Shop suggestion for infinity (Super Builders Wand)

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Ubidibity, Jun 12, 2018.


Would you buy a Super Builder Wand perk?

Poll closed Jun 29, 2018.
  1. Yes, Every time I had a big build

    3 vote(s)
  2. No, but I'd use it when it was active

    3 vote(s)
  3. No, I have no use for such a thing/don't know what it is.

    0 vote(s)
  1. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    7:03 PM
    As an upgrade to the wand we can build, and something that doesn't produce anything but only makes the game less tedious to build nice things, would it be possible to add a server shop perk to enable the super builder's wand?

    If there's a way you can make it have durability, or maybe make it be unusable except when the perk is active then I think that's something people would want enough to possibly donate for.

    Anyway, just a suggestion. I get by with the regular wand but it came up in chat, so I know I'm not the only one whos spoiled by this.
  2. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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    2:03 AM
    Why not just make one?
  3. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    7:03 PM
    Did I miss the recipe? I thought the super build wand was creative, and you could only make the regular builders wand.
  4. madek12

    madek12 Well-Known Member

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    The recipe is the same as the normal wand. You just have to make it using stable ingot made with pseudo-inversion sigil.
    ViesSPR and Ubidibity like this.
  5. SparedPumpkins

    SparedPumpkins Senior Moderator

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  6. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    Well, that's great news. I wish I had asked sooner, somehow neither me nor the other guy could figure it out, which is weird because I'm usually pretty good about using the crafting recipies in the crafting window.

    Anyway, if I could change the title then I'd change it to "how to make a super wand" instead of a request for a donor perk, but hopefully this will help others.

    I realize that because this wand is not chest loot it's not eligible for sale on the market, but those of use who are later in the game shouldn't have any trouble building one.

    Thank you for the assistance.
    [doublepost=1528846657,1528827679][/doublepost]Man that pseudo ritual is no joke, I think I'd rather pay the shop.

    None-the-less, I will try to come up with 12 potions with an actual effect and see if I can get that to work.
  7. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Btw if you have a big build check out the mod "schematica" it lets you make blueprints of something and place it down later, it even works with modded items (not too well sometimes) and it lets you build it using the items in your inventory, the best thing is however is that Mym allows this mod :D
  8. BlazeFTB

    BlazeFTB Well-Known Member

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    Yes schematica is pretty good because it allows you to build something in creative mode in single player and then save it as in mcedit schematic and then when you log into the mym server it will allow you to paste that schematic as an outline which you can then build using your resources in survival.
  9. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    7:03 PM
    Yeah I love schematica, but there are two places I use builder wands to suppliment schematica. One is that oops moment where you make an 11x11 hole in your base (and if you're lucky it's not your AE drives).

    Most the stuff is in my inventory so I'll use a builder wand and tap the stone/dirt/grass back into place. Similarly fixing other people's crazy staff holes.

    The other is under water, when I want to fill in a place with dirt so I don't get extra air blocks from sponges. I'll fill the area with dirt then remove it with an excavator.

    Schematica puts down the glass, but I put the dirt by wand because otherwise it wouldn't let me move around while it places the glass (and would attempt to keep putting in the dirt if I tried to break it).

    I think they work very well together. But I know that this is pretty much off topic.

    What this thread really boils down to now is that the super wand is pretty end game in that it takes so many discrete potions to make, and end ritual, and misc other aspects that make it non trivial.

    It also doesn't do anything to advance your state in the game (it doesn't give you aspects, it doesn't create anything new, it doesn't make your character stronger). It just saves time building repetitive shapes in a larger size than the low tier wand.

    So is that something that could be monetized into the store so lazy people like me (or newer people who are more into building and don't want to advance the whole pack just go get the wand) might be tempted to pay for the perk.

    Maybe it'd be one of those things that you pay for and everyone that's online at the time gets it in a chest or something But then I realize you'd have it forever, so if there's a way to spawn it in with durability or some other means that causes it to expire or be removed after a certain duration then it becomes an incentive to buy again.

    At the very least it seems to be craft-able so at least I learned that.
  10. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    i mean, or you could not be forced to pay for it whenever you want to build something big
  11. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    7:03 PM
    Yeah, I get it, that's why I started the thread. Other servers make that item accessible with in game currency. I was tempted to start this out by saying you should be able to buy it with the in game mym currency you can get by voting...but then I figured that maybe it'd get more traction as a cash thing.

    I didn't realize you could make it at the time, and so now I know you can it complicates the question because it's not an uncraftable item, it's just a later game pia item. And so whether or not they want to make the exception is up to them. At the end of the day, you're not forced to pay for it, you're forced to aquire it by in games means by making 16 unique potions and making the right offering in the end, and fending off the hostiles...

    Or at least that's how I read it. They lost me at 16 unique potions, I'm like...yeaaaah, I'll get to that. I have like 8, then I got sidetracked on confounding powder, and came back and updated this thread that I'm still willing to pay the server to avoid that...
  12. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    2:03 AM
    yah the psudo ritual is a pain, but it lets you make unstable ingots that dont explode after 10 seconds, it also has infinite use, i have this link that might help you
  13. Aidoneus

    Aidoneus Director Booster

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    8:03 PM
    Is this still a suggestion? I know you can craft the super builder's wand using a ritual.
  14. Ubidibity

    Ubidibity Well-Known Member

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    7:03 PM
    I can rescind the request if there's no further interest from anyone else. As I mentioned I didn't realize until after this thread that it was actually something you could get with the ritual. I also appreciate the explicit assist by brandonlk.

    I still think there are people who would probably rather just buy it, even if you made the cost steep like the crimson rights book. But my main argument evaporated once I found out you could actually craft it.

    Thanks for the consideration though, and all the input.
  15. sporefreak

    sporefreak Well-Known Member

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    8:03 PM
    The upgraded sigil with the ritual only requires vanilla items, the hardest thing would be the music discs and the nether star, no doubt someone will want to kill the dragon for you so you can just set up the ritual.
    When it asks for potions as long as they have different nbt tags it will count as a unique potion. You can use the strength potion many times, one with glowstone, redstone, gunpowder, no modifier, and if you have dragons breath you can double that number.
    As I said before the hardest thing is the music discs.

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