Done 15k base was rolled back after being gone for a bit

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Zerovirus, Apr 12, 2018.

  1. Zerovirus

    Zerovirus Well-Known Member

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    6:49 PM
    Before anything I want to state that I know areas roll back after 2 weeks of inactivity. However I didn't have any internet for a while due to family issues, and I didn't think it would be over that 2 week period.

    Is there a way to see how many days I was inactive and if it's possible that the base be restored or anything done to negate this whole reset to some extent?

    Coordinates where my base was is X: -427, y 68, z 243.

    Thanks in advance.
    Last edited: Apr 12, 2018
  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:49 AM
    Hello there, i have had a look into your issue, and you where inactive for 23 days as you stated above you already know about the 2 week inactivity, my advice to you is if you're ever going to be gone for more than a week or you already have been gone for a week and you don't want to risk your claim being reset, you should reach out to staff asking for an absence, as that will extend the 2 weeks to 28 days, if you had done this, your claim would still be there after you returned, or posted a thread on the forums granting a claim transfer to any one of your trusted members on your claim if you have any. Due to this, we unfortunately can not help you as once your claim has been reset, it deletes the files from the server, making it virtually impossible to roll back your claim.

    We are sorry that this has happened to you and we know how frustrating this can be, but think of this as a new beginning to a new modpack or your current modpack being infinity, i myself recommend Infinity Evolved. Your playtime is as follows if you are wondering.

    As i have explained your issue above, i will mark this thread as solved.

    Twisty, MyM Administration
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  3. Zerovirus

    Zerovirus Well-Known Member

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    6:49 PM
    Alrighty, thank you. I didn't realize it was that long. o.o The main thing I was wondering was the length I was off. Side note, is that graph function for playtime available publicly to access?
    ProperChilli likes this.
  4. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    Yes you just need to change te name to whatever it is, to yours. And you can add &days=<number> and that will show you more playtime. I.e, MrTwisty&days=90 will show a graph with my playtime over 90 days. (I’ll edit in the link, on mobile)

    Edit: PlayTime - MineYourMind
    Cantiel and Fireforce like this.
  5. Zerovirus

    Zerovirus Well-Known Member

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    6:49 PM
    Alright. And sorry, but one more question regarding this reset >.> (last one, promise). If a base does get reset do the claim blocks used for it get refunded?
  6. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    2:49 AM
    Sadly, no :(
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