Implemented Change SirWilli Tank recipes on DJ

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sandstroem, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I think the tanks on Divine Journey are too easy. They are supposed to replace the deactivated RFTools dimensions, which are gated behind Witchery and Draconic Evolution.

    Some of the current tanks can be made more or less easily at stage 5 or 6 in the following list.

    My suggestion would be to keep the lava tank as it is, since we don't want people to pump the nether.

    Current tanks look like this:

    I suggest replacing the upper hardened tank with the next tier tank (Reinforced) and replacing the tanks on the left and right with two draconic cores, which gates it properly where it should be.

  2. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    I will give my reason for these tanks. As you know, we have RFTools Dimensions disabled. There is an entire section of the Questbook which requires 512 buckets of liquid of each type to be submitted. The liquid number in the recipes are used to fill up the liquid absorber to 100% which is required to make that type of dimension. I will see what I can do to make it a bit harder.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This is something that probably should have been addressed with the paying players before a radical change was made. While the tanks were in some cases cheaper than the RFTools Dimensions, the Dimensions aren't limited to those particular quest fluids, which provided a level of balance. Now with the SirWill tanks we've worked hard to craft being rendered little more than trophies of a time past it's a bit of a slap in the face. I'm speaking as a patron, I'm sure others can throw their two cents in here too.
  4. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    New Recipe fully implemented!
  5. vikingghost11

    vikingghost11 Well-Known Member

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    I totally agree with wynd, why was it decided so quickly to change it without even a poll. I get changing it for the sake of "progression" but after 2 weeks of using the tanks and coming to love them it leaves a sour taste in my mouth when they are yanked from us with no choice leaving the tanks we worked hard to create to be tossed. It would be a different story if we never had the original tanks from the start but we did.
    Plus by that point, I highly doubt the tanks will have any use besides those quests and quality of life.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2018
    EvilScotsman, GreyWolf11 and Evan317 like this.
  6. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    .This changes the whole setup of my base and also the way the pack was introduced. I am all for making things as close to pack-creator's idea, but making this change recursive now (making the old tanks not work anymore) feels like I've been robbe of things that I worked hard to get. I do get the argument that I wasn't supposed to get it in the first place, but when you released the pack I WAS going to get it in the first place, then you change your mind and I suffer for it.

    For me atm it's simple - I am not about to go back to square one. Give me my tanks or cancel my pantron and give me my 9.99 Euro back.

    And this being done with no prior notice (my base is atm un-powered) because mods/some admins agree on this is just sad.
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  7. MC_Arthemis

    MC_Arthemis ~Alicia

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    No heads up. just instant change of recipi after just 4 hours after @Sandstroem posted this. And also with items that with a creative chest would take ages to make.
    I would like to suggest the following recepi:

    This looks not cheap but atleast its a lot cheaper then to get milion sof zivicio for the Empty Dims
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    We now introduced a way to craft the old tanks into the new ones, if you still have them.

    edit: Also , you need more than 2 empty dims, if you wanted to get into the Dims in the first place. The recipe Aido made is right where it belongs.
  9. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    Zzz I don't even know why you bothered made a forum post if you didn't wait for opinion...

    Also as Wyndman said, Ender tank as nowhere near as powerful as Dimensions. And keep in mind that with the price of the dimensions, most people will use a couple and overwrite them according to their needs.

    For instance, you don't need a dimension of cryo for a long time (except if i missed some stuff), so you can take this dimension and made it something else, which you can not do with tanks
    GreyWolf11 likes this.
  10. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    Why was this decided out of the blue without warning, a lot of people made blood magic setups around the tank and we basically just have to restart blood magic because our altars are based on the tank. Something like this I did see coming but player input and time to change our bases accordingly would have been really nice.
  11. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This indeed was one of the largest issues with the change for our base, suddenly having to change an entire tier five blood altar to ensure having enough blood to start the demon invasion.
  13. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    God damn this sucks. Did anyone else have a problem with the tanks being the way they were? It feels like this change was made far too late and I've grown very fond of working towards different SirWill tanks. I don't understand why a change this radical was made without asking atleast the patrons, people who are paying to play on this server. Man, this is honestly really killing my interest in this server as well as my patron subscription. Who knows what will change tomorrow that I'm working towards today.
    FactionsEnd likes this.
  14. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    At least they gave me back the tanks they had made useless. I understand the rationale, but the way the desicion-making-process is done and the way you implement changes around here makes me think of 5yo bossing around eachother in the sandbox. Get a grip! Especially when you've made a server for patrons only, you'd think you'd have the decency to ask first.
  15. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    Same here, chage like this is ok during a free server play, but on a pay to play server its not, some of us got some tanks some got none.
    This "good" ideea its not fair at all without a server restart ... just sain'.
    As said before in this thread ... decisions like this kills my interest in the patron aswell, sorry.
    A pool or something before the decision was the best way to go ... and after that the restart.
  16. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I can't follow completely, are the new posts still about the old tanks being useless or the recipe change?
    If it's about the recipe change then this can still be reverted.
  17. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    We are not really talking about the new recipe being fair or not (which to me is a bit too expansive, but that's ok). We are talking about the sudden change. Everything happened without our opinion despite the post on the forum. Everything was decided in 8 hours.

    And the other unfair thing is that some people could get the tank for a cheap price, and some other can't. So it's a bit unfair to the new players
    EvilScotsman likes this.
  18. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    For me I was perfectly happy with the tanks being the way they were. While I know it's against how the modpack was designed I think it's fair for the lava tank to be as cheap as it was since it's the same as just pumping the nether for lava. As for metals I think that if you can fill 3 reinforced tanks worth of the stuff then it shows you're capable of generating large amounts of it, and then the tank cuts out having to spend additional time mining/waiting around for stuff to process. But that's my personal opinion on the matter.

    However, I also agree with others' points about how quickly this change was made, how it seems no opinions were taken from the server inhabitants and how anyone who didn't get their dark steel and blood tanks set up in time will have a harder time with the modpack.
  19. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    i dont see a problem, there was a mistake with the old tanks and it got fixed, the old tanks can still be crafter into the new tanks so we dont take something away from you. and there was a heavy exploit with the old tanks so we had to change them anyway. the admin who made the change is working hard and we are all trying to do the best what we can in our spare time. we simply just cant ask everyone for everything we change else there would be no progress or in this case people might abuse the bug etc. In my opinion we should THANK the admin who did the change to keep the intended progression of the pack alive and not flame him cause he is doing his work
    Fireforce and Sandstroem like this.
  20. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    Wow, the perfect answer! "shut up and eat what i give you!" and " be thankful for it!!".
    The problem its not with the chage ( hard or not it is not important).
    The problem is with its implementation.
    Some of us got em really early on, which gave us a really nice boost (i am one of the lucky players).
    You want fair, after a change like this cut us all to the same level. Dont dust it under the carpet and try to intimidate for silence.
    Sorry,dont mean to start a fight, i just tried to state something as most of us see "fair for all", but in the end my two cents dont matter too much, its just a game, you dont like it you have choices right?
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2018
    wyndman likes this.

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