Decided Against Allow player based market, /warp for market

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Tntdestroyd, Feb 14, 2018.

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  1. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    I suggest that each server have 1 warp that is a player based market where there is spaces that have been marked out that the player can either rent or buy with in- game money. They can design/create whatever store front they desire as long as its within the boundaries they have purchased. They could sell whatever they want as long as it were to follow MYM's already said rules. This allows for more possibilities for the market system, making the in-game currency worth more to actually want to go vote for it. Also is more fun, /market is the old, time for something new.
  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    Ive played on many, many modded minecraft servers with this, and its a really good idea, i gives a bit more umph to the server, but we do have a market, which is basically the same thing, and i agree with you it is pretty old, and time for something new, im with you in this idea and id like to see this happen, but i am not getting my hopes up.

  3. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

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    iirc there was a plugin to sell/buy items for money. But that plugin is not compatible with modded minecraft. If you use it for a vanilla item, you type the ID and it will turn to the name, but if you try a modded ID, it will still be the ID.
    Not sure if there is any other updated plugin that supports modded.
  4. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    I have seen that plugin used on other modded servers before,
    (I am assuming you are referring to the one that has signs with the item name/id and price on them that you can click to buy)
    most people just got around the modded id problem by either placing an item frame with the item in it, or having another sign with the item name above it, if they lied about what item they were selling in this way (ex sell moon-turf for 150myms each with a picture of a dragon heart above it) they would simply be reported and punished. (although this didn't happen often since it was near impossible to get away with it and people realized that)

    It would be nice for an update but I personally like the current market system, it already has the aforementioned problem solved, and you don't have to leave your base to buy, or spend time and resources to build a shop to be able to sell things. and its a lot easier to get an overview of what all is being sold and for what with the current system. The only problem I see with it is that it isn't used enough by players for it to be your go-to place for hard to find resources on most servers.
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2018
    neronix17 likes this.
  5. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    The current market system is not used making the whole wanting to get in-game currency not that big of a deal or cared about, which could make people not want or have the need to vote for it. Which yes ik theres other things you get for voting, im aware, but for the base of people that would only ever vote for that itself, is who im referring, which is probably a lot of ppl tbh. Its not that much of a burden to add that plugin, it would, in my opinion, only help the server overall to do so.
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    The use of the market varies greatly from server to server so I can't paint with a broad brush and say it's not effective. From a staff perspective it is much easier to monitor and control the current market.
    The way I read the suggestion is that you want to setup a market area with players renting stalls to hawk their wares which seems sort of logistically a nightmare to police on every server.

    It does however give me an excellent idea for the RPG server idea kicking around.
    Cantiel and neronix17 like this.
  7. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    wasnt playershop promised for months or years now?!

    also there are many mods (vendingblock, ic2 trade-o-mat, ...) that allow trading items, market with opencomputers also worked pretty well and could make use of economylite+ with a small server side plugin...
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Those blocks exist and are used by players now. They aren't without their own flaws, the trade-o-mat resulting in numerous server crashes when beyond was opened.
  9. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    The issues are implementing this would be a large change to way we moderate the market, and to be honest, it is NOT worth the effort of taking EACH AND EVERY server down for an hour, possibly hours to configure a plugin that will likely not see wide usage. Plus certain other aspects are hard to control such as setting up permissions for it that don't conflict with other systems we have in place or allow for unintended access to features (I.E. the warping feature). We would also need to have it not cause game breaking crashes and glitches with modded stuff (NBT Scrambling allowing for creative item access as an example), have it work on different MC versions and on different permissions systems. As it stands, I do not believe this would be a good idea for modded minecraft due to the risks, resource footprint, and the little gain it would provide for the network.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2018
  10. ben_mkiv

    ben_mkiv Well-Known Member

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    your random "arguments" like resource footprint are ridiculous, specially for plugins which run server side. Also i bet you cant proof your NBT statement for any mod, as the NBT either gets removed or not, which shouldnt lead to creative items as they usually have ADDITIONAL nbt data.

    i've played on servers with player markets and people enjoyed to build their own shop, and trading stuff in a market area.

    if you dont want to administrate that, its fine. But dont blame it on 3rd party without any proof.

    also... seems other people dont got the issues that you got without even giving it a try xD
    QuickShop - Version History | SpigotMC - High Performance Minecraft
  11. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    My mistake, I meant to say Meta Data :facepalm:. "Resource footprint" was referring to the resources required to set it up which would be MY time (a volunteer mind you) would be spent which is a resource. It is also entirely possible that certain market plugins would not like to behave with modded items as demonstrated by certain dupe glitches/scrambling exploits that involve certain plugins that we use. I do have proof, and to claim to a different effect is hypocritical at best (as you didn't even ask for it before accusing the lack of it thus making it hypocritical of you, the individual with no backbone to your accusation.)

    Also the example plugin you sent has multiple open issues on its github, and it is currently no longer supported as far as I can tell. Plus it is intended for Vanilla only, and bukkit plugins tend to not like modded items as much in my experience.

    My apologizes if I was misunderstood in my reasoning. I do think it would be cool. Even if the risks listed (with evidence that I will not publicly release due to the obvious reason it could be misused) were not a factor; from an administrative and moderation aspect, this is a tough thing to implement and to moderate.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2018
    ProperChilli likes this.
  12. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Right now, I am going to have to say this suggestion is denied due to the reasons listed. Thank you anyways, as feedback and suggestions are what make this network great. Have an awesome weekend!
  13. Tntdestroyd

    Tntdestroyd Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion its always better to attune to what the majority of the community is asking for or wanting. This could be a good thing for this server, I understand it may involve having to do some work but if it betters the server, makes the people happy, why wouldn't you go ahead and do it.
  14. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Again, you missed my point, there are too many risks involved for this to be practical. We already decided against, so I am locking this thread now. Thank you, and your opinion is appreciated.
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