Allowing translator client side plugin

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by kikkawaryu, May 18, 2018.

  1. kikkawaryu

    kikkawaryu Well-Known Member

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    3:22 AM
    Found a translator plugin that I wished to use as from time to time get people speaking a language other than English and a have had occasions were they do not know English very well but talk in pm to their friends etc It would be nice to translate to them and inform them of English in main chat and to pm their friend/s without having the hassle to use google translate as its difficult to copy the text to translate.

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  2. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    I don’t know if you know this or not, but if you right click any message in the in-game chat you get an option to copy the text. That way you can easily translate the text in google translate.

    Other than that, I do realise how helpful a translation plugin could be. Would make the day easier for many.
    kikkawaryu likes this.
  3. kikkawaryu

    kikkawaryu Well-Known Member

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    I did know of the right click copy thank you anyway but it doesn't seem to work for me. So always had to manually copy the text over which was a pain due to no accented letters.
  4. tractoid

    tractoid Ex-Staff

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    Try this Translation Mod instead. I've used it on MyM before and it seems to work fairly well. As for how well it translates into English, I don't know. I haven't actually had anyone speak a foreign language while I've had that mod active. Give it a try and see what you think.
  5. kikkawaryu

    kikkawaryu Well-Known Member

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    Thanks Tractoid, Ill give it a shot. The one I installed was very similar looking but if this one works with MyM then it's a plus in my book!

    Edit: After looking over it properly rather than a quick glance (stupid I know) turns out this was the exact same mod I had installed which caused the error for Crackpack server.
    Was installed in normal mods folder and tried in main jar mods.
  6. tractoid

    tractoid Ex-Staff

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    Odd, since i had it on the crackpack server before. ill give it a go and see what happens
  7. kikkawaryu

    kikkawaryu Well-Known Member

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    It's a strange one!

    If you can get it working that would be great, I did try installing it earlier with no luck as i had it working before but MyM didnt allow it.
  8. tractoid

    tractoid Ex-Staff

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    7:22 PM
    I'll just post here what I told you in game that ended up working so that anyone who wishes to do the same can. Download the mod found Here. This is a copy of the mod I am using. The reason that I am providing a copy of what I use is that during testing, kikkawaryu could not get the mod to work when downloading from the mod page. I found this odd because mine worked. I even got them to download it from the Twitch launcher and copy/paste it to the mods folder of the pack they were using. This did not work, but using a copy of what I had did work. So for all of those who wish to use a translator mod on 1.7.10. There you go, enjoy.
    kikkawaryu likes this.

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