AE2 automation 101

Discussion in 'Tutorials, Tips and Tricks' started by mrminesheeps, Apr 26, 2018.

  1. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    So, this is something I consider myself a bit of an expert at. I know most of the ins and outs of AE2, and I'm here to spread the knowledge a bit. (Sponsored by the Kirito Is Always Right Foundation)

    Anyway, basic automation, as intimidating as it may seem, really is quite simple.

    Export Bus: This sends items (from a given whitelist) to the target inventory. The target inventory is determined by what block you place the bus on. This whitelist space can be increased to a total of 9 different things by use of a Capacity Card. (Maximum of 2 cards)

    Import bus: This retrieves items from the target inventory and sends them to the ME system. This can be configured to only retrieve certain items via a whitelist.

    ME Interface: This is your core block for automation. It can come in two forms; solid block, and panel (much like the import and export bus) which is great for compact setups. The panel is best used in most non-tower applications, since you can be sure it'll only interact with whatever block you place it on. The interface can do I/O (Input/Output) however this can be finnicky and won't always work. Very few mods that I have tested with support single sided I/O, (Which means that the machine will accept and send items on the same side). EnderIO does support this. Now, for an interface to work as an autocrafter, it needs patterns.

    Pattern Terminal: You will NEED this for anything other than basic I/O applications. It allows you to store crafting recipes or processing recipes on a Blank Pattern. The GUI is rather self-explanatory; You place the items in the grid, and create the pattern. Then you place the pattern into an ME Interface, and test it. If you get your item, it now works.

    Molecular Assembler: This block handles autocrafting for crafting table based recipes (such as furnaces). It's use is explained in more detail further down.

    ME Storage Bus: This isn't directly an autocrafting component, however it's very useful for seeing mass stored items from auto-processing things such as silicon. You can plug this into a DSU/QSU/related blocks. You can use this to prevent overloading your ME system. However, be aware that these can cause lag on large scale setups.

    (Subsection) Crafting Storage Towers - Multiblock

    Crafting Unit: This block is used as a filler block for looks and serves no additional purpose in a crafting tower. However, it is used as a crafting component in the important parts.

    Crafting Storage 1-64k: This is an absolute requirement, as this is where the ME system will send all items being used in the crafting process. If you don't have one of these, the system will tell you that there's not enough space.

    Crafting Co-Processing Unit: This is generally useful for making crafting processes go by much faster. More detailed info is provided by the AE2 wiki. Crafting Co Processing Unit - Applied Energistics

    Crafting Monitor: This is used to monitor the progress of your crafting process, and is useful for checking for potential bottlenecks in your system. It's also used to cancel ongoing crafting requests.

    (Subsection) AE2 Stuff extended automation.
    AE2 Stuff, an add-on to AE2, provides multiple things that make AE2 automation a load easier and more compact.

    Crystal Growth Chamber: This block can create pure crystals as well as fluix crystals in a GUI instead of in-world, which negates the chance of items despawning and needing dedicated structures to make them.

    Advanced Inscriber: A much more easily automated block in comparison to it's predecessor, it can be automated with a single interface and import bus instead of a complex setup with export buses and interfaces.

    (Subsection) Crafting Towers

    Crafting Towers aren't exactly blocks, and they aren't exactly multiblocks, either. They're a combination of blocks that efficiently utilize space to store mass amounts of crafting patterns for recipes. Essentially, it's an interface with 4 Molecular Assemblers on the non-linear sides (meaning no top or bottom). The Molecular Assemblers simply need power from the interfaces, and won't hog any channels. This is a design I personally use, however "Crafting Towers" can be in any combination you want, so long as at least one side of the Molecular Assembler is touching an ME Interface.

    Will update with more info at a later date.
    Cantiel, WishMage and Kazeodori like this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Where's the pictures of your setup?
    Monkey_Banana1 likes this.
  3. ItsNora_

    ItsNora_ Names not actually Noah Booster

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    Here's the thing though, have you mastered the automation of draconic cores on infinity expert? ;)
  4. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Infinity expert? No. I never touched Expert. It's simpler in 1.10+ though. Though the only design I know of requires EnderIO for it's functionality in using Round Robin and other stuff.
    [doublepost=1524869313,1524784527][/doublepost]As soon as I get the time, I'll hop back on Revelations to do it. I got schoolwork that's been clogging my schedule.
    ItsNora_ likes this.
  5. AceOfBases

    AceOfBases CDO: OCD alphabetized as it ought to be.

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    Minesheeps taught me everything I know. Well, some of it anyhow.
  6. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    tbh, i barely ever touch ae2 in most modpacks. i've either already used other mods for automation by the time i get started with ae2, or i have no need to really use it.

    the basic are easy, but i have no experience whatsoever with big, complex setups ( like using multiple channels), so a tutorial on how to set up channels, and maybe some examples of how you can integrate ae2 with other mods would be really nice and helpfull

    i love that reference btw xD
  7. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    1:58 AM
    I love that you got the reference XD
    [doublepost=1525185662][/doublepost]Got a new keyboard, so might be able to hop on later today (After I play some Fortnite YOOOOO) and show some AE2 mod integration pics. I've done it plenty of times. However I've not automated any magic mod outside maybe Botania, soo I can't entirely help you there lol.
  8. ViesSPR

    ViesSPR Well-Known Member

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    Yes, that's one of the simplest things to automate
    Amped_Gamin and ItsNora_ like this.
  9. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Due to unforeseen computer problems, I will not be on modded MC for quite a while. The fan blew out, and now I'm waiting on when I can get it replaced. This is not a computer issue, rather a model issue, as others had the same kind of problem. I can only really play vanilla and other low impact games. But if you can make a valid setup for AE2 automation that you'd like to see posted here, please send them to me in a PM, and I'd be happy to put them in the original post.

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