Done I can't download my world on AG+

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by Shadow_Knight797, Apr 5, 2018.

  1. Shadow_Knight797

    Shadow_Knight797 Member

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    Local Time:
    10:16 AM
    Ive tried typing /wd ingame however the only thing that appears is unknown command. does the downloader work on AG+?
  2. Mouro

    Mouro Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    11:16 PM
    The mod is 1.7 + iirc
    And AG is 1.6.4, so i would say its not supported.
  3. Monkey_Banana1

    Monkey_Banana1 Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:16 PM

    I have asked my fellow staff members and they have concluded that the world downloader plugin is specifically for 1.7 and up.
    Sadly 1.6.4 (Version of AG) is unsupported in this instance.

    We are sorry if you have been encountering any issues when it comes to ingame, but yes. There are no plugins at this stage implemented on MyM that can transfer claims (1.6.4).

    I will be marking this thread as solved for now as I have given you an answer to your question.

    If you are wanting to make a suggestion about adding a plugin please do so here.

    Thank you for your patience, have a great day / night & Happy Gaming!

    - Monkey

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