Goodbye MYM

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Asapps, Mar 19, 2018.

  1. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    I think i'm done with MYM, probably for a few years. And done with minecraft, since i've overplayed it and nothing really 'fresh' is coming out. All this business dealing with rank changes and pay-to-play servers... From what i've seen, mym has lost many players. It looks like mym is dying to be honest. There were better methods to deal with Mohjang's new rules, but they weren't done. I know that the costs have not increased so much that MYM has to make the lowest sub $5/month. It could be reduced to $1 or less, or if it access other currencies, i'd be more willing to go along with it. I understand the staff have been working hard to make this is comfortable and fair as possible, which I respect, but I feel it could be done in a better fashion. The new system will probably be worked out better over the course of several months/years, if mym is still around then.

    I enjoyed my time on Mym and enjoyed everyone. I havn't honestly played on mym in like 1-2 years and have been with Mym since the they launched Agrarian Skies 1. Noone I knew still plays on here anymore.

    It was a good run, thank you all for the great servers. Best i've ever seen.

    Werwolfi_de and HelloKittyPhone like this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    While of course we'll miss any of our players we do like you, I want to address some of your comments. MyM losing players, this is a result of the natural ebb and flow of Minecraft, overall Minecraft has less players, but we for the most part maintain the same solid base of players with new and returning players fluctuating daily. As for us dying nothing could be further from the truth, MyM remains statistically the most popular modified Minecraft network that's not my opinion that's based off the data available. We're not in the same market as the pvp vanilla mini games types servers, so they might have more concurrent players we're not measuring against them.

    We approached the community for ideas on how to deal with Mojang and Microsoft's demands and implemented those that were the most feasible available to us. While you might not agree with them we're at the end of the day a business. Costs are a common misconception of players, while you can go find some random Minecraft hosting site to run a singular pack at the cost of "JUST PENNIES A DAY!" We're running a much more complex setup, and those same hosting companies would melt under the player base here.

    I already addressed the issue of the 4.99 Euro in many places before, but in case you missed it it breaks down to $6.15 a month. That's $73.80 a year, or roughly twenty cents a day. So a year of Patron as it stands now is slightly more expensive then the average console game. Will there be adjustments for multi-month or loyalty perhaps there will. Ultimately we're not just looking to loot our customers pockets, but to pay for the server hardware and the infrastructure that comes along with it. When we rolled out the program in its current state it was at gunpoint, Mojang left us no choice, comply or be blacklisted.

    We're not just competing with other server groups, we're competing with Microsoft/Mojang as well with their increasing push to sell Realms subscriptions.

    If you hadn't played here in one to two years none of this is relevant to you anyway..
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 19, 2018
  3. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    It just seems that costs have drastically risen since Mahjong's letter came around. Also, Mym really havn't gotten any new packs out in the past year worth playing. Minecraft in general has been in a very stale state for older players. We need something fresh. It would be incredible to see a modpack of 50 mods that i've never seen before. All modpack either have Thaumcraft, Blood Magic, IC2, and/or AE2 in it. Fewer packs are have MFR in it now. That was a good one.
  4. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Costs are unchanged, the income is what degraded.
  5. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    I can see that. I have enjoyed Mym, and will probably be back to check out the pack it's making. Probably in the future i'll be able to help Mym out more to deal with Mohjangs issues (like donations to help reduce the pressure), but not right now.

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