Infinity Expert & Skyblock IC2 Reactor & Logistic Pipe Automation

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by WurgerSD, Apr 19, 2018.

  1. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    4:51 PM
    For the common IC2 reactor layouts please see:
    Album: IC2 Reactor Layouts | MineYourMind Community

    For a good Logistics Pipe guide see:
    Getting Started (Logistics Pipes) - Official Feed The Beast Wiki

    This is going to be broken down into several posts to assist with the digestion of all the information, tips and tricks. The idea is if you are careful enough, you won't even need a hazmat suit.

    I will start with the end result from my current play on Infinity Skyblock. This one is 3x1 chunks.

    So a quick walk through:

    Reactors set up on two sides of the chunks. This is one side and the other side is the same.

    Continuing in you can see the 380 uranium reactors and some logistics pipes autocrafting on the left and right.

    Turning around and showing the logistics crafting table setups.

    Machines and drawers a level below for further reactor automation.
    Left to right
    Nullifier, Electric Furnace, Logistics Power Junction, Metal Former, Canning Machine, Metal Former, Canning Machine, Metal Former, Logistics Request Table, Modular Storage, Thermal Centrifuge, Thermal Centrifuge, Thermal Centrifuge, Macerator, Ore Washer

    One more level down to the MOX reactors.

    On top of the mox reactors and below the uranium showing how they link up.

    Left is the mox linkup and right is the uranium linkup

    Attached Files:

  2. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    4:51 PM
    This post will explain what is in the logistics chassis of this design and why they are used.

    The drawer controller has a chassis mk 5 because it holds a larger amount of things.

    The polymorphic item sink means it will allow items to be sent here that have an assigned drawer slot (all of the drawers are locked with a key)
    The provider module has no special configuration.
    The quicksort will send items out to item sinks accepting the item.
    The quicksort in this case will send new fuel rods to the item sinks on the reactors.
    The provider is so you can see the contents of the drawer in the logistics request table(s)
    Tip: Do not put the item sink into a reactor's chassis until you are ready to turn it on or it will fill with rods.

    The configuration of the first active supplier module.
    It is telling the logistics pipe system to keep a stock of the following items.
    If the drawers have less than what is listed, this setup will begin working to refill it up to that amount when it can.

    The second active supplier module is telling it to take any small plutonium that it can and craft it into full sized plutonium.

    All reactors make use of a mk2 chassis with an item sink and an advanced extractor.

    The extractor is set to remove depleted fuel rods.
    Tip: You do not have to wait for one of these to be made.
    Drag it from NEI to the item list slot.


    Item sinks are set to receive a fresh fuel rod.

    These are the cards in the mk3 chassis on the module storage.
    The item sink is set to be the default route for this area so if something doesn't have a drawer it will go here.
    Quicksort will get items to their proper drawer if they end up here and later have somewhere to go.
    Provider is so you can see the contents through the logistics request table(s)

    The centrifuge next to the macerator needs a mk2 chassis.
    This is where the depleted rods go to get recycled.
    The item sink is configured to accept depleted rods.
    The extractor has no special configuration, its just supposed to pull the outputs.
    I went mk3 exractor here because as the centrifuge overclocks it makes a lot of items quickly.

    The nullifier has a mk1 chassis with the following configured in its item sink module.
    This gets rid of tiny piles of lead and the iron dust. The lead will really build up over time and serves little use.
    Last edited: Apr 19, 2018
  3. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    4:51 PM
    This section will cover the crafting setup for each machine in the lineup.
    Tip: Put a "crafting cleanup upgrade" into each crafting pipe to clean it up when nothing is actively being crafted. This helps with things getting stuck because of server restarts. Right click a "logistics pipe controller" on the pipe to access that screen.
    Tip: Right click a crafting pipe with a "Crafting Sign Creator" to make the sign appear showing what it will make.

    Going left to right like in a previous picture

    The first metal former on the left is set to extrude and receive an iron plate to make an empty fuel rod.

    Canning machine

    Metal former set to rolling

    Canning machine

    Metal former set to rolling

    Thermal centrifuge
    This has a 'Crafting Byproduct Extraction Upgrade' on its crafting pipe (this creates the extra tab)

    Thermal centrifuge
    This has a 'Crafting Byproduct Extraction Upgrade' on its crafting pipe (this creates the extra tab)


    Ore washer
  4. WurgerSD

    WurgerSD Team Shenanigans

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    4:51 PM
    And a better shot of all of the crafting blocks and what they are making.


    [doublepost=1524156898][/doublepost]When you go to put the components in to your reactors you no longer need to fill your inventory up carrying them.
    Take a 'Remote Orderer', right click the chassis that is connected to the reactor and have it insert the components directly into the reactor.


    Some notes now that I think I explained enough of this.

    There are some sub-parts needed like coils and motors that are not crafted here.
    If you look to the top left where the machines are, you will see a tesseract the pipes plug into.
    This tesseract bridge goes to another area with more LP crafting tables and storage areas.
    It is up to you to figure out where and how you want to handle those parts.

    I chose to put an MFE on each uranium ractor and a MFSU on each mox reactor.
    I have the MFE/MFSU set to 'emit if partially filled or empty'.
    This means if that storage fills up the reactor turns off.

    I heat my MOX reactors to 98% (10848 / 11000) to get that EU output.
    To heat my mox up I remove 4 of the advanced heat vents. I remote order a quad rod and watch very carefully.
    You could use a reactor sensor kit and a remote thermal monitor to do this (you need a NOT gate to flip the redstone signal)
    Safe is stopping at 96%.

    There is a 1 air block buffer all around my mox reactors so they have nothing to melt. Mox reactors wont melt the logistics pipes nor the MFSU.

    I use CF foam to hide my Industrial Craft cables and an obscurator to paint the cf foam. Look for the checkered tiles.

    The two MFSUs in the machine area sunk into the checkered floor are because the mass fabricator is before them.
    This makes sure the machines always have power and the mass fabricator gets raw power from the reactors.
    There is also a molecular transformer before the two MFSU blocks.

    The storage drawers in the picture are framed storage drawers.
    The outer block is Immersive Engineering lead. The trim is chisel lead and the front where items display is paper blocks from chisel.
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2018

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