A preview to an unknown project

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Matryoshika, Feb 25, 2018.


After reading everything, would you play this?

  1. Yay

    60 vote(s)
  2. Nay

    6 vote(s)
  3. Potatay

    20 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. The_Icy_One

    The_Icy_One Procrastinates by doing work

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    3:02 AM
    Out of interest, what is it that you dislike so strongly about Botania? I can understand not wanting to have to play with it, but simply having it in the pack?
  2. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    4:02 AM
    I do not want have Botania, when I will not use, in the modpack because it provides very strong items that have no equivalents in other mods, what means that by not using Botania I lose part of the combat and I will be at disadvantage against other players.
    In addition to that, Botania is very frequently used in modpacks like this as a part of obtaining items from other mods, what in turn means that I am unable to obtain those items.

    What I dislike about Botania are the flowers added by Botania and general mechanics of the mod (mana system, having to throw items...).
  3. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    4:02 AM
    Botania and EnderIO are kind of the go-to way for most of modpack tbh
  4. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    4:02 AM
    Yes, that is the reason why I do not play the most of modpacks.
  5. cbrozak

    cbrozak Well-Known Member

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    10:02 PM
    This made me happy, here take my upvote. ;P
    profrags and Fireforce like this.
  6. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    8:02 PM
    So, the general consensus here: We shouldn't have botania because one guy doesn't wanna use it. Seems legit. XD
    SGamerXxX likes this.
  7. Kissqt

    Kissqt Patron Tier 2

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    It's more like, it's cool to have a different mod and different kind of progression. It's not because he doesn't like botania, but then, it's Matryoshika call/modpack :p
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  8. Odosu

    Odosu Odosu

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    10:02 PM

    Send me a message when its done!!
    Would love to play it.
  9. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    4:02 AM
    Well, I was going to use Roots2 in the pack, but dear god, it got sooooo many bugs, and logical faults, that I am literally suprised that the mod even works at all.
    Now imagine faceplanting into all of that, as you try to piece together how to add custom Moonlight recipes (through custom CraftTweaker integration (at least Roots2's recipe-registries were public/accessible)), and change the Auspicious Point's I/O items.
    Then we also got the lovely logic of [get a chunk. Calculate the chunks X&Z coords into block coords. Now add 13 to both. Now add a random value between 0 & 6. Oh, we're suddenly in another chunk, possibly one that shouldn't even load yet....]
    No, just... no. In the end it broke itself without me touching anything. Had Elucent let the GitHub still exist, I might've forked it & used a custom version, but nope, no sourcecode (not even with internet archives), and it used a weird mapping (vanilla Minecraft is obfuscated aka code is replaced with unreadable names (for example to access the block cobblestone in code, you'd have to use Blocks.field_150347_e. Thanks to Forge(technically MCP), mappings are used to make them readable)). The mapping that Roots2 uses was old and I could only find parts of it on vivecraft's github xD

    Well, I do have another magic mod in mind, but I'm gonna have to restructure the whole progression tree ö.ö
  10. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    - Updated OP with new Progression tree

    If you did everything manually in AoE, then you did something wrong Ö.Ö That pack, if ANY, motivates you to automate.... How the heck did you even do just the AA infusions without any automation?!?

    Botania nor EnderIO will be in the pack. I personally love them, but I'm trying to highlight other mods that do similar things.

    Well, non-crafting mechanics of gaining new resources like throwing items is becoming more and more common. It's also fully possible to automate it in vanilla Minecraft. At least 3 mods in the pack make use of such concepts, and 2 of them have CraftTweaker integration for their mechanics, which I'll be using.
    I hate Tinkers' Construct like you hate Botania, but I power through it so that I'm done as quickly as possible, because I want to play the rest of literally all packs since 1.6.4. Placing yourself in a corner and stating that you can't play because of a self-defined obstacle that isn't impossible, merely annoying, isn't the best course of action.

    Ey, long time no see Mr.Owl.
    Well, I want to give the people a chance to thrive, not throw them into the Colosseum with hungry lions, with only a stick as a weapon, like your D.I.E did :p

    Keyword is different. As I've stated in the OP, most things you take for granted will be different. Of course, there'll be a quest-book to help you.
    One possible description/tagline/catchprase for the pack is: "Everything has changed. Can you?"
    cbrozak likes this.
  11. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    4:02 AM
    I thank you very much for your response and answering my question. I am looking forward to the modpack.

    In AoE, I have been doing all the AA infusions manually (by placing the ingredients by right click and taking the result out manually) while rerouting power to make my machines (display stands and such) run when they were needed because Solarflux cables concentrated all energy in one machine until it was charged. I guess I had been doing something wrong, but we managed to get to age 13 (Draconic age). I had automated Calculator circuits though.
    Last edited: Mar 15, 2018
  12. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    • Updated Progression tree
      • Tried to streamline it in proper chronological order.
      • Reconstructed due to how confusing it was with back-tracking & "Age A unlocks B & Ages A & B unlocks C"
        • The former "back-tracking" is shown properly as extended sub-stages
          (Mystica I (1), Mystica II (2) etc)
      • Should be final revision, unless a mod is deemed broken once I get to actually implementing the stage it is in.
  13. Doctor_Psychosis

    Doctor_Psychosis New Member

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    11:02 PM
    is...is this sevtech? if its not then woohoo another awesome thing i want to play, if it is then woohoo! sevtech! XD but in all seriousness if this gets made i'd love a link to it myself.
  14. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    4:02 AM
    No, this is not SevTech. It is very much my own thing :p
    Never heard or seen SevTech till now... it does have a similar theme from what I can see, but the base ideology is different.
    Well, SevTech could be a nice tutorial to play in the meantime while waiting for this project :smuggrin:
    Doctor_Psychosis likes this.
  15. SGamerXxX

    SGamerXxX Builder of Blocks, Killer of Zombies

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    2:02 PM
    Sounds intriguing though as it has been the proposed death mechanic does seem a little extreme, I mean 24 hour wait or permadeath. I would probably prefer the start over immediately than have to wait a full 24th hours just to play again.

    Though I do like the ability to opt out of permadeath. 24 hours, or very near any wait time seem just silly too me as it seems a waste of the players time.
    Even an hour wait time seems to be just above the tolerable line.

    Though that just my opinion. As of yet its hard to say yay or nay to this modpack.
  16. Timkoo

    Timkoo Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    4:02 AM
    Absolutely would play!

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