Outer lands reset sheduale

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by dailypeanut, May 20, 2018.

  1. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    12:14 AM
    I would like to reopen a discussion about the reset of this zone. I feel weekly is just far to much for it. Reasons being :

    A reset of the zone clears the entire zone, wipes out all dungeons. This leads to overworld gateways to being useless as they port you into the void.

    It's also a place for resources, having to clear it in a week will require some good planning and hopefully not too many death disasters in there.

    I am hoping the reset duration gets moved to monthly or even 3-monthly.
  2. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

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    Hi dailypeanut,

    I hope all has been well :) Thanks for your feedback and input. I will go ahead and move this thread to our "suggestions" section and hopefully we can get other players' thoughts on the matter as well.
  3. PotatoWithHat

    PotatoWithHat Lord of Giraffes

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    I experienced the wipe-out of the dungeons this morning, lost my bound armor. And the weekly reset is too much, because there arent many players that would raid the whole area, bc its very endgame and there arent many ores for non-Thaumaturges or non-Builders
  4. Pseudonycat

    Pseudonycat Well-Known Member

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    If you're not ultra geared out, taking down the whole dungeon within a week just isn't a viable option, I actually delay on it because I know my armor is bad, and that when I open the portal its a countdown till it doesn't work. The nice thing about the outerlands used to be that you could take it slow, clearing it bit by bit. Now all of that is gone. The bar has been raised a whole lot higher than it was supossed to be. Please make it atleast a 3 Month reset, because I don't think it will overpopulate with dungeons before then. The problem used to be that after a year of running you had to space them out a lot, or else they would glitch, thats not the case with a 3 month reset.
    Last edited by a moderator: May 21, 2018
  5. Syphin777

    Syphin777 Patron Tier 3

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    Guys I understand what your talking about... but at the same time its a very limited resource.. I myself lost 3 pearls due to not know they jump off the pedstals after a craft... I had to clear 2 dungeons back to back to get my pearls to 3 to complete my primal set. It took me about 1-2 hours to get both pearls. one of the issues I see with it is that if a dungeon is to close to another one it wont form. the world is only so big which limits the amount of dungeons you can make overall. I would say a 2 week timer to give more time but also stop over crowding in it. also is there just a way to make it so if we fall in void it tps us to the temple? to stop all the tickets related to void falls?
  6. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    to get back to your pearl problem. In this pack Millainaire was your answer ... villagers used to trade powerless pearls but we don't have those anymore and no alternate recipe. Maybe adding an alternate recipe will resolve your problem.
  7. Kronnn

    Kronnn Well-Known Member

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    It's even simpler than that, as long as you can get to the outerlands through a portal, even if it dumps you into the void, you still have access to unlimited numbers of dungeons and pearls. All you need is a way to fly without flying (I think some mods jetpacks work, but I usually use the sigil of air from blood magic) and then a few ender pearls to get through the bedrock around the dungeon, just like getting to the roof of th e nether (I think the eio staff of travelling works too, but not as well).
  8. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    that's just it, there are no dungeons around. They get generated as a portal opens.. So when you wipe the zone it's just a big voidworld. No dungeons to be found. Unless i been really unlucky because i been flying a whole jetpack worth of fuel through the void and haven't come across any dungeon.
  9. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    I removed it from the weekly reset on regrowth for now but the reason we had it on weekly reset is that players got put in the same dungeon which was already looted.
  10. dailypeanut

    dailypeanut Well-Known Member

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    yeah that's the thing about the outer lands not really being suited for multiplayer. Those portals need to be spaced out or that is what will happen. Thank you for the change in the meanwhile though :)

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