Implemented Change SirWilli Tank recipes on DJ

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Sandstroem, Mar 6, 2018.

  1. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    i dont see a problem, it was easier than intended, if you want to play it the correct way just dump it into the trash can. it doesnt mean cause we make a mistake that every new player should have their experience ruined. i myself only enjoy hard packs and if there is a cheaty way to make the life super easy i will not take it
  2. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    3:33 AM
    Changing the tanks to fix an exploit is important, but then changing the recipe because 1 person suggested it is a whole other topic on its own.
    Most of us are more upset that no feedback from the community was taken into consideration before this change. Everyone on the server paid to play and not respecting that and waiting on their opinion from the people paying the bills isn’t a smart way to go about it.
    If the recipe was harder to begin with and everyone was on the same level then this wouldn’t be a big deal. But a lot of people have an advantage now that others will never get. If people didn’t want to “cheat” the pack they could just wait to make the tanks.
  3. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    as far as i know a few people were asked and all gave feedback on the tanks. also you need to keep in mind that aido put alot of work in the server, alot of hours and days to set it up and that it works like it should. what would your answer be on the case? im pretty sure the result would be the same at the end.
  4. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    To be clear it's slightly more complicated than that. There was a mistake on an item that become an essential part of people's playthrough. For about 3 weeks this mistake was accepted as the norm with no notice of it being a mistake. It was fixed 3 weeks into the life of the server, at which point it was changed to be a near-endgame item. This ends up being a fairly large change to the modpack because of people's reliance on it. Those who did not get their tanks set up in time will find themselves spending a fair bit more time progressing than those who did. So the problem is that the tanks were a fairly important item, this would not be such a big deal if they were not.

    There is still the problem of those who weren't quick enough to get their tanks are suddenly going to have a much harder time on the modpack. Also it's worrying how quick a change came about to what had become a staple to people's setups, without waiting for feedback from the (paying) players. What does this mean for the future of this server? Will we be seeing more changes like this? How will I know that the things that I'm working towards will still be obtainable tomorrow?

    What was this exploit? Would it not have been possible to fix it without changing the recipie so drastically?

    I do understand this. MYM is full of hard working individuals who keep it running at a high standard. I really do admire the difficult work that the staff does, they have plenty of my respect. I'm just not usually so vocal with online strangers because I have a hard time socialising like this. I hope to show my appreciation for their work through my patron donation of about €20 a month which really is not chump-change for me. However if this is truely how the staff feels then it might be an idea to remove this section of the forum or set it to staff only. As far as I've seen a large change has happened to the server and we are giving our feedback on the change that we did not previously get a chance to.

    I don't believe any of this is meant as a personal attack on the staff but I apologise profusely if I have done so.

    Absolutely, I understand, that would be a waste of time, but I want to make a point that this ended up being a large change to how players progress on the server so I feel like this particular issue deserved some time to be discussed with the players.

    Sorry, I'd like to further respond to your posts but I've run out of time and need to head to work. I will try and continue when I get back
    Kissqt and Ahnlmal like this.
  5. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    8:33 AM
    Do you honestly think the experience of the pack is ruined because of these tanks? Because to me, playing on a server with the banned items, the dimensions you can't go and all, make it much more difficult in the long run.

    Second point, to me ender-tank was never a way to cheat progression. It was a way to reduce lagg from resources, that are easy to acquire (such as lava/ blood) because spamming witch/villager under several altar to mass produce blood is nothing quite hard to get, and way cheaper than the recipe.

    So i am not sure we have the same vision of the tank
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    I was one of the first players on the server, I joined within the first 5 minutes after it opened. Up to the current day, I haven't crafted a single one of those tanks. Except for the lava tank.

    Why? Because to me every single of those tanks, especially the blood tank felt way to easy and broke progression heavily.

    However, I did not know that there was an exploit with the old tanks and wasn't expecting that the old tanks get disabled. Since I know that, I can also understand this decision made.

    The new recipe is also not too difficult compared to what it takes to open dimensions in the first place.

    The only thing I regret here is that I didn't come up with that suggestion earlier.

    edit: also, you don't need to spam witches at all. A self sacrifice altar with the correct ritual and maybe a environmental controller gives you those 15 million LP in a reasonable amount of time.
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    In the end, we're all cutting ourselves with knives like little Yuri's to draw blood so we can do crazy witchery stuff.
    HelloKittyPhone likes this.
  8. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    Dont understand me wrong we appreciate all your feedback, i wanted to just voice out my point on this case so you might understand why we do the things we do :)
  9. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    3:33 AM
    If private feedback was given that's at least going in the right direction for conversation, as for most of us we had no clue there was any feedback before this decision was made. But giving private feedback from a couple people doesn't mean it will reach a wide enough audience. IF you go through this thread there isn't many patrons that have responded that are happy about this change. This could be because the patrons that are happy for the change didn't reply because the change was made or because they don't want to go against the rest of the people. But either way this is a suggestion forum section and not enough people gave their point of view before a change like this was made.

    I got a good idea on how much time was placed into this server, but a change like this 3 weeks into the server can kill a server quite quickly if enough people don't like the change. Feedback from the people playing on the server especially since they are paying the bills really should have been taken into consideration.

    For a result to end the same way doesn't mean that you will get the same outcome from the community. This could have been dealt with a lot better. Feedback from the community is very important and it would have been nice to see a poll on this forum post or a conversation in the patron discord chat. Or even more then 6 hours for the community to respond and talk about this change. I could see the result ending the same, but if you gave the community time to voice their opinions and accept the change it would have been a community that is more accepting of the change. Or the change would have never happened since no one that plays the server liked the change.
  10. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    9:33 AM
    Well, more to the point, to be more understandable, think i will go again for a non patron server.
    As said by someone in the thread dont know what posible changes will come.

    The pack is tough enough for me, and the server play has some things to consider (have to limit ourselves in doin big stuff not to hurt the server's tps) or the extra discomfort of banned items (also understandable cuz of most exploits) , to invest any more time in it.
    That was the problem from the begining for me, cant invest time and money in something that changes so drastically overnight.

    Banks dont change interests without a contract ... and so on ...
    Sorry, but i dont care bout private feedback as long as I wasnt involved, for me thats only propaganda :)

    Thanks for reading and sorry again for the possible ofences, none were intended!
  11. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    i want to make it clear that right now i only post my own opinion not the opinion of mineyourmind which might be another one. but why do you think that supporting the network via patron gives you the right to tell us what to do? if you pay your fee for a football club you are also not allowed to say: "hey i want black jersey instead of the white one we have". We appreciate any feedback but as you know some decisions have to be made. we all try here to give you the best experience of the modpacks and having performance good servers. if i achieve that i think i do my job good. most of you complaining here bought patron for 1 month right now, i dedicated a few years already to mineyourmind.
    Its a total different thing if you want to sponsor a server and pay for it than you can decide what to do but right now the admin team will try to get feedback and decide on that what to do and in some cases its not the thing everyone wants.
  12. Ahnlmal

    Ahnlmal Well-Known Member

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    9:33 AM
    I am not telling you what to do brother, dont light up like that, i just expect consistency and stability in some degree.
    I , like most of us plebs who complained here as you said, supported the servers over the last 5 years too with bought kits, claimed blocks and tiers, so you are not the only one who gaved more than only a "10$" contribution here (i bring this up ONLY because you threw it at me not because im sorry, i really enjoied to support all of you).

    BTW if the football club you bring up, will change the players with cars i WILL have something to say :).
    Sad but true for me, in the end its like you say, you dont have to explain or consult us regarding every "minor" change to the servers. Its simple as "like it or leave".

    Again, no need for you to show me your "superiority", i said i was sorry if i attacked anyone personally with my complaint. I will shut up now :)
    Last edited: Mar 11, 2018
  13. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    8:33 AM
    yeah i was a bit exaggerating to say that for me ender tank are more for server performance than for the actual progression.

    In any case, i am pretty sure you guys understood what bothered most of us (not all but most) is the instantaneous decision despite it being a forum post (not much more to add to that and this topic is getting nowhere since the change are made now, and you got our point, we got your point)
  14. EvilScotsman

    EvilScotsman Well-Known Member

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    7:33 AM
    So I wanted to make a point about what 'intended progression' is. Personally I haven't played this pack in singleplayer, I had a general idea what the pack was about but didn't know the details. So for those three weeks, to me, the tanks were part of that intended progression. This thread was the first I'd heard that it was a mistake, I honestly hadn't seen anyone disagree with it's implementation beforehand and I got a lot of enjoyment out of both having them and working towards them.

    @Werwolfi_de Sorry, I'm a little confused on this post, could you possibly clarify your point here? If I take it as what I think it means then I wholeheartedly agree. I'd like to include this post in the point as well:

    But isn't that possibly the best scenario? Before the recipe was changed, those who liked the tanks got to use them and those who found that they ruined their experience due to them being cheaty got to ignore them completely. You can never please everyone, we all have our different likes and preferences, so when the option comes up to appeal to both sides then isn't that the perfect situation?

    And that's great, that's what I'd like to hear, however what I would prefer is if this issue could have been given more time to be discussed before a fix was implemented. Do you know how that feedback was collected, was it collected publicly, or from a select few? I feel like a thread like this one would have been fine (plus a poll, possibly), but it seems like the purpose of this thread was just to inform players of the change and the reasons for it rather than to discuss it.
    I won't ask that you spend days agonising over every change, every bugfix or every bit of maintenance but this change, to apparently a few people, was of some significance and deserved the extra consideration.

    @Werwolfi_de Could you possibly also help me to understand this point, sorry again.

    This is not an attack on Aidoneus, I promise you that I am not trying to undermine the hard work of MYM's developers. I recognise that there is nothing easy about setting up or running a server like DJ. I am not angry at any of MYM's staff and I am not trying to insult anyone.

    Please try to understand, the responses to this thread are not an attack. I am not here to make demands of MYM, I want to make my point, give my feedback and make sure that what I am saying is absolutely clear to the best of my abilities.

    Being the autistic, anti-social degenerate that I am, I'm not really into football, I didn't even know you could pay membership fees to football clubs. I had to look this up a bit to try and understand your meaning. Personally, I'm not sure the comparison works that well, I think a better comparison might be if you were to pay a fee to a local charity (meaning the workers themselves don't get paid, the money goes towards equipment and essentials) that owns and maintains football fields in the area. One of the pitches has an odd quirk that offers a slightly different style of play (something like this, or this), then one day you and your mates show up expecting to play on the field with a quirk only to find that it's been normalised by the charity that you pay a fee to.

    This still isn't a great comparison, I don't really like comparisons anyway since they usually leave out key details that make the decision in the comparison obvious when the main decision isn't. Much like the old saying 'if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you do it too?' in response to something mundane like eating out at a place your friends recommend.

    When I previously mentioned about paying for patron I promise I was not trying to act superior, or put you down in anyway. I wanted to try and show my appreciation for the MYM staff, because I don't pay subscriptions for video games, never have and I only occasionally pay for something like Netflix or Crunchyroll. So paying the €20 a month is a big deal for me and pointing that out is not meant as a boast or a demand for more attention. I would like to believe that anyone who contributes to MYM through developing, moderation or donations (even those who paid for Tier 1) is valued in some way and can be included in these important decisions.

    Ultimately that's the problem, that's why I'm trying my best to convey my points. It doesn't appear that feedback was taken. It seems that this issue was regarded as being a fairly insignificant bugfix, when there was apparently a fair few people who liked it the way it was. I am not trying to demand anything from you or the staff, I would personally like to see the recipe returned to what it was before but it's not for me to decide, I hope that it's for both the public and the staff to decide together.

    In the end this is a dumb thread about a dumb tank in a dumb videogame that I'm putting too much thought into, but it's important to me that my voice is heard and understood, and if you decide against me then that's fine.

    Also I don't want to see this thread get closed, and I'm worried that you might be taking this too personally, @Werwolfi_de. I am not, and I don't think others are, trying to attack you, belittle you or insult you. I promise that I am not trying to disregard the years you've dedicated to MYM, I don't think that that's insignificant. I am not here to tell you how to do your work or even suggest I have more sway in decision making than you. All I would like is to have, and give to others, a voice in important decisions such as this.
  15. Werwolfi_de

    Werwolfi_de Well-Known Member

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    8:33 AM
    Quite a wall of text xD

    What i meant was that the tanks should be like they are now. If a new player joins he shouldnt skip parts of the pack only cause we made the tanks too easy. if you look up the items required to get into dimensions i think the recipes are in a good state right now.

    Aido did a little playthrough in Singleplayer to figure out what we need to optimize or change so we can run it on a multiplayer server environment, he put in custom recipes, set up twilight shop things, and alot of other configurations including making sure that players can nearly visit every dimension.

    So lets come to the important point. I wrote alot of stuff here from my perspective and since its my opinion its biased. Its really important that you know that the Staff-Team always discusses decisions which affects any server, Every change is made are discussed with people playing on the server, admins, really old and experience staff members and whoever fits to get a better idea what to do. And yes :) we also bug slind and sirwill to give their input even if they are sometimes annoyed ;)

    I think the decision was made properly but the communication could have been better. we should have explained why we do it and that we thought a good time over this decision (i think it was mentioned over 2 weeks before this change was actually made). I hope we can improve that in the future.

    Considering "attacking" Staff Members or me. I dont see it as an attack, its good feedback for me and we can always improve something. The Problem recently is that for alot of changes/updates etc we have to put in alot of work and most times we see only negative and not really constructive feedback (i'm not talking about this thread, i'm talking about the complete feedback/messages we get). We only get yelled with things like: "Why you do this", "Why havent you asked the other 40 staff member", "why was there no meeting" ...... Sadly its not always possible to make everyone happy but we try it.

    Also there is another problem you might are interested. In our Staff no one is forced to do someting since we are all volunteers (yeah if you are inactive for a long time you get demoted but thats another story). That brings us to the point that people do what they want when they want. Important and difficult tasks are mostly pushed back or done by (in most cases) one person which nearly dedicades his complete free time to mineyourmind and burns out after a few months and gives up. This leads us to a mediocre work ethic and is kinda a problem since our High-Staff team lost a few members, a few switched to manager and a few resigned recently. So please if you are interested in a position here APPLY for staff we could need a bit help :)

    I dont know if i got alot of the questions you had but if you still have some just ask.

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