all your stories be glad ones, and your roads be smooth and short. (I wasn't fooled, fyi) Buahahahahaha!