I know there is a forum post about this allready: Info - EMC Loops / Dupes / Exploits - Changed! | MineYourMind Community But i was on TS with Sicodik_Luk and he kept telling me that the stuff written in that post is outdated and thus no longer valid. I would like this to be updated if possible and some more clarification. Because Sico said: "if you use itemducts to loop back output into the input, then its a loop and not allowed. Even if there is external power input required for the entire setup to work. However the forum post says if there is energy input, then its fine. Could someone please clarify this? I have made a test-setup on PO2 Kappa server. This is not for exploiting. its for testing. Dont ban me for it ok. Its not enabled right now and i wont use it untill someone takes a look at it.
No offense wolfi, but you are avoiding my question. Can we get an updated, current list of things we are allowed to do and what we are not allowed to do with EMC setups? Looking at my setup is only part of the solution. There should be a global up-to-date topic about this that people can rely on without having to constantly have someone check their setup out. This means less work for staff members, less doubt for players and less people getting banned for wrong setups. Also if you wanna check my setup, load up PO2 Kappa and check it out. You're an admin, you can easily find it. Heck i even put a sign on top of it so you couldnt miss it.
Mhmm I'm pretty sure that my post is still valid. Firstly we always updated our community about such changes. Secondly it's still pinned in the server info and last but not least there was no day long discussion why the current rule is bad and we should change it like last time Considering visiting the server yes I can do that but it would be better for other players to see a reference if they want to build something like you and if it's allowd
Hey Deepcage, Can you provide us with a screenshot of your EMC setup so we can determine if it falls under our guidelines and possibly use it for an example of what players can use?
Ok i've got 2 versions of this setup. This requires input (by hand) of items into the inital energy condensers and that single alchemical chest. The other version, is basically the same, but uses item conduits to loopback the output items back into the energy condensers. Making this fully automated. Both require external power from solar panels or other power sources to supply the crafter with power. Without external power this system grinds to a halt. [doublepost=1526477876][/doublepost] Well according to Sicodik_Luk, its outdated and no longer applies. Maybe tell your moderators that its still valid, because he was adamant that it wasnt.
Hope you don't mind me butting in. In the pack, there are 2 recipes for Ludicrite. One involves a nether star, 2 emerald blocks, 2 ender pearls and 4 blutonium ingots. However, there is another recipe for Ludicrite that only involves 2 enderium blocks, 2 blaze rods, and 4 blutonium. In terms of EMC, in-game Ludicrite is 452,608 EMC. It gets that value from the first recipe I mentioned. However, the second recipe (the one Deepcage is using) only costs about 50kish to create. From what I have read, it does seem to be illegal as the forum says that it excludes crafters when accounting for that power input. Might be wrong though.
Not gonna lie, but I can easily see a loophole here. Don't you love those? You can easily do a processing setup for, say, the blaze rods. Have an autospawner and killer that will drop absurd amounts of blaze rods. Make sure at least something along that line is powered. And then slap that on the setup, and would ya know it, it's now legal! =D #loopholes #plsnoban #loopholes=life [doublepost=1526482105][/doublepost]Let's not forget that it'll take no time at all for even a sub-par autospawner setup to net you two blaze rods. It's really that easy.
Well in generall you can say that if its not intended like the mod should work than it should not be allowed, i think with our guideline we have a good point what is not allowed and what is. in difficult cases at the end we have to decide what is legal and what not
Well it *is* how it was intended. That recipe, in a modpack full of heavily modified recipes, was left there. And blaze spawners are there for the purpose of getting rods. So with that being said, you can't actually use that argument. The process is valid; spawn blazes in a powered fashion to cover the "power input requirement" and then emc gen the rest of the items. And then all you gotta do is setup autocrafting and BOOM! You got infinite emc. There's many ways of doing this infinite emc. This is just one of them.
Since you dont have a refining process and are only using crafters this setup is not allowed on our servers.
Ok then now im using the blaze rod pulverizing thingy in this mechanism to make the blutonium and blaze rods. The enderium blocks are still made using the final output (9th magnitude demon steel). The grey-ish blocks (16 of em) are all pulverizers with speed and secondary output augments. I specifically set this up, so the blaze rods made from EMC, do not end up in the condensers that are making the blaze rods and blutonium for the crafter. All blaze rods get pulverized first. The blaze powder and sulfur are exclusively used for the ludicrite processing now.