More frequent farmworld resets

Discussion in 'Suggestions and Feedback' started by Rekalty, Jun 28, 2018.


Secondary world resets should happen:

  1. Weekly

  2. Biweekly

  3. Monthly (Unchanged)

  1. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    10:45 PM
    As per Info - Automatic Farmworld Resets | MineYourMind Community

    I suggest that we make most if not all monthly resets, weekly instead. Farmworld and Nether in particular quickly get pillaged, resulting in anyone being just a few hours/days late to join a server, unable to even get the chance to obtain worldgen "treasures", having to wait several weeks to even get the chance to do so. While it rarely hampers progression, some people like going exploring and getting rewarded with treasures, but it quickly becomes a waste of time when people discover that everything has been pillaged already, and that the next reset is likely weeks away. It would make newcomers more engaged and willing to explore. The End is already on a weekly reset and it works really well there, I've spend far more time exploring there than I have elsewhere, because I always felt like there was a fairly good chance that I would find un-looted End Forts, while going to Farm/Nether specifically to look for loot, is pretty much not a thing I find myself doing anymore, due to the monthly reset.

    TL;DR - Make most if not all secondary worlds reset weekly, to give players new to a server more reason to explore.

    Edith: If you vote, please post your reasoning, it's fine that you disagree but it would be nice to know why.
    Last edited: Jun 28, 2018
    ArkaneDragon likes this.
  2. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    In my opinion, and this may sound harsh but bare with me. I think for most modpacks this is a terrible idea. Most modpacks have the ability to quarry said secondary worlds for resources. Having to consistently pick up your stuff and remove it every week or other week would be a nightmare. In addition, the likelihood of the player's losing said quarries and so on would skyrocket and cause more harm than good. It's a first come first serve basis, like the end is. And on most modpacks, from my experience which I could be mistaken, most "treasures" aren't necessarily THAT great. Plus, some players can set up means to teleport to those locations anyway and loot them regardless of weekly, biweekly, or monthly reset. Another problem, for those of us that do blood magic and want to summon a demon village, having a small window to a. Summon it, b. Let it grow out and get the resources from it. Would be horrible. You'd be spending millions of resources consistently to get small amounts of rewards. Whereas presently you can have a whole month to let it grow out and loot it for a fair punt of resources. If you ask me, the negatives of having a more frequent reset far out weight the positiges. I do apologize if this sounds like I'm attacking you. It's a good idea and suggestion don't get me wrong, but based on some of the reasons I e provided, I don't feel this would be a wise thing to do.
    ContinuedAsh and GreyWolf11 like this.
  3. Rekalty

    Rekalty Well-Known Member

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    I understand your reasoning when it comes to the farmworld, all though once you've had a quarry run for a few minutes, you usually get more than enough to build several more of them, it's currently not the responsibility of staff that people forget to remove their stuff, and sure, this would mean people would have to do so more often, but it still leaves several days of running operations for people, and with mods like EnviromentalTech, few even need to have an actual Quarry running anyway. But, how would this apply to the Nether? I don't see people quarrying there, and with most packs having SirWili's EnderTank, no pumping for lava either. At most, a few people build Wither farms, but the ones I've run into seem to have been built in minutes at most, making it easy enough to rebuild them.

    I don't see you offering your opinion as an attack, and I certainly get most of your views, which is why I asked people to voice their opinions, on top of voting ;)
    ArkaneDragon likes this.
  4. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    You have good points, I won't disregard that. And your right about the nether. But a fair amoutn of people do build either farms and it'd get to be annoying to set them up and tear then down every week or other week, even if it is only a few minutes or so at a time. Perhaps an alternative for the nether could be looked into such as possibly resetting it biweekly but I still don't feel like it's completely necessary to do it so often anyway even if people do loot it quickly. Think about it this way. If it was reset weekly or biweekly, people would be able to get those loots faster and easier, yes. However, so would those that already have them and would exploit it and be able to obtain massive quantities of the loot. We'd end up back at square one but worse as now a select few luckily players are barrelling into endgame whereas the rest or still stuck with the grind. I don't think there is an easy solution to this problem. Honestly, I've myself found untouched nether fortresses scattered about weeks into the reset of the month. I think as well, it's a problem of that some players are too lazy to actually travel around and find the fortresses that aren't already raided.
    Anne_Marry likes this.
  5. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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    What about a quarry world for just quarrys that resets monthly but the farmworld nether and end all reset weekly to keep top supplies restocked
    Rekalty likes this.
  6. chaseB2

    chaseB2 Well-Known Member

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    That'd be a bad idea as a. We technically already have a quarry type world in most modpacks being the deep dark. However, yes that is more of an endgame location and such. Now if we were to make a quarry world similar to that of the farmworld what would make it any different from the farmworld? An additional world being added to the rest would be more strain on the servers and could cause more preformance problems.
    Anne_Marry likes this.
  7. ArkaneDragon

    ArkaneDragon Kappa Pride Forever

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  8. FuzzyHarpyBug

    FuzzyHarpyBug A little bit Fuzzy

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    This is definitely an issue that varies dramatically from server to server. On most of the skyblock packs the current schedule seems to work fine. On many of the quest based non-skyblock packs I think a weekly reset would improve the quality of life for nearly everyone, even with the need to pick up and move quarries and spawner setups.

    Now... If you had proposed this three years ago, I would have disagreed entirely. It seems we have a lot more players coming through recently, and far more donors than ever before. This is causing problems that did not exist until recently. I have personally seen people join and play for a few hours and then leave the network because one of the secondary worlds had been rendered unusable through overfarming.
    ArkaneDragon and Rekalty like this.
  9. Anne_Marry

    Anne_Marry Well-Known Member

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    on divine journey i traveled quite a bit in past week and so in nether... the only fortress i found after flying around in all4 corners for hundres of blocks... was one at 900 blocks of spawn .. and was raided .... aslso ... scorcers and ghasts.. such a rare view... after a week of going to nether .. last night i seen my first ghast, and my forst purple blaze ... i fell so much in love with the ghast ..that i adopted it and placed it in my magick room :))) i m unsure i will see another ghast too soon
    Rekalty likes this.
  10. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    10:45 PM
    On the other side we get requests to don't reset as often or allow wither farms/quarries in the overworld.
    There is no perfect way to handle this but I think it is good balanced how it is right now.

    A better solution would be to add recipes for rare items.

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