Change farmworld seed on infinity?

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Ubidibity, Apr 15, 2018.

  1. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    4:26 PM
    The world map on infinity is old enough that I seriously doubt there are any tropical bee hives left in the jungle biomes, and many of the older players have had their bases nuked over time. I'm pretty sure at this point there aren't any jungle biomes in farmworld, so is it possible to get the seed changed on farmworld to include a jungle?

    otherwise could you possibly add tropical hives to the market like you do for the portal crystals? Or, perhaps, task moderators with randomly going around and planting hives like easter eggs every month or two?

    Last edited: Apr 15, 2018
  2. pizzaluc

    pizzaluc Well-Known Member

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    12:26 AM
    Sorry, but this really made my day
    p5k, CatArcher and ProperChilli like this.
  3. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    6:26 PM
    Hmmm, Let me explain this Barney Style for you.
    • The farm world resets each month.
    • Jungle Biomes are restocked on reset.
    • Base always get nuked if they are in the farmworld.
    • Can you provide a map of the farmworld fully explored proving it does not have a Jungle Biome in it?
    • And no, they will not have a staff member randomly place hives because players are to lazy to go find them.
    Have a great day!
  4. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    As much as I appreciate your quality response, I don't consider it authoritative.

    I have played for over a year (423d on this server). I have over 32 days invested on this map. I explore almost exclusively in farmworld, and have draconic armor. I'm am confident that if Jungles do exist, they are ridiculously rare.

    All I'm asking for is a new seed. It's not a bad idea anyway. Each reset people can re-harvest the same chests, spawners, and mega rubber trees. How is that helpful to the economy?

    * Anyway, so farmworld resets each month. No help. Jungle Biomes, if they exist, are impossible to locate.

    * Bases being nuked in farmworld is irrelevant. My point is the supply of tropical bees goes down as players harvest them, and then lose them due to resets in the overworld. I know why it happens. It doesn't change the mechanic.

    * No, I won't contribute to your unreasonable request.

    * Although your final comment may very well be valid, I'd rather hear it from staff, and
    Skyscape_ and Monkey_Banana1 like this.
  5. Sicodik_luk

    Sicodik_luk Well-Known Member

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    He's not wrong, I have found one when I was playing Infinity. I have not had any issues with the current farmworld.
  6. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    iirc, tropical hives will spawn in any "tropical" biome, not exclusively jungles, so unless you're saying there are ZERO tropical style biomes in the farmworld, you've likely been overlooking the hives.
    CatArcher likes this.
  7. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    I will dedicate my play time today to humor the possibility that there is a tropical biome I miss. I have actually already done a fairly significant grid search, but I will flush my journey map and do it again.

    I still feel my point isn't unreasonable. There is a crazy percentage of mushroom biomes, which ironically is supposed to be a rare biome. And the more common jungle biome proves elusive.

    It would be far more helpful if ANYONE here could point me to a tropical biome rather than cite probabilities. From my vantage point, the lack of that evidence only supports my observation that they are (at the very least) very rare.
    [doublepost=1523922769,1523920938][/doublepost]I did not find any tropical biomes, or at least any I know to be tropical.

    I did raid villages along the way. I'm not 100% sure the chests spawn the same content each month, but in case they do I will close with this observation.

    The village apiarist at -3471,-1654 (infinity6 by the way, I could have mentioned this sooner. I'm not sure the seed is the same on all servers) had a tropical queen in the chest.

    This is the first time I found one as loot, but I'll accept this as a compromise.

    If I can confirm this bee regens in next months reset I will post that here.

    Thank you everyone for your attention (note that for apr 2018 this has already been raided).
  8. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    Another approach to getting the bees you need is the Botania hiveacynth.
    Sandstroem likes this.
  9. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    I can tell you the loot is generated each month varies.
    Skyscape_ likes this.
  10. harryarne

    harryarne Well-Known Member

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    This! As far as I can recall it was pretty easy getting quite a stock of bees this way (I left the pack just short of getting the right bee).
  11. Kaymax

    Kaymax Well-Known Member

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    Booker's response was quite exhaustive, and trust me, you should consider it authoritative:

    * Some weeks ago, when he found an issue with the farmworld on Revelations (I believe): he asked for an extension of the World Border because Slime Islands were nowhere to be found, and he provided a fully explored map to prove his point; I extended the Border myself after that.

    * Booker is a former Administrator, and definitely knows how things work around here, so his response saying we are not going to task Mods to go around and plant Hives like that, was as worth as mine.
    Our Moderators already have enough work.

    So if you can prove that there are indeed no Jungle Biomes, and no other way of getting tropical bees in the pack, we can think of a way around this.
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  12. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Though I did think it was a clever and thinking outsidethe box idea.
  13. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Let me rephrase it then, and say it was not helpful.
    Let me bring a focus back to my simple request, in spite of the additional suggestions.
    A new farmworld seed.
    I still maintain for no other reason than the rediculously high percentage of mushroom biomes that the farmworld seed should go.
    The you didn't look hard enough response doesn't help anyone, and doesn't advance the conversation.
    The suggestion about using botania was good. And the revelation I shared about apiarists (whether or not the loot is the same, it's a source in farmworld for the bee) were more helpful.
    I will also say I've since found out that apiarists themselves can trade that bee if you get lucky. So that's another opportunity each month in farmworld to get tropical bees.

    Remeber that other people will find this thread in the future, looking for the same question and possibly have the same concern. Having a focused relevant response will not only be more helpful to me, but for them as well.

    Do it for the future.
    [doublepost=1524106712][/doublepost]And yes, I realize the answer may simply be "No. We will not reset the seed."

    Im fine with that, now that there are (at least) three different sources for the bee (and allegedly a tropical biome somewhere) then I'm content we close/lock this thread as resolved.
  14. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Only because I promised to come back and update this thread we've been through a couple resets since I opened this and I believe now that it's more than a statistical probability that the chests do spawn the same loot. I used my dislocator, and went to the above coordinates, and both resets I was able to get more Jungle bees. I've also been able to get more steadfast bees from other marked locations in my dislocator.

    So that goes back to my previous concern about people scamming that system by knowing where to grab all the good stuff on day one, which isn't terribly fair for the newer players.
    Cynnimon likes this.

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