Done Need to add Terra Shatter to no-despawn list.

Discussion in 'Revelation' started by Raciper, May 23, 2018.

  1. Raciper

    Raciper Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:16 PM
    I just lost my Tier A Terra Shatter while sooking up mana from a mana pool, it neede 10,000,000 mana for next tier so was going to be a while. IT despawned right in from of my eyes. That is about 3 days of storing mana to get it to Tier A and was about anout on 20-25% to Tier S.

    Please add this to no-despawn list so does not happen to anyone else. This tell me I should be doing something else with my time, just lost three days of sitting watching that thing build up mana.
  2. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    3:16 AM
    There is no such thing as a no despawn list.
    When did it despawn? I see that you were not online the past 2 days.
  3. Ralph_Anthony

    Ralph_Anthony Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    10:16 PM
    It was my axe, I later found it was when you deleted all items (without warning) to address a lag issue at another player base.

    I have decided to take a break for minecraft for a while, this was the catalyst. I may me realize that if I was spending hours "working" for the game, I could focus instead on something that returned real value instead of the some in-game prize that would go away with the next game reset.

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