Done Space Station Protection

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by LeadedJester, Mar 21, 2018.


Should a protection be added to space stations in Galactic Science?

  1. Yes

  2. No

  1. LeadedJester

    LeadedJester Well-Known Member

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    5:12 PM
    So it has come to my attention that space stations in Galactic Science are not protected. As I am currently interested in starting a space station base, my question would be, is it possible to place a protection on your space station? If not, would it be possible for this feature to be added, maybe in the form of a block that does so or a possible tie to your island protection on the moon?

    I know this may be a bit of a tedious task to accomplish, but I feel that it would be completely worth it as it would allow space stations to be a more practical feature that would add to the sci-fy feel of the modpack.

    Even though griefing and stealing is against the rules of the server, it would still be nice to have that extra layer of protection, as you could show people your build without having to worry whether or not they are going to break/take anything. Please let me know what is decided. Thanks.

    I also decided to put a poll on this post, so please vote on it if you are not a Developer.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    6:12 PM
    Space stations, TARDIS are already protected by the fact they cannot be accessed without owners consent. We've been over the traditional claim system before being implemented and it just isn't feasible. This would require a new region being generated for every TARDIS and Space-station deployed. To protect your belongings simply only invite people you actually trust on board, and don't leave public transporters open to your space station.
  3. MrR20

    MrR20 Well-Known Member

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    11:12 PM

    I rearly post but when i see something is interesting and something i like to understand more. I do like to post. :)

    To Wyndman:

    We've been over the traditional claim system before being implemented and it just isn't feasible.

    1) For us who isn't so well insert in this kind of challages. Can you explain a bit more in detail so we also understand what the difficulty is. I have try to read your explanation but feel like its something more to it.

    2) Just an assumption. There are none blocks/items we can us or claim blocks. to protect our self? Blocks/items dost necessary need to be hard to program or add.

    This would require a new region being generated for every TARDIS and Space-station deployed.

    3) Why would it be hard to have new region generated?

    4) Was informed about some kind of TARDIS teleportation blocker. And was informed that with a TARDIS you can tp to peoples Space Station with out theirs approval?


  4. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    4:12 PM
    What block blocks the tardis being able to teleport to that area? I can confirm it is possible to access someone Space Station without their permission using a tardis, since every Space Station has its own dimension it's really easy to teleport to one.
    coolgi3000 likes this.
  5. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    11:12 PM
    The thing whit protection is the item needed is a golden shovel to make a claim follow the on screen guide a claim must be at least 100 claim blocks =10x10 square
    And a tardis is rather buggy and u can private the teleportation block from rf tools just set it to private and only set it to one time teleportation at a time then no one can enter your space station

    The tardis on the other hand is well designed for dim hopping like the star gate if u happen opon a station then u better leave it alone or else ban hammer
  6. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    6:12 PM
    It is possible to travel to space stations with a TARDIS (I helped somebody get back to their station the other day by going there (with their permission) and letting them tp to me) but it is not possible to travel to other TARDISes without the owners permission as far as I know.
    There is a block called a tardis prevention matrix, however that only prevents the TARDIS from landing in a relatively small area, and somebody could simply land in midair a hundred blocks away and then fly back to the space station.
    Lastly as anybody who has gone through the dimensions with their TARDIS can tell you. Almost everybody on the server has a the default (boring) space station with nothing on it. If a potential Greifer wished to find one worth stealing from, they would have to sift through around thirty other space stations to find one with something valuable (I think. I’ve only been to about 6 stations before I got bored, and don’t worry I was only looking). That is all assuming that somebody who has gotten to the TARDIS mod endgame would be interested in greifing.

    TARDISes are safe. Space stations are not. Prevention matrices help, but not a whole lot. The chance of Greif is low. But not even nearly zero. Protection might be nice. There’s my advice.

    I didn’t realize that rhymed until about half way through and I decided to roll with it, you can kind of see the point that I gave up, I’m sorry (no I’m not.)
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2018

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