It's been brought to my attention that the admins have the power to change things in the nether. So, i wish to start a petition to remove the Hellfish from the nether, for they make mining in the nether nearly impossible and kill way too quickly. I know people will say this will make the nether too easy, or take out all the challenge, but you know what? People need ores, netherrack, and other nether goodies, without the high risk of a fish blowing their face off, even with decent armor! There'll still be pigmen bosses for the endgame junkies to fight.
i Agree, whenever i need things like quartz, i go inside the nether to mine some, but whenever i go in the nether, i get killed instantly because of a billion hellfish attacking
My apologies, the last I saw of you before you went to the nether you were in gold and chain. Invar is still little better. 'Decent armour' in agrarian skies is very different to that in vanilla minecraft.
Try this. Hit Numpad 0 (your waila config) In one of the options there is something Called Item ID Meta data, Turn that on. Now all Silverfish netherack will have a different id. Another way to mine in the nether is to always mine 2 blocks below where your standing, Since you can reach 5 blocks you can mine efficiently this way. Also im against making the nether easy mode
We will not disable hellfishes. It is intended from jadedcat and there are few ways to bypass the hellfish. @Crhymez already explained an way and if you only need the ore then don't break the netherreck.
I was unaware of Chrymez's method, and its made netherrack mining much safer. Sorry if i came off as whining
For the record, a quick list of all of the methods of producing the primary nether resources: Soul Sand = Sand in witchwater barrel Nether Quartz/Netherwart etc = Sieving Soul Sand Netherrack = Redstone in a barrel of lava Glowstone = Sieving dirt Nether Ores = Drill things. With lasers. Lasers are fun. I can dump this in the tips section if people want it.
If I remember correctly, the netheracks with hellfish eggs are mined slower than the normal netherrack.
Hellfishes have to stay, uf u just watch out and have backpack u kan easy get rid of them. gonna try to turn Item ID meta data on tho is kinda nifty