A preview to an unknown project

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Matryoshika, Feb 25, 2018.


After reading everything, would you play this?

  1. Yay

    60 vote(s)
  2. Nay

    6 vote(s)
  3. Potatay

    20 vote(s)
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  1. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    Disclaimer This is not an MyM endorsed project, but a private one.

    "Well, what is all of this", you may ask.
    It's a modpack for 1.12*.
    That's pretty much the gist of it.


    • What's the pack like?
      • Hardcore Expert style
    • What does "Hardcore" mean?
      • That you should be ready for the consequences when playing.
      • No natural regeneration. You will need to use potions/items etc
        to heal.
      • Permanent death would also be a viable course for those
        that want that extra danger.
      • Playing together as teams/towns is heavily encouraged, but not
    • What does "Expert" mean?
      • It means that recipes will be harder, in the style of Infinity Expert
        & Project Ozone Kappa etc.
    • What's so special about this pack? Why would I play this over [scrambled words]?
      • One of the core ideas about this pack, is that you should
        Throw out everything you thought you knew.
      • Some staple mods are not included, to allow smaller/newer/different
        mods to see the light of day.
      • With all the custom content & interactions that is shown further down,
        even getting that first wooden axe will be a whole different journey than
        merely walking up to the first best tree you can find and punch it.
      • Pack-makers have an obstacle that the majority of them cannot surpass:
        There's not a mod that can do [this].
        I'll be actively coding what I believe is necessary for the pack, if a mod
        does not yet exist that has this functionality.
        This includes cross-mod functionality & CraftTweaker integrations.
    • Expert packs lag horribly! I won't be able to play!
      • Launching & FPS
        Out of the box, the pack will contain:
        • TexFix
          Shaves off ~1KB per texture
          This leads to overall less RAM usage, and GPU Traffic
        • FoamFix (default: Anarchy)
          Multithreaded model baking & texture stitching (Loads faster)
          Clears unneeded cached/duplicate objects (Much less RAM needed)
          And much more...
        • Currently loading the pack consisting of ~135 mods with merely
          2.7 GB RAM allocated to this instance.
      • TPS
        • After being here at MyM now for over 3 years, and being Admin-rank for
          2 of those, I know my fair share of [do's & dont's], sadly, some packs
          are made so that some [dont's] must be ignored. (Looks at Avaritia
          Neutron Collectors x1000 setups)
          The pack will be made with large server maintainability in mind;
          Gone will be the days of "I don't care how bad this is! It's the only way
          to get X! If you break/disable it, I can never finish this pack!".
        • Spread through-out progression, will be better machinery/setups/processing
          so that you can constantly make everything more efficient, both for you
          and for the server!
        • A large part of the custom content & interactions will fall under this category,
          all just to make sure that you'll have a smooth playthrough!



    Progression will be structured similar to Age Of Engineering, though less linear, as you can see.
    Where there are two arrows that connect to the same age, then both the "parent" ages will be required.

    Progression will be fortified by:
    • BetterQuesting
    • Game Stages
      • Dimension Stages
      • Item Stages
      • Mob Stages
      • Recipe Stages
    • CraftTweaker & ModTweaker
    • And more...
    Custom Content & Interactions:
    • ContentTweaker
    • Modular Machinery
    • React
    • LootTableTweaker
    • A custom mod specifically for this pack

    I started this project about 2 weeks ago, so it is still pretty new.
    I'm not even done with 10%, if even that, of the expected recipe tweaking.

    I'm showing this preview to see general enthusiasm, wether or not this will be worth the effort, so please vote in the poll if you would play this pack.


    *: 1.10+ isn't as broken as many think, mod-wise.
    Some mods, (especially newer ones) do cause issues, but most have been fixed, at least in 1.11 & 1.12, as that's where most modders have been herded off of to.
    1.10 was a majour change compared to 1.7, which led to more bugs; Mainly because the (modded) Minecraft community jumped over 1.8 & 1.9. Had the mods been developed for these versions as well, most of the issues should have been ironed out already before 1.10 rolled along.
    Not to mention that 1.7 had a life-span close to 2 years! Many, many, maaaany bugs were squashed during that period. People tend to forget that it was just as horrible as 1.10/1.12 when it launched, compared to 1.6.
  2. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    5:36 PM
  3. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    i want it now :) well perhaps not now, need to enjoy divine jounrey a bit first :p looking forward to play it
  4. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    11:36 PM
    Do I see a stage dedicated to arboriculture? I'm intrigued.
  5. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    12:36 AM
    Need to see a bit more, but i am curious about it. So many packs to play, only so much time.

    Also, it depends on how you set up progression.

    A bad progression (to me) is AOE :
    - Getting through a lock doesn't make your life easier for this particular thing (Sturdy casing + Chassis + Machine frame) become really tedious quickly at the point that you don't do Rf until you get to uu. Once you reach age 4, you should be able to get more easily through age 3. This is how player feel progression

    - Getting through a lock just make it replace your previous set-up and doesn't get together. For instance, you get to all the ages to finally unlock Mekanism, but wait, you can't use to make power for your other machine. So you have to remade your whole system just for mekanism, not happpening.

    Also, i feel recently, the people are making hard recipe, just for the sake of making hard recipe. There is no new stuff to do. It's just the amount that changes. Things should be more connected to the hard feeling to my opinion. That was the well done part on AOE, you needed stuff on a broad scope and the power gestion early game was cool too.

    Edit : all of this is just my opinion btw :p
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2018
  6. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    7:36 PM
    Does it have agricraft.. is that even 1.12? There's only two things that make a pack successful a quest book and agricraft everything else is window dressing. :bag:
  7. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    I understand your point(s).
    I am not making this just to "jump on the band wagon". I've been planning a pack like this for literally years now. Not untill now have there been even remotely enough mods (that do what I want) for me to build around, without having to code a majority of the mods in the pack myself.
    These stages will continuously depend on each other. One quick example will be [Ender Pearls]. You cannot obtain these until you have progressed far enough into the pack. Thanks to Recipe & Mob Stages, you cannot craft them nor find ender-men until you attain a specific item that has been deemed "the finish line" for the Dendrology stage, but once you do get them, you will unlock recipes you couldn't see nor use that are in the stages prior, as well as directly ahead, of course.
    You will never have to build a massive infrastructure only to have to take it down again later on. Starting out, you will have different setups from end-game (obviously) but I'm trying to keep them either smaller than 4x4x4, or thanks to Modular Machinery, a continuous expanding setup; Think along the lines of Mekanism's Ore-processing (though quite a lot smaller)
    Everything in the pack is FE & RF compatible, so there should not be any issues with clashing energy-systems.

    No, not yet. I am indeed going to add it the moment it is released, bugs and all. I have the fauna for the Agronomy stage, but not the flora, and having just Pams just doesn't feel ok.
    It is being updated to 1.12, but InfinityRaider has given the reigns to another person, so it's not as quick as it would've been if he/she'd stayed as developer.
    Until it is released, I'm stuck with the right side of the progression tree, up to Ashen. Wouldn't make sense continuing past that if I'd have to re-structure everything again.

    Damn it, it's not actually about trees specifically :bored: Well, that definition was wrong :banghead:
    Forestry for 1.12 is still in Alpha. To quote the current release: "Alpha version, still buggy. Do not create a world you care about with this version, it can and will break severely".
  8. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    7:36 PM
    Sounds very interesting and infuriating, i would love to try it once you are done with it :p
  9. neronix17

    neronix17 Well-Known Member

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    11:36 PM
    Sounds great, I'm highly intrigued by that progression flow chart and it's about time an aggressively TPS friendly pack was made.
  10. Kazeodori

    Kazeodori Well-Known Member

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    4:36 PM
    Okay okay, I'll play.
    You guys have no clue what you're asking for. Matryoshika has be messing around with this for a long time. I'm glad to see him putting it all together now.

    Warning: Do not play if you get frustrated easily.
  11. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    5:36 PM
    I don't know if it already has it but if it had a "Wizardry" or "Sorcery" Age in the progression for Thaumcraft it would be amazing. Also it also reminds me of Rage Quit (I don't know if you remember it) In the sense that it's all like "ermagerd dangurr hardcorr" Apart from that I find it very interesting and intriguing. Good job in catching my eye lol, and also absolutely great job with the concept and work!

    EDIT: You sold me with HQM, but does it have Agricraft? I need that sweet sweet irrigation system, I for some reason find it satisfying lol.
    neronix17 likes this.
  12. neronix17

    neronix17 Well-Known Member

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    11:36 PM
    That would require Thaumcraft to be out on 1.12 first but I absolutely agree there, doubt many would disagree.
  13. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    There are 3 mid-to-large magic mods in the pack, (2 which are not commonly used) which are already planned into various stages. If Thaumcraft is released before this pack is launched, I may add it in, but then I'll have to re-structure the whole pack (which would delay it for weeks (as I'd have to re-do everything afterwards as well))
    I'm trying not to focus on having one specific mod per age, but rather having each stage be a "theme" that connects parts of mods.

    And this will not be as extreme as "Rage Quit" or "D.I.E". The players are given a chance to thrive. They just need to learn to think outside the box. Players are for example not locked at having just those 20HP, but gaining more hearts will be dangerous.

    The pack is actually mostly for me to play (but will be released publicly of course once it's done). I heavily enjoy packs like Infinity Expert, PO Kappa etc, but whilst they make it harder recipe-wise, they neglect some core parts of Minecraft like surviving. As I mentioned in the OP, natural regeneration will be disabled, but there are plenty of items that can heal you.
    Potions are also a ruefully used aspect in modded minecraft these days, mainly just used for crafting etc. Health & regen potions will be a staple, not just for healing but for killing undead mobs from a distance.
    Death will be punished, but configurably so. If you opt-in, death can be permanent, leading to you being unable to log in. However the standard option will be a "time-out" where you'll be unable to login to that specific server for min. 24h.
    Monkey_Banana1 and neronix17 like this.
  14. neronix17

    neronix17 Well-Known Member

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    11:36 PM
    If people aren't willing to go permadeath they won't be willing to stick around with a 24hr lockout, not the best way to punish death, although there's little options for that when it comes to Minecraft.
    SGamerXxX likes this.
  15. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    12:36 AM
    I look forward to this and happly wait
  16. dragon87tamer

    dragon87tamer Well-Known Member

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    11:36 PM
    I'm very intrigued by this modpack, am very interested in virtually all of it... I do like the idea of a death penalty tho 24 hours is a bit extreme maybe 6-12hours...gives players some time to do things besides one modpack ;)

    I definitely will be a player that will be looking forward to the public release of this pack
  17. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    It looks very promising, but I cannot cast my vote until I know for sure that Botania is not and will not be included.

    Another thing to consider is motivating player to automate systems instead of doing everything manually like in AoE.
  18. metalim

    metalim Well-Known Member

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    1:36 AM
    So, after 10% you need a public support to continue working. Not a good sign. Of course this is MC community, so there are "yeas, please make it!!!oneone", but the lack of your energy should be a warning sign for you next time you start something.
  19. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    12:36 AM
    I wouldn't say it's a need for public support more to see if there's others out there that would like to play a pack like that. It's the same how big game company's do it just to generate hype for their game
  20. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    12:36 AM
    This is not about lack of energy.
    As I've previously stated, I've been planning this for years, but not until recently was it possible to actually do everything I wanted, without coding everything from scratch (which by the time I would be finished with everything, the MC community would likely already have jumped to another version). If you have ever planned something for that long, then you bloody want to finish it.

    I created this thread to see if there was any interest in the concept. If I should go out of my way to properly release it.
    Would it even see the light of day outside my computer? Outside my small circle of friends who also enjoy a challenge?
    Whilst MyM is the one and only community I'll ever likely be part of, it is a much smaller forum compared to FTB/Reddit etc, so why would I fish for support here, when there are bigger ponds nearby?
    As I've stated, this pack has no ties to MyM. If it gets released, the community is gonna have to request MyM to put up a server, just like any other pack.
    After posting this thread, I have been working in the same pace as I did before even thinking about making the thread. If your assumption that I did this to "recharge my energy", wouldn't I be working faster? Would I even take the time off to play some other games like ARK, after I get a headache staring at CraftTweaker scripts for a few hours, when I could be working on something else in the pack?

    If that was all from you, I bid you good day.
    Fireforce likes this.

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