Done Please, don't reset my island

Discussion in 'Galactic Science' started by Misco, Apr 17, 2018.

  1. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    Hey. Tell me, if you do not enter the game, how many will leave the island? I did not enter for a couple of months, but when I enter to the server, in a chat room wrote that my island would be reset after 15 days. Now I did not enter 9-10 days and when today I went into the chat it was written that my island would be reset after 5 days. Please do not drop my island, stop this counter of days.

    P / S how can you remove such beauty?

    [​IMG] [​IMG]
    Last edited: Apr 17, 2018
  2. Papers

    Papers Well-Known Member

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    You can find your playtime here:PlayTime - MineYourMind

    If you did not lose your island during the longest period then you should be okay.
    [doublepost=1523989744][/doublepost]I would still not risk it and create a ticket.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    As long as you're the owner of the island, and you've logged on for a minimum of five minutes that message about being reset was just a warning that you've been gone and had you not logged in it would be deleted. If you stayed online you'll notice the message doesn't repeat as you've now become active again. If you log in again say tomorrow and it more says four days then you can reach out again and we can take a look. If it isn't your island, but you're a trusted member you can submit a support ticket and we can move the islands over to you.
  4. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    This is my island. Please stop this days counter, or make the maximum value of the days before the island reset. I do not want to lose my house.
  5. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:33 PM
    Did the counter continue when you logged on?
  6. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    so many meteors :O
  7. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    What can I say. Since I wrote the last message I regularly visited the server, but the last 5 days could not enter the game. Today I went in and instead of my island I saw funnels and a bunch of scattered things. After 3 minutes these things disappeared, I managed to collect only what was in the inventory and the tablet, but not all that was. Well, now what you will say?

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: May 14, 2018
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:33 PM
    That looks like you left your star generator running and it exploded.
  9. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    I did not have a star generator. All was on the st riling generators working on hydrogen. Read the beginning of the topic. When I did not go to the server for a while, the counter began to tick before cleaning the territory. After I entered the game, the counter stopped, but did not turn off and when the next time I did not go into the game the counter did not count first and from the place where I stopped last time. This is what I tried to say when I created the topic ...
  10. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    We're working on trying to resolve this issue, it looks like some very bad players did some very bad things.
  11. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    I'm sure it's not the players but the server itself. For some reason, it does not reset the counter of days before the cleaning of the territory after the player enters the server, but only pauses it. Most of the things and mechanisms we managed to transfer to the TARDIS, but there still remained a lot of mahanisms on the island. And the most interesting is that the server was destroyed only by blocks that do not belong to the Moon and as if exploded everything. After the explosions, everywhere around were only the things that were in the chests, there was not a single mechanism among the things.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:33 PM
    Did you allow someone to destroy your moonbase? I have logs of a player creating those craters. Your base was not reset, your claim remains at the location you displayed I checked this morning to ensure the claim was not regenerated in some odd way.
  13. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    By the looks of those craters that was not the inactivity claim reset reset plug-in .that was caused someone who had access to explosives. Almost looks like the size of a nuclearcraft nuke . Are the nukes from nuclearcraft Mod band on Galactic science?
    If they aren't you might want to look into that.
  14. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    If this is done by the players then punish them please. On my island only 2 characters are registered. I (Misco) and ThatPurpleDino, both of these characters are mine, I play both. So immediately exclude them from the number of suspects.
    Last edited: May 15, 2018
  15. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    5:33 PM
    While I was unable to restore your base to its previous glory, in our last back up the damage had already been done. I have removed the players from the community for their destruction.
  16. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    As I'm playing GS, and an event like this perks my ears up, was this a trusted person or a random encounter? Should the average player be worried about this happening to them, regardless of whether those particular players were banned. As in, if they could do it, could someone else as well?
  17. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    11:33 PM
    I can not even imagine how this could ever happen. On the territory of the island had the rights only 2 characters and both of them are mine. Aliens did not add. Perhaps this was due to the very counter of the days in question at the beginning of the topic. I suspect that the counter counted to zero, the island's private dump and all the server players began to have access to my island. To my island was a free teleporter "Millennium Falcon". There was a terrorist who just teleported, all he wanted to steal, and blew up the rest to hide the traces of the crime.
  18. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    2:33 PM
    Well, that's not how claims protection works. The question really is: How was someone able to bypass those claim protections? Staff isn't saying, likely to not give other people ideas, but that also leaves the rest of us with a big question mark in our heads about how to be safer in our builds.
  19. Alphabet_Panda

    Alphabet_Panda Active Member

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    2:33 PM
    I will help you build your base back to its previous glory if you'd like @Misco
  20. Misco

    Misco Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    11:33 PM
    Thank you friend, but I'm already in the tardis)

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