[Continuum] Slimes/Saplings on market

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Tipsied, May 27, 2018.


Should slimes/saplings be put on the market?

  1. Yes, slimes only

  2. Yes, saplings and slimey dirt only

  3. Yes, both slimes & saplings/dirt

  4. No, the struggle is real

  5. Potato

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  1. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    7:49 PM
    There seems to be a huge lack of slime islands on Continuum, causing slimes to be rare, ranging from blue, green, purple and magma.

    With how popular the server is and the amount of players there are, I think some sort of alternative solution needs to be in place. Some items like tinker construct tools require certain slimes, such as the blue one to get its effects.

    I would like to suggest putting these slimes or saplings on the market as an infinite server sale to make up for the lack of slime islands and allow all items that require slimes to be obtainable.
    Ronodil, Kisly_, JamesYong and 3 others like this.
  2. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    7:49 PM
    In just a few days of playing, I have /home points set to 3 slime islands in the Farmworld, 2 of them purple slime. I have posted a few saplings to the market earlier today and have a few more I can sell later, when and if needed.

    Only the Magma seems to be an issue, and this has been noted in other servers as well.
  3. ZxDemonxZ

    ZxDemonxZ Patron Tier 3

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    2:49 AM
    I managed to find magma saplings easy, but never found a slime island in the farmworld since i started playing the pack.
  4. Broklyn_Datroll

    Broklyn_Datroll Well-Known Member

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    7:49 PM
    Soo, if you sold a few magma saplings on the market, and I keep selling purple slime saplings.... Then problem solved :)
    Last edited: May 30, 2018
    ZxDemonxZ likes this.
  5. ZxDemonxZ

    ZxDemonxZ Patron Tier 3

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    2:49 AM
    yeah, I like your thinking, I have put up 5 magma and 5 blue saplings onto the market 250 ea, I didn't know of a decent price for them.
  6. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:49 PM
    What would the price be? That is the question. I can do this just need a price
  7. Buchabonkers

    Buchabonkers Well-Known Member

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    7:49 PM
    The big problem here is that people who do have the saplings abuse the market by setting the price too high. some of the saplings were 500mym, and seeing how you can only get currency by either voting or buying it... its a bit too much. Now if there was a way to gain currency by playing or by killing mobs, or whatever else except for voting and buying it with irl money, than the high prices would make sense.
    Ronodil, Tipsied and WishMage like this.
  8. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:49 PM
    Sell stuff on the market. :)
  9. alven4

    alven4 Well-Known Member

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    3:49 AM
    I think it would be better if recipes for saplings and slimy dirt were added instead.
  10. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:49 PM
    Not really possible
  11. Tipsied

    Tipsied Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
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    7:49 PM
    For prices, I would like to suggest:

    250 MYMs for x16 green saplings
    250 MYMs for x16 blue saplings

    The prices are based on the idea that normally with some exploring, these saplings should be easy to obtain (even without flight) and with forestry in the pack, saplings are even easier to obtain using a grafter. Assuming people vote 6-7 times (since many of Continuum’s player base is new to the network and probably do not know about the extra vote sites), spending 2.5/7 votes seem fair, especially since this pack is time gated and chunkloading is a huge aspect of this server.

    300 MYMs for x16 purple saplings
    Since purple slime islands are rare, I think it’s fitting to make them cost more.

    350 MYMs for x16 magma saplings
    Since it’s a bit more difficult in the modpack to get to the nether and since the nether is so dangerous, I think these saplings should cost the most.

    50 MYMs for a stack of slimy dirt
    Slimy dirt is easy to obtain (even now with limited islands).

    25 MYMs for x16 blue slime balls
    25 MYMs for x16 green slime balls
    Since it’s easy to get these slimes, it should not be pricey to get the slime balls.

    50 MYMs for x16 magma slime balls
    Again, the nether is dangerous and so these are a bit harder to obtain and so they should cost more.

    100 MYMs for x16 purple slime balls
    Even with saplings, the drop rate for purple slimes is so low that the price should be much higher for these slime balls.
    Last edited: Jun 7, 2018
  12. Buchabonkers

    Buchabonkers Well-Known Member

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    7:49 PM
    I think the prices seem fair
    Tipsied likes this.
  13. deepcage

    deepcage Captain Obvious has entered the building!

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    3:49 AM
    Lol set prices are stupid. stop whining about stuff being too expensive. if demand is high and supply is low, prices go up. Works like that in the real world as well, grow up and get used to being ripped off.
  14. Buchabonkers

    Buchabonkers Well-Known Member

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    7:49 PM
    I don't think anything said in this forum post warrants your kind of behavior. If you don't have anything positive to say, or anything related to what the forum post is about than don't comment at all, because no one wants to listen to your hostility.
    Pet_s, matiepie2, SirWill and 4 others like this.

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