Done I need help

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by minewill441, Feb 16, 2018.

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  1. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    My minecraft have bugged but i have succefully repaired it .
    I have go on the galactic science mod pack but you have DELET my is !!!!! :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
    Plz give me my is !!!!!
  2. D1StrX

    D1StrX Well-Known Member

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    11:12 PM
    They can't. And they will not restore an entire backup for just your Island. I hope you understand that.
    I feel sad for you that you have to start over.

    Hopefully this make things clear.
  3. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    no they will give my is !!!

    i my minecraft have bugged im not AFK mor of two week !!!
    they dont have to delet it !!
  4. chugga_fan

    chugga_fan ME 4M storage cell of knowledge, all the time

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    Uhh, can you be more descriptive? If you were not on galactic science for > 2 weeks then your island was deleted and you WILL have to start over. Also please use proper grammar and spelling where possible, all of this 'delet' and 'no they will give my is !!' makes it extremely hard to read what you're saying
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  5. Jitrid

    Jitrid Well-Known Member

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    Sorry to hear you're having this issue.
    In order to help you, I will need some information,
    What's preventing you from logging in? perhaps we can solve that (together)
    I can also put you on "Absent" state, allowing for a 4-week absence before deletion of islands/claims across all servers!

    Please answer at your earliest convenience so that I may help you as soon as possible!

    Kind wishes,
  6. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    I can not connect because my minecraft have bug (3 weeks minimum bug).
    Sorry but I did not anticipate that.
    When I found the source of the bug and corrected that I went back on my is and it was removed and my friends who was on it was connected less than two weeks ago.
    So I want to get my is (the delete of my is so your fault not of ours)

    thank you for your understanding
    [doublepost=1518878941][/doublepost]if you need more information just ask for it ( and yes im not english )
  7. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    4:12 PM
    You may not know how the plugin works so here it is: To save server resources, the server checks if you have logged on in the past 2 weeks, if you have not, it automatically deletes it. The server does not save a backup of your base. If you know you're going away next time, use the /absence command, to extend the 14 days to a total of 28 days! We're sorry your island got deleted, but there's nothing we can do about it. The server checks for the island owner, not the members.
    May I ask what your native language is so we can help you further by explaining it clearly?
  8. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    i speak french
  9. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    4:12 PM
    Vous ne savez peut-être pas comment le plugin fonctionne, alors voici: Pour économiser les ressources du serveur, le serveur vérifie si vous vous êtes connecté au cours des 2 dernières semaines, sinon il le supprime automatiquement. Le serveur n'enregistre pas une sauvegarde de votre base. Si vous savez que vous partez la prochaine fois, utilisez la commande / absence, pour étendre les 14 jours à un total de 28 jours! Nous sommes désolés que votre île ait été supprimée, mais nous ne pouvons rien y faire. Le serveur vérifie le propriétaire de l'île, pas les membres.
    J'espère que nous pouvons vous aider au mieux de nos capacités.
    For anyone else reading this, I just used google translate, I don't speak french.
  10. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    i just waut for
    JitridJunior Administrator
  11. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    If you're implicating that I can't help you just because I don't have a colored bar under my name, then that's dumb, and i'm beginning to think you're just a troll judging from all your posts. Your island is gone, deal with it.
    ProperChilli likes this.
  12. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    if your plugin works only with the owner it's a bastard because the other player should be as important because if the owner does not connect but the player plays on this Base you went to deprive him of his base just because he is not the owner ??
  13. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    4:12 PM
    I'm truly sorry, I don't have the time nor the crayons to explain this to you.
  14. minewill441

    minewill441 Active Member

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    6:12 PM
    ok i just wait the admin
  15. TomboyEnthusiast

    TomboyEnthusiast Well-Known Member

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    Hello @minewill441,

    Unfortunately we cannot restore your island from a backup, as this was done AUTOMATICALLY and no matter the circumstance, we do not circumvent the deletion. As for your lost items, this falls under our No Refunds policy that you can read up on here. I take it you are upset, and to prevent further backlash, I am marking this solved and locking the thread. I do want to make it clear that any further misconduct can, and will lead to punishment (temporary ban from the forums and in game) so I advise against it. We are deeply sorry that you lost your island, but we are glad you can play again. Have a wonderful weekend!

  16. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:12 PM
    That's actually a decent translation.
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