Normal vs Expert mods

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Mr_Borne, Jun 8, 2018.

  1. Mr_Borne

    Mr_Borne Patron Tier 3

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    Why is it that expert mode is allowed crafting more items then in normal? I started looking into the mod Avaritia and there is no progression on normal servers. Why is that? This is the 3rd mod that I will not be able to enjoy progressing through. I understand disabling certain items because of duplication glitches and what not but seriously, WHY ADD IT TO THE SERVER if you can’t advance in such mods i.e. Rftools Dimension, Mystcraft and Avaritia which I was trying to complete today. You add the neutron nuggets and ingots but no way to obtain them because you can’t craft the neutron collector! I don’t want to start all over again on a new server just to enjoy these mods but seems like that is the only way. Thx for reading, keep all negative comments to yourself.
  2. Cantiel

    Cantiel Well-Known Member

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    the mods are not added to the server, they are part of the modpacks. mym usually doesn't modify modpacks, because that would heavily limit the rate of new players, as that would require everyone to access this forum and download the mym-launcher to access the servers. if they modify only server side settings (like dissabling individual items) anyone who uses the official version of the modpack can join the server, no matter which launcher they use.

    i might be wrong, but i think multi dimension mods like mystcraft & rftools are disabled due to the excessive stress they can give the servers if every player can create hundrets of new dimensions to the server files.
    most modpacks are designed for singleplayer or small <10 player servers, and require configuration, balancing & modification to run stable on big server environments like the mym network.
    as you said yourself. many items can cause glitches, exploits, crashes or straight up break the servers to the point that an admin has to restore them from a backup
    Mr_Borne likes this.
  3. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    I take it that this is Infinity we are talking about?
    Cantiel is correct, we do not modify modpacks bar to increase performance. We have not touched Avaritia, as that is added by the pack itself.
    Infinity has two pack-modes: Normal & Expert.
    Server-admins are able to switch the pack between these modes, which alters the recipes.
    Avaritia is disabled by the pack itself, when it is in "Normal" mode, and as such only available in the "Expert" mode.
    The FTB team are the people in charge that you need to talk to if you want (the pack in general) to have Avaritia in normal-mode, as they are the ones that made all the MineTweaker scripts to specifically disable all the recipes. But as they've moved on from Infinity for other packs (except to fix bugs) the likelyhood is moot to begin with.

    As for RFTools & Mystcraft: Worldgen in 1.7 is horrible. One person loading new chunks, can cause the TPS to sink from 20 to less than 5, and cause every other player to disconnect. As you can imagine, that's something we cannot allow players to have full access to. Big packs like infinity often have massive bases already lowering TPS. With players creating new worlds every day, it'd be fully unplayable.
    Mr_Borne likes this.
  4. Mr_Borne

    Mr_Borne Patron Tier 3

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    Definitely agree with you on all that. Fully understand rftools and mystcraft but Avaritia is not another dimension. The thing is though that the craftable items for this mod are not in the nei. I was told by an admin that they are in the expert mode of this server. So I went over to expert mode server mode 1 to check it out. Same thing. Maybe the mod is busted or internal recipes have changed. The thing is, is that such items don’t show. Avaritia Neutron Collecter is a craftable item in order to get neutron fragments and nuggets that show in the nei but not the actual collector. But hey thanks for the reply. Rftools and mystcraft items show but say disabled which, I guess is okay lol but missing items for a mod is not good. Well thank you for the reply, both of you.
  5. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Infinity expert mode disables all the Avaritia items, you are not supposed to craft them. The Mod is used in crafting mode, which means you only have the table.

    Which means, no neutronium collectors, no neutronium, no infinity armor, no other totally OP items of the mod, just the table for the IE custom recipes, such as the creative energy cell
  6. Mr_Borne

    Mr_Borne Patron Tier 3

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    Thank you for the reply Sandstroem. That def clears everything up!

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