PixArk Community Poll

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by Snowfoxs, Mar 31, 2018.


How would you like us to proceed?

Poll closed Apr 1, 2018.
  1. PvE only, server open to the world

    7 vote(s)
  2. PvE only, password protected for MyM players only

    14 vote(s)
  3. Scheduled PvP mode for MyM players only (password protected)

    17 vote(s)
  4. Don't change anything

    0 vote(s)
  1. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    1:37 AM
    Hello fellow MyM and PixArk players,

    We are currently several hours in to our first PvP session on our PixArk server, and unfortunately, things aren't looking too well for PvP.

    Over the past few days, we've learned a lot about the game, and how it operates. As many of you are aware, PixArk is an early-access game, and some features are terribly broken, or subject to change by the developers.

    Initially, while we were running the server in PvE only mode, our playerbase online was staggeringly large for such a new game, and we hoped that PvP weekends would be a nice dose of excitement.

    Ever since PvP was enabled, there has been nothing but chaos in all of the ways which we didn't anticipate. Even before PvP was enabled, there were some issues with players as well. Currently, the server is public-access, anybody in the world using the server browser can find it, and join. We've noticed that a lot of players joining are non-MyM players, and we welcomed them with open arms.

    However, unfortunately, with those players came griefers, trolls, and people looking to do little more than log in, destroy things, and leave to never be seen again. We want you folks, our valued playerbase, to have an enjoyable experience with as little unwanted harassment as possible. All we have seen from PvP being enabled was a very sharp drop in server population, and massive world destruction.

    Sadly, in the state the map is now, we will likely have to reset it again (I know, I know..) before the weekend is over, as its been rendered nearly unplayable in many of the spawn areas. With this disappointing news, we would like to poll the PixArk community, and let you folks decide for yourselves what you would like to see done with the server.

    I will outline the options we've came up with below:
    • NO PvP, PvE only, server open to the world and anyone can join, hard playerdata & map reset.
    • NO PvP, PvE only, server is password protected and the password posted on our forums for MyM members, hard playerdata & map reset
    • PvP enabled on a schedule of one day per month, server is password protected to allow only MyM members, hard playerdata & map reset
    • Don't change anything, leave the server exactly as it is
    We look forward to hearing the community's decision.

    This should go without saying, but please do not vote in this poll if you do not play PixArk!
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:37 AM
    As a current Server Admin and regular player for our PixArk server, i have to say we should have a closed (password protected) server but like i said in slack and i voted for here in this very poll, a scheduled PvP day every month that lasts an entire day, as there are a lot of trolls that just play for a day and never play again, we have had a lot of hiccups with the current non-MyM players (par the few here that own the game and play on it) and it can be very hard to find out who did what in a current situation as we dont have a clue who they are as they’re not associated with MyM whatsoever, so we dont know who to trust, sure this goes for everyone too, but with a closed server, i feel we wont have these trolls as much. And can be a pain as we have to deal with these and they take time out of our game when we just want to sit back, relax and enjoy a non-minecraft MyM server.

    The current state if the game is too broken at the moment to have it on a public server, especially when we just reset the map the other day and most of it has turned into the grand canyon after all we turned on PvP (which was wayyyyyyyyyyy too soon imo).

    Now when it comes to my vote on what we should do, from a players perspective, as i do play PixArk, i would have to say a hard player and map reset aswell as pasword protecting the server, only permitting the password to our MyM Community. Only until things smooth out again, we might be able to re-open this to the public, only time will tell as the game development progresses.

    Last edited: Mar 31, 2018
  3. AnimaBe

    AnimaBe New Member

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    7:37 AM

    I am new here and found this community trough Pixark and i'm glad i did. Not only because i'm playing pixark atm (and was looking for a good unofficial server) but also because i've been looking for a decent modded minecraft community for a while now. Looks like i had a stroke off luck and managed to find an answer to both.

    I was online yesterday when Chaos started in chat and i assume other people their bases. Since i've played ARK for more hours then i dare to admit i took the time to find a base spot that was nowhere close to the spawn regions and hid it in a mountain. When PVP started and people discovered they could walk trough a base with a sword i took down all my structures in the open and closed off the mountain with dirt again. I assume it is still there but can't check because the server needs to update.

    While there def is some balancing todo by the devs, it mainly are numbers so if they are on top of their game this could be done quickly. Personally i would give it some time, and keep it PVE till they fix it. Looking how the update affects officials and how much drama there is about broken mechanics on the steam forums/reddit should give a good indication off when PVP is viable again. It's also worth noting that the game is technically still using the same modified version of unreal engine as ARK is and people are discovering many off the server setting modifiers are the same or slightly different. With some luck you should be able to edit the configs soon enough to increase structure resistance, turret damage, dino health, etc...

    Now i understand the reasoning behind wanting to close the server off and make it password protected. It will make a more enjoyable community and player base but will also stop people like myself to randomly stumble upon it. As far as i understand PVE mode keeps griefing at a minimum once land claims are up. I can only expect they will add the War option Ark has on PVE servers at some point that will allow you to fight other tribes during War.

    In regards off resetting the map, i totally agree that it might need another pass. As far as i understand the server misses 2 biomes atm that have some great dino's in them. I have read a reddit posts that suggest making maps in creative single player, checking if everything i there ( since you can see the whole map) and then uploading them on the server.

    I'm sorry for the long answer and hope i don't overstep since i'm very very new but i tought i might aswell give my2cent :)
    tonalom, Sicodik_luk, Slind and 3 others like this.
  4. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:37 AM
    Verified update. Restarted it to update the server. Server will go down in give or take 10 minutes and will take about 3 mins ish to come back up after its gone down
  5. Techisattva

    Techisattva Patron Tier 2

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    2:37 AM
    Having played Ark for a while on both public and private servers, PvP / raiding has a very low Risk vs. Reward. PvP servers struggle against abusive trolls, and PvE server struggle against folks mining the entire world. Pixark is different - but while the flora and fauna regen (similar to Ark) the mineral wealth doesn't seem to - long term that could be an issue.

    Several streamers have suggested that the Magic System has some interesting options here (grass blocks, materials generation / regeneration) so I'm looking forward to what Pixark does. As long as MyM are talking with the devs, I'm sure you can help them build a fun place to play and explore - that hopefully is easy to manage permissions and activities - both as an administrator and as a player.

    As for the Vote, I was torn between schedule PvP and PvE. Password protected is the only must.
  6. Devi0us

    Devi0us Active Member

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    7:37 AM
    I vote against a hard wipe, it's bad enough to already have to change the map twice.
    Doing just a map wipe will erase all our items etc, but keep our hard earned levels for which we grinded our butts off.

    Since the server will be mainly PvE, this doesn't give any advantage over others either.
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 31, 2018
  7. Sicodik_luk

    Sicodik_luk Well-Known Member

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    1:37 AM
    Yes, I have been looking into that yesterday night when the Server went into complete silence. I have a map that has all biomes and is very diverse!

    I also want to thank all of you for your responses and votes. They are extremely valued to the future of our PixArk Server.
    AnimaBe likes this.
  8. Snowfoxs

    Snowfoxs Well-Known Member

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    1:37 AM
    Hi again guys,

    I've been monitoring the poll's progress, and votes seem to have stopped coming in at this point, so seeing as that is the case, we will be moving forward with the selected option in the name of speediness and getting us back to a clean start.


    I will be updating this thread, and the announcement thread to reflect the move.

    The password can be located in the changelog thread, or in the announcement post.

    Thank you guys for your input, we hope this change is for the better.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2018
  9. Devi0us

    Devi0us Active Member

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    7:37 AM
    Why the need for a fresh start including wiped levels tho?

    All we need is a diverse map..

    Also the increased rates didn't seem to work previously, so that might be something to look into.
  10. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    7:37 AM
    when is the next reset?
    I might buy it by then.
  11. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:37 AM
    Already been reset. No player Data reset though.
  12. knoxz

    knoxz Well-Known Member

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    7:37 AM
    but I guess I can catch up until there is a pvp event? :p
  13. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    6:37 AM
    Yes, i dont think we’re hosting the PvP day just yet as we have just reset so we need to give the players a little bit of time to build etc
  14. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    1:37 AM
    I have a slightly different idea if possible.

    1. PVE open to all.
    2. PVP on weekends
    3. Weekends are password protected.
  15. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    7:37 AM
    i'm not a pixark player yet (waiting for my next payment) but from what i've read so far, scheduled pvp events sound like a bad idea in the current situation, as i'm sure that there'll always be some player who can't play on those days, and who will find all of their hard work in ruins the next time they log in.
    i can't speak for others, but if that'd happen to me repeatedly (as i have very irregular playing times) i'd abandon the server out of frustration.
    so i suggest you wait a bit for the devs to balance pvp more, before you start with pvp events

    wouldn't this give mym members an unfair advantage, as they can freely pilfer non member bases?

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