Implemented Removing patron only on [Divine Journey] ..

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Cynnimon, Apr 7, 2018.

  1. Cynnimon

    Cynnimon Well-Known Member

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    Just making a suggestion, but lately it has been crickets silent on Divine Journey. It's not rare at all that I am the only person online for many hours at a time. With the addition of the Revelation server, a lot of DJ-ers have moved there. I think in order to breathe some life onto the server, maybe removing the patron only might help draw some players in. I know the reason for the limit was because of the potential lag it may create, but it really isn't an issue on the server the way it is right now. When Rev was down, and there were 8~ people online, there wasn't a lag issue then, either.

    Either way, It's very, very lonely on DJ. Unlocking to bring in a few new faces would be a nice change ..
  2. BanananaBread

    BanananaBread The W̴̬̔̂i̴̝͇̇̚l̷͈̾̍l̷̨̋͠ǒ̴̫͝w̴̫̬̍͛

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    9:37 AM
    I agree, to an extent. It is obvious that Divine Journey is starting to die down. It might be a good change to open it up to the public and let them go wild. I think in the future we should do something like this again though. Patrons are a really good source of income for MYM so giving us benefits is a really good idea, and keeps us with more Patrons.
    I think this is a good idea, lets just see what the staff thinks!
    Novitality and Cynnimon like this.
  3. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I have to agree with Cynn on this one. While the patron only is a great way for MyM to make money and keep the community running, divine journey has lost the majority of it's playerbase after the release of revelations. So, even though I just renewed my patron subscription in order to play on divine journey, I believe opening the server to the pulic would be benefitial for drawing more players to MyM overall as well as give those of us that spend time on DJ some new people to socialize with. On the other hand, I do realise why the server is patron only in the the first plaxe, as the revenue is important for MyM. My idea is therefore to perhaps make the next pack patron only in order to fill in the gap of no longer having DJ as patron only. Just my thought on the matter, but I believe that something should change in order to spike up the numbers of players on DJ :)
  4. Novitality

    Novitality Well-Known Member

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    I'm all for it!

    It's also the difficulty of the pack that drove people away, once you get to the point of completing witchery and unlocking the creative questline the recipes will be cranked up from 1 to 10. Even when I have almost everything automated as fast as possible, I have only been able to craft two creative caches in almost 2 months time.
    Aside from that, it's also the patron only status that had the staff give us more trust and thus privileges when it comes to banned items. Stuff like the card that allows the RFtools quarry to work. As this is a relatively hardcore pack, you can expect much more grief to happen once you open it to the public as well.
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2018
  5. JieSheng03

    JieSheng03 Active Member

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    Well I do agree with this suggestion, as most of the players of MyM, they probably couldn't buy patron for some reason, would probably be interested in this pack. Having Patron-Only removed would probably have a chance in the rise of players playing. As they said there are less players(patrons) playing, most of the patrons currently playing might start to feel lonely. Being able to make it public and allow more players to join, the pack would not die that fast. :)
  6. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    while i do like the idea of removing the limitation, if the patron population on the server dies out, there are other things to keep in mind
    it was stated several times before, that divine journey isn't build for larger servers, and due to the nature of the pack, it has a lot less restrictions compared to other packs. making it public would most likely result in lots of chaos & crashes. my suggestion in this case would be to continue have it whitelisted, but allow mym members with a certain rank, or amount of total playtime on the server. that way you can increase the population in a more controlled way, and long time players tend to be more mature and follow the rules.

    in the meantime you can always set up a new patron exclusiv server to secure some income, as those who moved on to revelations won't stay there forever either
    Novitality and WishMage like this.
  7. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    you see i dont like patron as it has made the old ranks useless and its a big "screw you" to those that have brought them
    Decnav likes this.
  8. JieSheng03

    JieSheng03 Active Member

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    Probably could set up some whitelist system like the old agrarian skies +, (If anyone remembers) where we have to reply a thread if we wanted to get whitelisted on the server.
    Skyscape_ likes this.
  9. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    You still have all the perks of the rank you bought before MyM shutdown the ability to purchase/upgrade donator-ranks.
    The EULA only forbids continued sales. It explicitly states that purchases done in the past still hold.
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    yeah but i cannot decide to upgrade to get more kits, wihtout needing to do a subscription service (which was the whole reason why i brought a rank, becasue it was one payment not 1 payment for the rest of blooming time)
  11. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    So really you're just upset because you did not get the tier 5 donation rank before it went away? Well boo hoo.

    Back on Topic...

    I also agree that Divine Journey could be made open to all, but I feel that should only happen at the 6 month or later mark of the pack being online, and only if we have an alternative server to set up to replace with the Patron Only status.
    Fireforce likes this.
  12. coolgi3000

    coolgi3000 Logician of the gods

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    The Parton ranks don’t come with kits, that’s server upgrades, the only donor perks that Parton have are the cosmetic ones, along with the no afk kick, and reserved server slot etc.
  13. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    nah it wanst about that, it would just have been nice to not have been shoved into a drawer because the new shiny thing came along, i dont mind that the patron thing exists, just, dont forget about the people who donated originally
  14. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    The_Icy_One likes this.
  15. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    yeah i understand why you did it (stupid *money* and inflation) just, don't forget us :(
  16. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Purchases even decreased due to this change. If we would have had a chance, we would not have changed it.
    Fireforce and BookerTheGeek like this.
  17. Fireforce

    Fireforce Patron Tier 3

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    Your not forgotten you have something special its nolonger optanabel... U and now have legacy rank Thoes lucky players that brought Thoes ranks before mojang wielded a giant slegd hammer and smashed all the good things to hell
  18. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    i can suggest a thing ... make a a patron + whitelist of a given number of players.
    the players that want to play, should apply on a thread or on a poll, and use a randomizer site to pick the users that will get the oportunity to play, that would be a way to avoid to many people being online there to cause any lag :)
    plus, if possible, only players with a certain amount of time on mym network to be able to apply, .like cantiel posted

  19. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Unfortunately our hamsters require food and water to run the servers, we tried hope and pixie dust and it only resulted in us losing Larry the Hamster. We miss you Larry.

    DJ being patron was never about sticking it to the players, it was about the gentle balance the pack was designed for, so unless we restrict access to a maximum of players we'll run into the same issues to which we made it patron initially.
  20. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Also pixie dust is gated behind quite some stuff on Divine Journey, so only the experienced hamsters ever got access to it.
    Fireforce, Cynnimon and lilsaint123 like this.

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