Decided Against Manage end game lists better

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by amice101, Jun 10, 2018.

  1. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    Instead of making one for every pack make the forum threads for it mod related for example instead of saying about infinity's thaumcraft then like 6 other packs for it it would be thaumcraft just, and some packs that vary they can have information beside the items for example
    Thaumcraft ichor if it was harder or easier on packs it would state like not classified as end game on (bla bla pack) even tho its pretty end game no matter what just using that as an example.
    This method would allow for people to get more involved into picking the end game items as people are very mod based instead of the entire modpack for example I would do alot with AE2 and go off into some other mod as I'm sure alot of other people do so it would give a more focused point on the end game lists with such an easy quick list for people to look at.
    mrminesheeps likes this.
  2. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Okay, right now we have posts specific to each pack. Yes everything is listed multiple times, but it is also very easy for someone to search for their server and see what is end game and what isn't.

    Issues I have with this idea are as follows:

    1: the list would take longer to curate every time a new server is introduced with a new modpack, especially with 1.12 packs, as they contain new mods, so an entire new list of items would need to be added, and then somehow indicate that they are not available on all other servers.

    2: the list would become very long due to different items in the same mod being end game on 1 pack, but not on another. Right now for packs like skyblocks we can simply list everything except dirt and sappling are endgame, hardmode packs can be, everything except those found in the world, with a few exceptions are endgame Those packs don't really have long lists as they have easy ways of listing, without going into detail about every item from every mod.

    3:You would need a way to sort the list either by banned items on a pack, or not banned on a pack otherwise it would be very hard for someone to go through and see what is allowed to be sold, and what is end game.
    Fireforce and Skyscape_ like this.
  3. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    So this would be incorrect as you could easily take it from the current lists plus this would allow for new packs to be easily managed when it comes to end game items instead of them taking ages and players being completely without

    Probably wouldn't be much longer than the majority of packs for packs that the majority of items is untradable then simply list that as that could be the case of like 1 sentence as you say its not that much but for the sake of other packs with these long ass lists of everything being untradeable and as I said about items that are different it would be easy enough to add something like this for an item
    Void ore miner (All Teirs untradeable in {Pack 1} {Pack 2})

    As stated above for question 2 it would be simple enough to add a small note at the end of the item to show differnt packs that are included/discluded in the end game decision.
    [doublepost=1528658793][/doublepost]Plus for your second point it could be easily constructed with user comments due to the nature of how people play focusing on certain mods with the user having alot more knowledge over that mod than most allowing for very focused attention on the list
  4. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Yes, you can take from individual lists, but what I mean by saying it would take long time to curate is, say you have your list built out already for 10 different modpacks. In comes the 11th modpack, this one is a mid difficulty pack with similar mods, but 1 or 2 new mods added in. First, they would have to go through every item on the list and determine if it is in the pack, and then determine if it is end game or not.

    No current post about end game lists contain any mods outside of the ones in the specific pack, so they are limited in length by that. Once you combine all packs into 1 list you will have a large list just because a bunch of mods won't be in pack A, but are in pack B.

    Just adding a small note at the end wouldn't help someone searching through a long list of items unless the entire list can be sorted by Modpack A, or exclude items not found in Modpack A, then sort remaining by endgame vs not endgame.

    Do you see what I am trying to get at? Right now, new modpack comes out, and just need to make 1 post. Then someone who wants to know what is endgame on the pack their are playing just needs to look at the post about that pack. They are already largely sorted by mods in the pack, so if you want to see about AE2 for example, just skim down to where it is listed.
    chugga_fan and Skyscape_ like this.
  5. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    You seem to keep repeating yourself when I answer you
    "Yes, you can take from individual lists, but what I mean by saying it would take long time to curate is, say you have your list built out already for 10 different modpacks." I already said a note would be added beside the item for example {Item 1} has trade bans on these 10 servers but the hardcore one comes out for 1 it would already be on the ban list and 2 its easy enough to add items to the list IE the whole purpose of the list would you rather add a few items to a list noting ({Item1} Trade banned on {Hardcore Modpack1} or create a whole list the idea is once you have something banned you can modify the list with ease instead of creating a whole new list, take the server I currently play on continuum where is the trade ban list? exactly there is non according to that I can technically trade anything I want as sure theres no item list for it you cant really punish players for doing something if there's no actual thing on it saying you cant then in all right they're right to trade it but with a basic list it regulates that adding a common sense factor showing what the common items are for new players and for players currently confused about it.

    "No current post about end game lists contain any mods outside of the ones in the specific pack, so they are limited in length by that. Once you combine all packs into 1 list you will have a large list just because a bunch of mods won't be in pack A, but are in pack B. "

    Thats the whole point in the list if the mod is not in your game what are you gona do? Nothing its not in your pack for a reason no point in looking at it its about a globalisation of information on trade bans as I've stated in my previous reply

    Just adding a small note at the end wouldn't help someone searching through a long list of items unless the entire list can be sorted by Modpack A, or exclude items not found in Modpack A, then sort remaining by endgame vs not endgame.

    "Do you see what I am trying to get at? Right now, new modpack comes out, and just need to make 1 post. Then someone who wants to know what is endgame on the pack their are playing just needs to look at the post about that pack. They are already largely sorted by mods in the pack, so if you want to see about AE2 for example, just skim down to where it is listed."

    So you want player to waste time filtering through some other pack with the same mod the exact purpose in my list idea nobody is gona do that it takes way too much time trying to filter through other lists
    [doublepost=1528667049][/doublepost]I honest to god never see anyone following modpack trade bans unless its very very end game like a complete thaumcraft research sharing tome nobody.
    Its not hard to look though a list like this
    With mods that occur in pretty much every pack it filters out so much unnecessary work for staff and players.

    Thaumcraft (Very common pack)
    {Item 1}
    {Item 2}
    {Item 3}
    {Item 4} (Banned in hardcore mode)

    AE2 (Don't know of a pack which doesn't have AE2)
    {Item 1}
    {Item 2}
    {Item 3}

    Witchery (On alot of packs)
    {Item 1}
    {Item 2}
    {Item 3}

    Advanced rocketry
    {Item 1}
    {Item 2}
    {Item 3}
    [doublepost=1528667705,1528666646][/doublepost]Here is an example of the infinity one that could transfer through most packs if not all. (General list instead of modpack specific)


    Any seeds that are not world drops
    Any seeds that require breeding
    And world drop seeds that have stats higher than 1/1/1

    Advanced Solar Panels
    All Items

    Applied Energistics

    Blood Magic
    Any orb at or above T2 (Apprentice Blood Orb)
    Any Sigils
    Any bound items, or derivatives (Sanguine)
    Weak Blood Shard & Demon Blood shard
    Any Altar runes
    Blood runes
    Complex spell crystals
    Complex spell parts
    Life Shard & Soul Shard

    Any Alfheim Materials
    Gaia Spirits
    Wills of ... (all the wills are classed as endgame)
    Any sash

    Draconic Evolution
    Dragon Hearts
    Charged Draconium blocks
    Awakened Draconuim Ingot
    Awakened Core
    All Draconic Tools and Weapons (not Wyvern)
    All Draconic Armour (not Wyvern)
    Chaos Shard

    Extra Utilities
    Activated Division Sigil or Pseudo-Inversion Sigil or anything made using them
    Angel Wings
    Ender Quarry

    Gravation Suite

    Forestry/Magical bees/Extra Bees/Gendustry/Genetics
    All Non-Mundane bees are not allowed for trade.
    (Mundane bees are found in hives in the world.)
    Draconic Chunks
    Draconic Dust
    Essence of Scornful Oblivion
    Oblivion Frames
    Any Alveary parts
    Royal Jelly
    Pollen Cluster
    Any gene extracted from Bees/Trees/Flowers

    IndustrialCraft 2
    MFSU (and Charge pad version)
    Mass fabricator
    Iridium Reinforced Plate
    QuantumSuit Armour
    Iridium Drill

    Simply Jetpacks
    Any teir past 1

    Solar Expasion
    Ultimate Solar Panel

    No Research Sharing with players! Unless in your group/team
    Ichor or Any Ichor related Item
    Celestial Gate and Foci
    Bottle of Taint
    Any Thaumcraft item that requires research - Clarification : Items that are COMMON Loot from Dungeon Chests are exempt

    Tinkers Construct
    Heart Canisters (yellow and green)

    Witchery (WIP)
    Transmission of Vampire/Werewolf State.

    - Any Item that gives creative flight abilities
    Last edited: Jun 11, 2018
  6. TrashGothAoife

    TrashGothAoife Consultant

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    Let me be clear, I am not against a unified list of all the endgame items being put into 1 list, I am just against it being done in the same method as the current one is per modpack because it could cause confusion and/or be harder to go through without some method of filtering/sorting.

    IF a list could be created to use something like mysql so that we could then filter by modpack, then a player viewing that list would just be presented with the items specific to their pack rather than all items across all packs that are endgame. And at the same time, how do you combine a list that lists specific items that are considered end game, vs one that lists the tradeable items? skyblock endgame list vs normal modpack list for example. Do you add every possible item/mod in the pack and list it as endgame? These are the things I am trying to get you to address.
    Skyscape_ likes this.
  7. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    As you can see from my reply I personally know most packs use those mods some drop some are gained that's how modpacks are so it would be the base of mods at the start then you'll find the new mods near the bottom of the list being recently added. plus this list could teach us all about creating a global list for the server instead of adding all this unnecessary work
  8. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    Every mod pack is different, therefore different lists exist for each pack. Somethings are universal and are listed in every pack. While I understand your position in a unified list, it breaks down into three basic packs, HQM, Expert and Normal. Even with this basic idea there would still need to be separate lists for each situation, followed by an expectation that a player would understand and check the appropriate post. Furthermore, even with this breakdown it is imperfect. Compare B-Team to Infinity, both are normal packs,but B-Team follows much different ore generation diamonds are essentially worthless as they generate everywhere, Infinity follows normal ore generation making diamonds more rare and valuable. While neither pack considers them end game, this is just a small example of how different things can be in a pack. With separate lists players generally point players to the end game list for that server somewhat policing themselves.

    As for policing the end game trading publicly, this is not entirely possible for our staff, there simply aren't enough of us to police every chat looking for rogue items being bandied about. We do check the markets, but again there are more players than staff in this regard so chances are a player who focuses on a singular mod pack is going to notice things going awry on the market before we do.
    Skyscape_ likes this.
  9. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    Public chats cant do anything from a message to the player that wants an items they shouldn't be getting and in most cases the other player trading wont care Plus as I stated for your problem Wyndman there could be small notes which differ if a pack has it banned or not for example to your problem being diamonds are actually considered end game for Infinity it could be done like this
    Diamonds (Banned on infinity)
  10. GreyWolf11

    GreyWolf11 Former Staffer

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    I see nothing wrong with the way we do things at the moment. Nor do I see anything to be gained from changing a system that has nothing wrong with it(in my experience)
    The way we do things (Separate lists for each modpack) is the most sensible way to keep things organized in my opinion.
  11. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    This just feels like reinventing the wheel, maintaining a singular list for the many variables present in each pack is a much larger headache.
    GreyWolf11 and Peace7904 like this.
  12. amice101

    amice101 Well-Known Member

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    9:19 AM
    It will have more impact damage obviously but the overall maintenance will be so much easier
    [doublepost=1528934063][/doublepost]Why's there no continuum list then?
  13. tonalom

    tonalom Well-Known Member

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    Continuum is a relatively new pack here on MyM, and endgame lists are usually put together some time after the pack is listed.

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